Chapter 7

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We were in the classroom full of weird idiots. All they did since I told them who I was was look at me like a monster under their bed from when they were kids.

"Kawaii-kun those mean people are looking at Chi funny, can Chi kill them?" pouting at Kawaii-kun I can see that he was giving everyone a death glare that could kill the devil and bury him 10 ft. under.

"If you value your pathetic lives you'll stop looking at her and mind your own business before I end it myself." smiling I wrap my arms around Kwaii-kun and nuzzle me head in his neck.

"We need to start the first exam Princess Ketsueki-san." the man from before said with a smaller voice than before.

"Chi doesn't want to take your stupid exam but if Chi has to for her Kawaii-kun then Chi will do your exam." getting up from Kawaii-kun's lap I sit next to him and stare at all the people here.

"Alright you'll all come up and choose a card, each card will have a number that will tell you where you'll be sitting." getting up from my seat all the people end up moving to a side that they wouldn't be able to even touch me.

"Look Kawaii-kun Chi has number 30, what does her Kawaii-kun have?" looking at his card he frowns. "Number 19."

"No! You stupid man give Kawaii-kun Number next to Chi!" growling at the man with the cards he cowards away.

"Hime calm down, I wont be that far away." holding me back by wrapping his arms around my torso I flail around in chibi form.

"No if Kawaii-kun isn't by Chi, Chi will be Chime." 'Anything but being Chime here, if Chime comes out I might hurt Temari, Kankuro, or even Kawaii-kun. She wont care who is her opponent, she wont stop until the blind fold or rose are on me.'

"Don't worry Hime I wont let her come out no matter what." holding my hand he squeezes it lightly making me smile at how gentle he is when it involves me.

"Promise you wont let Chime out and hurt Kawaii-kun." he smiled and squeezed my hand again.

"I promise not to let her out and hurt me or the siblings." smiling I tip-toe and peck his cheek.

While we were all seated I turn my head slightly to see that Kawaii-kun was a row down and 1 seat to my left. 'He's not that far so that monster wont come out and hurt anyone.'

Not paying any attention to the man I just turn my test over and do the test.

'These questions aren't even hard, I could do these within the first five minutes.' smiling I do just that. Once I'm done I start to make random lines on the back of he test.

"Number 30 your out." looking at the man I see he was the same man from before from the second floor with a bandage wrapped on his face.

Smirking I stand up and walk up to him.

"Tell me what did Chi do that would make you call Chi's number out?" tilting my head with a slight crazed smile on my face, that I knew was making him scared even more than he already was.

"You need to leave with your team." he gulped looking up at me since he was still sitting.

"Oh but tell Chi what Chi did wrong, or you man will die." gulping again he scoots back as much as he can, which isn't much.

"I-I caught... you cheating." he gulped again making me thirst of how it would taste to have his blood.

"Chi didn't cheat, Chi did all her work and even made pretty pictures so you can see, would man want to see Chi's pretty picture of you dying?" tilting my head to the right I let the Chime come out slightly.

"N-no! I lied you didn't cheat it was some other person! I'm terribly sorry Princess Ketsueki-san please forgive me!" he cried out cowering to the wall making me feel more satisfied.

Looking around the room I can see everyone staring and have frightened faces on. But three particular kids had me wondering, each said the same thing.

"She looks just like Ren-sensei, but crazier and scary looking." frowning I walk to my seat and doodle without thinking.

Thinking of what they said intrigued me, who was this 'Rin' and why did I remind them of her but scarier and crazy?

Looking at my doodle I see that it was of Kawaii-kun and me, who was fat, with little drawings of kids. There was a boy that looked just like the drawing of Kawaii-kun but when he was little, around 5, then there was two little twins, a girl and a boy with them both resembling Kawaii-kun by a slight bit. They looked about 4, and then there was a small 2 year old boy that looked just like Kawaii-kun and the first boy.

They...all....looked......................ADORABLE!!!!!!! So Kawaii just like her Kawaii-kun. And her drawings always had a way of telling the future so she wondered if this was her future or just a posible one like most were.

'I hope it really is the real thing and not a fake like the most, if I could be with Kawaii-kun, my life would seem much better than it already was.


PEACE!!!!!!! V (- . -) V

Blood Is Love? (Gaara love story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now