Chapter 3

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Sorry for the wait but I just got internet back so please don't be mad and hope you enjoy and you haven't please look back to the other chapters since I edited them.


"NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" bolting straight up from the bed I run to the kitchen to my secret stash to see my dumplings gone.

"KAN-BAKA PREPARE TO DIE YOU PIECE OF S**T!!!!!" storming through the house I finally find him hiding in the closet of Temari's room.

"NOOOOO, It was an accident Chi HIme! I didn't mean to eat your dumplings!!" smirking I tilt my head down to where you can't see my eyes but can see my sadistic smile that most call blood thirsty.

"Hime it's time to go you can kill other ninjas instead of Kankuro." lifting my head slightly I turn to Kawaii-kun, kill other ninjas? I wasn't allowed to kill unless on a mission.

"Aaaaawww but Kawaii-kun Chi was about to finally get his blood, it's B you know that's one of the top best blood type." a smirk was my only answer before he left the room towards ours.

"Wait Kawaii-kun what did you mean before about leaving, where we going?"

2 minutes later

"Kawaii-kun can you carry Chi?" making my signature puppy dog look that so far no one has been able to say no to.

"What, that's not fair Chi-Hime, you always make that adorable look when you want something so no one can say no, I mean come on not even Gaara has said no to you, and he's as mean looking as anyone!" I turned to him and give him my glare that could make anyone scared.

"Kawaii-kun isn't mean looking, Kawaii-kun looks kawaii!! Now say he looks kawaii you meany puppet!"

"I ain't saying that it would sound weird even if any guy did say that!" kicking his shin repeatedly until he was on the ground rolling away did he finally say it.

"Hime-sama please we need to get to the chunin exams in the leaf before the tests begin to investigate the forces of the ninjas." I looked up to Ba-tou with wide eyes with slight admiration, out of all the people in Suna Ba-tou was the only one to treat me as if I were his daughter.

"Okay, Ba-tou but only because it's you." he smiled at me and continued walking ahead of us as leader.

"Even Baki-sensei has no defence against her." muttered Kan-baka. I smacked the back of his head and quickly got on the back of my Kawaii-kun.

At the Leaf Village

"Alright you three head to the hotel while I go and inform the Hokage of our arrival before they make a fuss about us here without introducing ourselves to him. And don't cause any trouble Kankuro or you'll get a beating from not only me but Hime-sama and Gaara, got that."

"Why is it always me that gets this talk and not Temari!" everyone deadpanned. "Because you're the one with the short temper." Ba-tou said before disappearing.

"Chi wants to get FOOOOD!! Come on Kawaii-kun food awaits!!" I jump off his back and run to where I see the food stands pulling Kawaii-kun with me as we head to a dumpling shop.

Kankuro's POV

"What's with Chi-Hime and sweets it's like every time she talks she needs more and more food, and Gaara tolerates her like it's nothing to him at all." I sighed walking to no where the hotel was,

"Idiot don't you see Gaara loves Chi-chan more than anything in the world, he would do anything for her to keep her happy." sighed Temari in her own world. Girl's and their fantasies these days, nothing but prince charming coming and saving them from some big and scary monster.

Blood Is Love? (Gaara love story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now