Chapter 2*

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I was making food for everyone again after we cleaned the kitchen when I felt sand surround me. It was getting a bit hard to move so I just used my special jutsu that I use when Kawaii-kun is trying to get me.

"It's not fair when you use your jutsu Hime." Not turning around I taste my delicious soup.

' Yummy yummy in Chi's tummy, none for you cuz you'll be in Chi's tummy!'

"Hime are you trying to ignore me?"

'Ooooooh another good song Chi knows that Chi just made up, Chi loves you, you love Chi, so please come over here, so Chi can give you STD, won't you come over here!!! Hehe that's funny. Especially since Chi doesn't even have STD. All of Chi's toes are normal sized and aren't affected by the Small Toe Disease.'


'Wonder how it would be if someone actually sang that? Would people who have small toes be sad?'

Feeling something grab me from behind just made me go all super ninja on them.

"Hahh in your face!! Ooooooh hey Kawaii-kun what you doing here with Chi?" tilting my head slightly to the side with one hand raised above my head about to bring it down to karate chop.

"You were ignoring me again." I blink a few times until I get it registered in my head.

"Ooooooh right! Chi was cooking and then Kawaii-kun came in. Sorry kawaii-kun Chi forgot."

'I wonder if a cat always lands on it's feet?'

Gaara's pov

'She's always like this since the massacre. She does things while she thinks of the most random things to say. Like last time I asked her to tell me what she was thinking about.'

Flash back

"Hime I want to know why you always space out, what are you thinking?"

"Ooooooh so Kawaii-kun wants to know what Chi is thinking okay Chi will tell her Kawaii-kun!"

Little did I know that was a mistake to ever ask to Chi.

"Why don't elephants have eggs instead of full babies?"

"............... What?"

"Do lizards have a little Mr. man too?"

"......" A Mr. man? 0///0

"Can Chi lay an egg?"

"What if there was a monkey that was a super monkey?"

"Kawaii-kun where do babies come from? Te-Nee says that they come from a big bird, and Kan-baka said something about puppets but Chi got bored so Chi went to Ba-tou and he said Chi's not old enough then ran away while shouting about birds and bees."

O/////O 'I should of just let her think that instead of saying it.

Present time

"So Kawaii-kun can you taste this and tell Chi if it's good enough?" she may have been my first friend but I somehow saw her differently than just a friend. Why? What is that feeling that I get when I am with her. I should just ask Temari about it, she would know since she has the age over the three of us, and seems to know more than all of us put together on this topic.

"Hime I thought you weren't going to let me taste any?" I cross my arms and smirk at her pouting lips. She always likes having her way but when it comes to me she seems to forget the things she tells herself she won't do.

"But Kawaii-kun has to taste it, Chi can't let Te-Nee or Kan-baka to taste it first it won't be the same!!" How she seems so different than the others still amazes me but when she comes to battling someone she becomes a monster. A monster that can barely be controlled.

I was able to control her when she was training because I was holding her hand the whole time but when she does lose control we have to use a blind fold from her clan that she got before the killing. It is to help control her when she gets too out of control. It consists of multiple seals that are meant to contain and seal all chakra entirely without using chains or a circle. It is only effective when worn so it can easily broken. On our upcoming mission to the leaf will be different since there will be no need for the blindfold at all.

In some twisted way I can't wait for the exams to come, we'll be leaving in 2 days to attend them.

I wonder how Hime will react when she finds out that we're leaving since I'm sure she wasn't paying attention.


"Hime wake up we need to start getting ready to leave." but of course like every other day she ignores my calls and just sleeps.

And since she was practically on top of me I couldn't really move. Sigh sometimes I wonder how I love her so much.

That reminds me when Temari told me that the feelings I was having for HIme were of me loving her I couldn't really believe her until Shukaku started making fun of me.

"Hime, Kankuro ate your last dumpling."

Blood Is Love? (Gaara love story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now