chapter 4

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alright time for chapter 4

Laying on the floor because you're bored is one of the most boring things to do, even if you're laying on Kawaii-kun's feet.

"Kawaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiii-kuuuuuuuuun~ Chi's bored!" I whined for about the tenth time today making Kankuro, who was cleaning his puppets, groan in frustration.

"Gaaah, Chi-hime can't you just go to sleep already and be quiet!!!" I pout and give him my puppy dog eyes.

"Wa-wah... FINE! Geez, no wonder you have all the guys in the village falling for you." he muttered with a blush on his face.

"Hmmm... Kan-baka what does that mean, Chi doesn't understand... why would guys fall on the ground for Chi?" everyone looked at me with disbelief on their faces.

"You're kidding right Chi-hime, I mean you're a freaking princess but you don't know what it means. Come on all the guys in Suna drool over you, heck even the chunin do and their older than you, you got to know that you're one of the only pretty girls in Suna...!"


"Shit!!! What the heck Temari why'd you hit me for, it's the truth!! You even say how adorable Chi-hime is!!!"

"That's different than saying she's the only cute girl in the village you idiot!!" giggling I roll on the floor while also getting off of Kawaii-kun's feet.

"What are you serious, no girl is as drool worthy as Chi-hime, there's no comp-....."


"You idiot you just say that because I'm your sister!!" Temari yelled with a tick mark. "Of course it's not like I'm going to say my own sister is drool worthy that would just be plain weird!!!" Kankuro countered with a weirded out face.

Now I was full on laughing and clutching my stomach from the laughter. I didn't realize that Kawaii-kun had picked me up and was holding me on his lap until after my laughing episode.

I turned to Kawaii-kun to see him looking at me with his eyes that he always gave me and the small smile that only I get now a days.

"Aaaawww how ADORABLE!!!" Temari whisper-shouted.

I couldn't turn to face her because I was lost in the sea-foam eyes of my Kawaai-kun.

"Oww! what... Temari where are you... come on it's getting good for once... Oooow! Alright already, geeez."

I didn't know what they were doing but I know for a fact that Kawaii-kun was almost leaning in on my face. But I didn't know if it was him, me, or both of us that were leaning in really.

All I really knew was that our faces were getting closer and closer until I felt I was in heaven.

Kawaii-kun's lips were meeting mine and really it felt like the world could end and we wouldn't of cared.

His lips were soft and warm, and tasted slightly like dango, maybe because we were eating dango before. But I couldn't of cared because either way it felt and tasted amazing.

Sadly though we needed to breath so we separated. Stupid air, you either ruin or perfect the moment make up your mind!!

"Hime your face is red." he said with the chibi smile on his face.

O////O "What... it's not... the... KAWAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIII-KUUUUUN!!!" I covered my face with my hads but of course Kawaii-kun stopped one of my hands.

"I think you look adorable when your face is red Hime." Kawaii-kun pecked my cheek making my face even redder, which in turn made me faint.

"Nothing could ever make you look less beautiful, you are my Hime and mine alone." Kawaii-kun pecked my forehead and laid down with my fainted body on the couch.

Yay I gave you guys some action of Chi and Gaara I say it's adorable but that's just me so enjoy!!! @(oo)@

Blood Is Love? (Gaara love story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now