Chapter 21

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I was currently stuffing my face into Kawaii-kun's shoulder making this moment last until I was being shaken by a hand.

"Hime we have to go back and hear the results before they think we're up to something." Kawaii-kun sighed standing up and making me dangle from his neck like a little child. But when it comes to my Kawaii-kun I can't help it and make myself feel like the only one that could ever protect me is my Kawaii-kun.

"But Kawaii-kun Chi doesn't want to go to where all those blood bags are. They'll only give Kawaii-kun and Chi those stares again." I muttered clinging more to his neck and making my face hide in his neck.

"Remember Hime all those stares are nothing but a glance... just like how you said back then..."

~ Past~ Gaara's Pov

"They're giving us those looks again... Hime maybe we should go back home..." I whispered as I saw all the villagers giving both of us glares and hateful looks that did nothing but make me feel like a monster.

"Kawaii-kun all they're doing is giving us a glance... they're only jealous that Chi is walking Kawaii-kun and they can't even walk with Kawaii-kun." Hime smiled and grabbed my hand pulling me towards the dumpling shop.

"Dumplings dumplings, Chi can't wait till Chi gets to eat her dumplings." Hime cheered as she skipped tugging me towards the shop making me laugh at how she can be so natural with all these hateful people.

~Present~ Gaara's pov

I could still remember how Hime smiled carefree and how she didn't care if those villagers called her names or even threw things at her.

"Kawaii-kun can we get dumplings after all this?" mumbled Hime as she still clung to me making me feel how much I truly loved her.

"Don't worry Hime I made sure that I packed extra in Kankuro's puppet." With that said it instantly made Hime perk up.

"Kawaii-kun knows Chi so much.... That's why Chi loves her Kawaii-kun so much." my heart instantly warmed at that.

I quickly made my sand take us to the arena of the preliminaries and got there just in time for everyone to go down to see the results of who would be opponents for the final exam.

I was just hanging off of Kawaii-kun's neck not paying attention again with what the people were saying. I didn't care much about what they were talking about since I only cared about what involved my Kawaii-kun the most.

"Only one now!" said the stripper lady as she started to go around with a box making everyone put there hand in.

'Oooooooooooooh maybe there're some cookies in the box!' Jeff cheered wanting to eat food. ' Like they would really do that you idiot...' Chime growled through her teeth back at Jeff.

Why is it that only I have to deal with different personalities?

As the stripper lady came in front off both me and Kawaii-kun I just hung from Kawaii-kun's neck not even looking back towards the lady.

"Come on you brat you need to grab a number." seethed the stripper lady as she shoved the box towards me.

"I'll pick the number for her......" Kawaii-kun growled back at the lady making me smile and nuzzle more into his neck.

Kawaii-kun quickly grabs both of our numbers and gives me the first one he drew.

Everyone was calling out their number when it came to Kawaii-kun saying his number everything was quiet waiting for me to say my number.

"Hime you have to say your number now." Kawaii-kun whispered into my ear making me pout. I didn't want to talk to these people who only judged.

"10........" I mumbled and shoved my face even more into Kawaii's neck.

I didn't listen to what the other people say and just looked at the wall where the door is.

I was spacing out in la-la land until we started moving. Hmm wonder when we started moving because now we're on some street at some part of the village and we were heading to some place that I had no idea where we were going.

"Kawaii-kun where are we going?" I asked as I still hanged from his neck but he was holding my waist in case I let my grip go.

"We're going off to get some food... Do you want to eat anything specific Hime?" Kawaii-kun asked as he looked down to me.


With that being said Temari and Kankuro both start laughing and Kawaii-kun just smiles and hugs me closer to him.

"I really truly never could not love my Hime..." Kawaii-kun mumbled into my hair as I looked up at him and smiled. But then it just had to try and come out..... It was almost here...... I could feel it.......


I closed my eyes as I sneezed and when I opened my eyes I saw that I was facing Kan-baka and the side of his face was covered in some spit. Well at least it was just spit.... who knew how it would of turned out if he was covered in boogers too.

"Are you serious Chi-Hime! I was all worried because I didn't want you and Gaara to be apart yet I am the one that gets to be spat on after your sneeze!" Kan-baka yelled while throwing his tantrum.

"Well Kan-baka should be happy that Chi only spit on him than give Kan-baka boogers on him." I answered as if it was the most obvious answer in the whole world. Which it was.

"Just great lets just go already..." he mumbled walking away stomping.

"Kan-baka is such a baby."

Gaara chuckled down at me and walked right behind Temari who was trying to get Kan-baka to stop walking ahead of us.

Well to bad for him.... I was going to tell him the most awesomest answer to all lifes question. The best answer to give to anyone if they asked you a question.

Well maybe I should just think it but then there would be no reason for me to even say it since there isn't a question to answer.


"Hey Chi-hime what kind of dumpling do you want to eat?" Kan-baka asked as he turned around trying to see which shop we should enter.


Now is the perfect time to tell him my most awesomest answer ever............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Now I know that I have not updated since about alot of days ago.... Sorry I really don't want to count. I'm not in my math class that I have to do math so I will not do math. But anyway besides that I'll try to update at least another few times this week since Itomorrow is my last class of the week so I'm free after around a certain time. Again sorry I don't want to think about time, that involves math too. So..............................



And if you want Follow.......................... me like a stalker.

Blood Is Love? (Gaara love story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now