Chapter 18

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At the moment I was in the arms of my Kawaii-kun though I would have to say that I am happy enough not care if something did happen to me since I wont feel anything but happiness of getting my mini Kawaii-kuns.

"Kawaii-kun will they all look exactly like my Kawaii-kun?" I asked wanting all of them to look just like him.

"Oooh trust me they will probably look like you too Chi-hime since you two have to-" Kan-baka said but was interrupted by Te-nee smacking her hand on his face and making even me flinch at how loud it was.

"Ooh Chi-hime I'm sure Gaara wants them to look just like you, right Gaara?" Te-nee said while strangling Kan-baka and making his face turn blue.

Oooooh it's starting to turn purple just like his make-up!

"Temari.... you're going to kill Kankuro..." Kawaii-kun said not really caring that Kan-baka's face was purple or that he might actually die from being strangled.

"Oh right I forgot all about you Kankuro." Te-nee scratched the back of her head when she let Kan-baka's neck free.

"Are you serious I could have died you know!!" screamed Kan-baka making me want to at least slap him on the face.

Oooh I have the perfect cover........


"WHAT THE HELL CHI-HIME!!!!!!" Kan-baka yelled as he started to get a big ol' hand print in the middle of his face.

"Kan-baka should of ate his vege......tables." I said while crossing my arms as if what I did was the normal thing to do. Which it was.

In Chi's world.

"You know that I don't like to eat all of my vegetables! They taste nasty!" screamed back Kan-baka as if this really was normal.

"Did she just slap that guy because he didn't eat his vegetables and he's acting as if that was normal....?" asked the guy with the spiky hair and lazy face.

"Why yes this is normal Lazy face......... not eating your vege......tables is a serious crime...... a crime that will end soon enough!" I shouted the last part while throwing a cool super hero pose.


Hime... you don't need to explain yourself to those weaklings...." Kawaii-kun said while getting in front of me and blocking me from the lazy face and looking at me with sorrow.

Why was he sad? Was it something that some blood bag did? Did they make my Kawaii-kun sad?

Instantly I was raging. I was raging enough that I was only seeing red.

"SH*T!!" Kan-baka instantly dragged Te-nee to the ground with him and shielded her head and kept his head down.

"All you blood bags do is make my Kawaii-kun mad.... So Chi will make sure you get just what you deserve."

I quickly raise my hand and all of the people in the building apart from the sand ninjas raise from the ground in pain.

"Blood... Clot....."

"Gaara you better get Chi-hime to calm down before it's too late." Kankuro yelled towards Kawaii-kun.

"Hime......... would you really kill them all and make me even more sad than they have....?" Kawaii-kun said from behind making me stutter and let all the people fall to the ground no longer in pain.

"Chi would never make her Kawaii-kun sad...... Chi would rather die than let Kawaii-kun be sad because of Chi." I said with tears falling down my face.

I was walking towards my Kawaii-kun who had his arms open for me when I had kunai's at my throat and chest.

"Are you really going to think we're going to let you go after trying to kill our Hokage." said the stripper lady with her kunai knife getting closer to my neck.

"Chi was mad because someone made her Kwaii-kun sad so Chi was just going to see which one made her Kawaii-kun sad." I said not caring that the knives were starting to cut my skin.

"I would advise you to let her go.... If not I will be forced to kill all of you." growled Kawaii-kun making me stare at him with nothing but love.

"Let her go.... She was only trying to protect her loved one." said an old voice that sounded like they smoked to much.

"As you wish Lord Hokage..." said the stripper lady and grinded her teeth as she slowly took her knife away from my neck.

"We will now begin with the next match!" said the sick man.

Blood Is Love? (Gaara love story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now