Chapter 11

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Alright!! Since my sister read the past chapters since I've fixed them up she enjoyed them. She kept saying that Chi is the perfect combination of the both of us, irronically that was true. I based Ch out of the both of us and a slight bit of my mental self. Hehe so enjoy this wonderful chapter that should be written in cayon cuz who don't like crayons.

Gaara's Pov (Yaaaayyyy!!!! I haven't done a whole Gaara pov since like chapter 2, or was it chapter 3. But ooh well, I'm doing a Gaara pov!!!! Yaaaaaayyyy!!!! And you probably read this. Yeah! That just took about 20 seconds. Which you're now thinking why is she putting this down? Well the thing is that playing Deadpool makes you want to break the fourth wall!! So bring the noise!!!! So if you did read all this then you just wasted about a minute in reading. )

'That stupid Kankuro having to go and yell out things he had no business in yelling. You see after Kankuro yelled all that out it caused problems.'

~About 5 Minutes earlier, right after Kankuro yelled out,~

"Well we got to ----- DID YOU JUST SAY MARRY!!!!!!! AND LITTLE GAARA BABIES!!!!!!????????" screamed Kankuro gatting everyone's attention.

"Yes, yes Chi did. Because Chi will marry her Kawaii-kun and have mini Kawaii-kun babies." stated my Hime who had the most happy face that I had ever seen her with before.

"ARE YOU SERIOUSLY GETTING MARRIED!!??" screamed Temari who ran over here once she heard Kankuro yell out that we were oing to get married.

"Yes we are Te-nee, and we're going to have little Kawaii-kun's and everything!!!" squealed Hime with a red face from what she said.

But it amazed me to know that in the future she wants our children to resemble me and not her. Though I would want them to resemble her as well.

"YES!!!! I can't wait to go dress shopping and get you the best place to go for your honeymoon to start on your little mini-me's." Temari smiled with what I would call a perverted smile on her face while raised her pinkey to the side of her mouth.

"Temari aren't you the least bit shocked about finding out that they just decided to get married when we are at the Chunin exams?!" freaked out Kankuro while looking as if he was going to faint.

"You idiot! This means that we are finally going to have Chi-chan as our real sister!" scowled Temari as if us getting married is the most important thing in her life.

"Yeah, but... what if.... shouldn't they.. you know... wait." Kankuro nervously said while fidgeting.

"Why would I wait to marry Hime when I've loved her since the day we first met." I slightly growled at Kankuro not understanding why he would even think I would go a day knowing that some other guy could come and think of taking her away from me.

"Well.... it's just that................................................. you know.." he stuttered while scratching the back of his head and looking down.

"It's just what." I said trying to keep my calm though it was slipping making me squeeze my arms.

Though it was the tightening of arms around my neck that brought me back to a calm state. Hime was still in my arms with her head on my shoulder and her feet dangling above the ground since she was shorter. Though she was two years younger than me so it was only natural.

"Well I always thought that I would get married before you and Chi." muttered Kankuro glaring at the ground.

I was about to say how idiotic he was being until Hime beat me to it.

"Kan-baka, you're being a meany to the poor ground when it holds you up and even holds you when you fall down. Be happy that I don't get Bobert to hit you." Hime said while puffing up her cheeks making her look more adorable.

"What! Why would you make Bobert hit me for that?!" Kankuro exclaimed afraid that Hime would actually make her summoning who she named Bobert come and hit Kankuro.

Though after seeing Bobert and Jub-Jub I would be scared to, they looked as frightening as anything I had ever seen, but that would of been normal of anyone's reaction.

"Because the ground is being nice in holding you up you fatty self." said Hime with authority and turning her face so she was looking behind me.

"Why are you staring at us you weirdos." Hime asked more like she ordered.

All of us turned around and saw that the leaf genin had moved behind us and were staring at us while listening into something that had nothing to do with them.

"We uh-- we were just going to ask if you guys were really going to get married.... is all." asked the blonde boy. The girl was smiling at us as if we had been friends before.

"Yes, Chi and her Kawaii-kun are going to get married once we go back to Suna. Then Chi is going to have little Kawaii-kun babies." stated Hime as if she was the luckiest person alive.

"But wait aren't you supposed to marry Sasuke?"

Just with what he said made everything stop. He actually thought that that stupid marriage arrangement was going to be valid when it wasn't made in the first place.

"Why would Chi ever marry a child who can't even move on to better things but killing. Chi on the other hand have an acception because as eveyone says Chi is a killer that only wants the blood of her target. But he's suppose to be from the ooh powerful U-chi-hha clan (said with a scrunched up nose and bad pronouncement.), that had killed all of the Ketsueki clan." Hime sneered glaring at the Uchiha.

"If anything Chi would get her Bobert and Jub-Jub to sic him." that made me smile. She would go so far as to make her summonings attack him. She tuely was the love of my life.

Bobert is the red beast you see on the side and Jub-Jub is a beautiful blue color, though don't confuse Jub-Jub for a male, Jub-Jub is female and is pregnant with Boberts son that I will put a picture of when he is born.

Blood Is Love? (Gaara love story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now