Chapter 20

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The match between Gaara and Rock Lee was what the Sand ninja were afraid of. He had almost lost control and had almost killed the boy. Temari was the most scared. Gaara had never raised his voice to Chi and the most shocking was that they had never gotten in a fight since they first became friends.

"Temari we need to find Chi-hime before Gaara gets even more mad than he already is. If they're separated for to long who knows what either would do in this village." Kankuro whispered as Gaara was about to return back to were he was before the fight.

"Yeah, I know that but how are we going to find her when we never had to look for her before and to make it even worse we don't know the lay out of this village." Temari sighed looking even more concerned at the possibility of not finding Chi.

"The last match is about to start after this they should show the results of who's going to fight who for the finals. After that we have to go and spread out to find Chi-hime." muttered kankuro as he scooted away enough to not get Gaara suspicious of what they would be doing.

"There won't be any reason to look for a traitor... so why would you both go and try to find her." Gaara looked at them with a slight glare and his arms crossed.

"Gaara........................ didn't you say that you loved Chi-chan that you wouldn't let any other man take her away from you? Didn't you say that you would marry Chi-chan and have a family with her, that all your kids will look like both you and Chi-chan? Why are you abandoning her when she loves you so much that she would kill herself before she makes you sad-" Temari instantly stopped what she was saying.

"She would kill herself before Gaara would ever be sad........ Kankuro!!!!" Temari quickly grabbed Kankuro from his shoulders and shook him until he realized what that meant.

"Chi-hime..................... is probably going.................... to kill herself........"

Gaara's eyes widened at that and looked at the ground.

'She wouldn't be stupid enough to do that..................... Hime would never kill herself and leave me-' at that being said Gaara quickly made hand signs and disappeared and left behind a clone. It was missing.

"He better bring her back or I'll make sure to kill him..." Kankuro worriedly said as he looked down at the fight between the last two candidates.

Chi's pov

'Do you really think that you'll be able to kill yourself and not be able to be with Kawaii-kun for the rest of his life? What if he finds some other girl and ends up loving her?' Chime worriedly tried to talk me out of this. But will that change anything? Kawaii-kun would never want to see her ever again.

'If she wants to kill herself then she should do what she wants. After all I'm sure it would make everyone else happy to know that the monster of the Ketsueki clan has killed herself.' Jeff sneered at what he said. I knew he didn't want to die, he wanted to stay alive and let those people suffer.

"Chi has no reason to stay alive if her Kawaii-kun hates her. Chi would only make Kawaii-kun more mad. So Chi will make him happy and end Chi's life."

I stop near a training field that had a stone with words on it. I take out my heart from my pocket and throw it to the ground. I flinch at the pain I felt from the impact and go down to my knees. I quickly take out one of my needle like weapons and position it right above my heart.

'Chi remember you wanted to have mini Kawaii-kun's? I'm sure that if you don't kill yourself that you'll be able to have them!' Chime shouted trying to buy some time hoping that someone would come and stop me.

"It would only make Kawaii-kun even more mad to know that Chi the traitor had Kawaii-kun minis" I mumbled and start the process of striking my heart...

I was stopped.

Sand was in may way of letting my needle like weapon pierce my heart.

"Who ever told you to take what was rightfully mine......... you told me that your heart belonged to me."

~Past~ Gaara's pov

"Can I really have your heart Hime?" I asked as I was only & and Hime had just turned 6.

"Silly Kawaii-kun Chi's heart has always belonged to her Kawaii-kun since Chi was born. No one else can have Chi's heart other than her Kawaii-kun." Hime smiled and kissed my cheek.

~Present time~ still Gaara's pov

"You told me that your heart always belonged to me yet you take it from me... I won't let you hurt what's mine Hime.... I won't let you kill yourself because you're also mine." I said the last part with tears rolling down my cheeks.

'She has always been mine..... No one else could have her, can take her heart away from me. I loved her to much to ever let her out of my arms.'

"But Kawaii-kun is mad at Chi and Chi doesn't want her Kawaii-kun be mad at her." sniffled Hime as she dropped her needle to the grass and let her hair cover her face. Hiding her beautiful face that has captured my eyes to never look away.

"I would never be truly mad at my Hime..... I love my Hime to much to ever be truly mad and let her leave my side for ever." I slowly walk up to her and kneel down beside her.

She was still sniffling as I wrap both of my arms around her and bring her into my embrace where never again will I let her go.

"I won't ever let my Hime kill herself. I love you Hime." I bury my face into her hair and feel her lift her head up towards me.

I lift my head from on top of hers and see her looking at me with her wonderful reddish eyes. I smile down at her but was quickly surprised.

Hime was kissing me.

"Chi loves Kawaii-kun..."

Blood Is Love? (Gaara love story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now