Chapter 17

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The next match was about to start between a girl and a lazy looking guy from the leaf. It's strange how all the leaf genin have the same atmosphere of this niceness to them.

If I remember correctly the leaf that fought so far haven't actually killed someone yet other than the kinky guy and the guy that the Uchiha fought against.

The match was not as interesting as it could have been though when the girl hit her head with the wall I couldn't help but laugh until tears were rolling down my eyes.

"It must of really been funny for you Hime..." Kawaii-kun smiled down at me while I was still in his arms.

"Well of course! Didn't Kawaii-kun see how hard that girl hit her head!!" I continued laughing looking down at how the lazy guy was explaining how he won.

It was when the next names were being named on the board that I looked to see if my Kawaii-kun was next yet. Sadly it wasn't his turn but a guy with a puppy and the blonde dude.

"The 8th match... Uzumaki Naruto vs.. Inuzuka Kiba!" That sick guy must really not want to get better if he is still there talking.

The doggy guy was getting on the blondes nerves making him start to yell though I didn't really care much about it since it wasn't my Kawaii-kun fighting yet.

During most of the match I was just playing with Kawaii-kun's hair making it go from all combed to the right to all combed to the left. I even did the whole slicked back hair do and the in the face hair. But since Kawaii-kun doesn't have much hair it wasn't really in his face.

I was currently just passing my hand through Kawaii-kun's hair when I heard some multiple blondes saying a move of something I wasn't really hearing. I turn around and see the blonde standing while the doggy guy was on the ground face down.

"Winner!! Uzumaki Naruto!!" that dude really needs to take some couch drops or his voice is gonna go out.

The next match was slightly interesting though. It was the last two kids from the lady's team.

The match between Tenki Taki vs. Mitsu Nami. The girl had foggy grey eyes and light blue hair that reached her waist and was wearing a dark blue kimono type shirt with white shorts. Her pouches were behind her and she had a pair of hand size fans on her back. The boy had brown hair that was sticking everywhere and blue eyes that looked like the water. He had on a black shirt with dark blue shorts and his pouches all over his legs.

"Are you ready Nami... I'm not gonna go easy on you like in the practice matches..." said the boy who strangely had a weird deep voice.

The match had a lot of pointy weapons and even a cool water jutsu that I wasn't paying attention to since really plain water wasn't much my way to go.

It was a pretty eventful match with the both fighters getting multiple cuts and having blood ooze out from them. Though since they so kindly decided they weren't going to use their blood I decided to take it and make use of it myself.

Now if you go thinking Chi why would you just take something that isn't even yours?

Well the answer is pretty simple................................................ I wanted all of those jutsu's. They're not dead so I don't see the problem at all in why it would be bad for me to take their blood with out them knowing.

"You just took someone's blood without their permission again didn't you..." whispered Kawaii-kun from behind.

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.................................................... Chi was just looking at how pretty their blood was......................................................................................(Insert Gaara's 'I don't believe you so tell me the truth' stare here)....................................... Okay Chi was going to take their blood without them knowing and so that Chi will be able to take their jutsu's and not have to just kill them so Chi just took the blood they already spilt." I mumbled looking at the ground fidgeting my fingers and not looking at my Kawaii-kun.

"Well you're trying to change then aren't you......" sighed Kawaii-kun with a slight frown smile thing that I don't know is the name of but Kawii-kun was doing it.

"I'm confusing you aren't I...." Kawaii-kun smirked at me knowing very well that with his facial expression he was confusing me and making me have to think about what he was trying to get across.

"Kawaii-kun is being very mean to Chi... he's being too confusing that Chi can't tell what he's trying to tell Chi." I pouted turning away from Kawaii-kun and looking at the end of the match with the guy winning.

"Hime are you mad at me now...?" That was the death of me. To think that Kawaii-kun thought that I would ever be mad at him.

"Chi would never be mad at her Kawaii-kun!!" I cried glompping him making him stagger slightly.

"That's all I need to hear from my Hime." Kawaii-kun mumbled into my hair as he hugged me back lifting me into the air where my feet weren't touching the ground anymore.

"It still makes me wonder how those two can love each other so much..." muttered Kan-baka towards Temari.

"Just shut up and leave that sweet hearts alone you idiot. Plus you're only mad because you had a thing for Chi-chan when you first met her until Gaara threatened to kill you if you didn't leave Chi-chan alone." chuckled Temari.

"Well you would of listened to him to if he had you in his sand coffin, plus Chi-hime is the only one that can ever escape that sand." grumbled Kan-baka while crossing his arms like a little kid.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! That just reminded me of my mini Kawaii-kun's!!!

I liquefied myself and appeared in front of Kan-baka and started to go through his puppet wrap thing. I was ignoring Kan-baka's cries for me to get away from Crow and his flying fists until I found the one thing that I was looking for.


I quickly to the top off the bottle and splashed everywhere making everyone be drenched in the juice.

"WHAT THE F*CK!!!!!! ARE YOU SERIUOS LY MENTAL RIGHT NOW CHI-HIME!!!!!!??" shouted Kan-baka making everyone turn towards us and see that we were all drenched in juice and smelled soooo good.

"Chi is getting Chi's mini Kawaii-kun's of course!" I cheer making Kan-baka face palm himself and Temari to fall on the ground laughing.

"Hime if you want to have mini me's then you can get some after the exams." whispered Kawaii-kun into my ear making me go weak in the knees and fall towards the ground but get caught by Kawaii-kun making everything swoon.

Kawaii-kun was going to get me mini Kawaii-kun's.

So my lovely blood cells don't forget to leave me an awesome message which I love to read.

Also don't forget to vote.

And lastly thank you to those who decided to join my lovely blood cells in reading this story that I am proud to say is mine and my sister's joined personality. So if you read something interesting and you have never heard of before, thank our amazing minds and awesome personality.

Blood Is Love? (Gaara love story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now