Chapter 5

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It was time for the chunin exams and of course we were early as usual. At least Kawaii-kun stopped to get me dumplings.

When we got to the second floor of the building we were going to take the exams, there were 'boys' stopping the idiot genins who couldn't see through the jutsu.

"Hime, let's go you don't need to trouble yourself with low lifes like them." Kawaii-kun said holding my hand and pulling me up the stairs to the third floor.

"You know it's pretty stupid to see the almighty leaf ninjas getting fooled by a stupid jutsu like that. I thought all leaf ninjas are supposed to be strong and smart." Kan-baka gloated like he was the smartest man alive... pft yeah right.

As we were getting close to the room door for the first exam we saw a leaf jonin standing by it. He had his head band covering his left eye and had half his face covered by a mask, an had white hair.

"Seems the sand genin are smarter than I thought they were." he muttered thinking we didn't hear him.

I smirked and licked my lips. 'His blood, a B type blood, just like Kankuro.'

"Tell Chi, your blood is B type correct, Chi wonders how it would taste. Would it be spicy or sweet? It always depends on the personality that gives it that special umff of flavor." I smiled looking at him in the face.

He looked slightly disturbed but also as if he just realized something. 'Wonder if he just realized that I am the bloody princess?'

"Not here... everyone... could die." he muttered before he disappeared.

"Hime you scared him off." Kawaii-kun smiled towards me.

"Lets get inside and take our seats." he said walking into the room.

"Kawaii-kun open wide!!!!" I put the dumpling to Gaara's closed mouth waiting for him to open it.

"Chi-chan I don't think Gaara wants any dumplings, I think he would rather stay seated and rest his mind." Temari tried to discourage me of my feeding Kawaii-kun.

"Nooo!!!! Kawaii-kun has to eat!" I pouted while sitting on the table infront of the seat Kawaii-kun was sitting in.

"Chi-chan can't you just sit on a seat instead of sitting like that it could give people the wrong idea." pleaded Temari.

"But then that means Chi wont be able to feed Kawaii-kun properly." I pouted again.

"Wait Chi has an idea!!" I cheered getting off the table and sitting on Kawaii-kun's lap straddling him.


"Temari just leave her alone she can do what ever she wants." Kawaii-kun sighed not opening his eyes and eating the dumpling I still had at his lips.

"Chi's sleepy." yawning I lay my head on Kawaii-kun's shoulder and nuzzle my face in his neck.

Gaara's pov

'She's the only one that I will ever let in my heart, yet she always finds a way to get deeper than she already was.' wrapping my arm around her waist I bring her closer and rest my eyes.

'She's the only reason I could actually sleep for a while. Shukaku says it's because she's blood making him crave it less.' getting startled awake I see it was the blonde idiot from the team Kankuro bumped into a few days ago.

"Those idiots better not wake my Hime up, or I will kill them all." I said to Temari and Kankuro who turned to the leaf genin and gave them glares.

'They may not show it often but they care for Hime as if she were there own little sister.' thinking that I look at Hime. She was still sleeping and had a dumpling in her mouth.

Not being able to stop I laughed at how adorable she looked, scaring both Temari and Kankuro who looked at Hime and smiled.

"You know Gaara, we can't wait until you two get married and she actually gets to be considered our sister." Kankuro smiled. Turning away from both of them so they don't see my slight blush I think of how it would be like to have Hime as my wife.

'She would be known as Princess Chi no Subaku." I smiled at how it would make her smile.

~PAST~ Gaara-7, Chi-6

"Hime what are you doing."

"Silly Kawaii-kun, what does it look like Chi is doing. Chi is giving Kawaii-kun Chi's heart!" little Chi said peircing her chest with her hand where her heart is.

"What but you can't take out your heart or you could die!" screamed little Gaara.

"Silly Kawaii-kun, if Chi gives Kawaii-kun her heart Chi wont die unless they hurt Kawaii-kun." little Chi said removing a small stone from her chest. She tied it to a string making it into a necklace.

"Now Chi will only die if meanies attack Kawaii-kun and break the stone." little Chi said this while tying the necklace around Gaara's neck.


'To this day I can still feel it beat as if it were still in her chest. When she's excited, sad, mad, and even when I'm around her her heart beats faster. Beating right next to mine. I hold her heart and never would I let anyone hurt it.' with that I tighten my hold on her making her sigh in contentment into my neck.

'Soon Hime, we will get married and you will always stay by my side. And even make a family with me.'

Blood Is Love? (Gaara love story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now