Chapter 22

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"Mahna Mahna......"

Everything was silent. Not even Kan-baka said anything.

"Chi-chan did you just say Mahna Mahna ?" Temari asked as she looked at me with a blank face.

"Yes...... yes Chi did..." I said proudly throwing glitter around me and Kawaii-kun.

"I thought she ran out already................ geeze where does she keep all that glitter?" Kan-baka muttered as he stared at all the glitter that was falling to the ground.

"Hime why don't you tell us what Mahna Mahna means..." Kawaii-kun asked as he still held onto me.

"Well Kawaii-kun Mahna Mahna is the answer to all life's questions. Like why is the sky blue? Mahna Mahna. Is it going to rain? Mahna Mahna. How are people today? Mahna Mahna. It works for everything!" I smiled as I looked up to Kawaii-kun who had a shocked look on his face.

Yeah finding out the answer to all life's questions will do that to people.

'I remember you told us about the answer to all life's questions!' Jeff cheered like a little boy.

"Let's get Hime's food and head to the hotel." Kawaii-kun said walking me to the little shop that sold dumplings.

Me and Kawaii-kun were on the roof watching the moon in a nice peace, I was wrapped in Kawaii-kun his arms around me and his legs on either side of me. Just as if he was keeping me from the horrible world and to be in his calm loving one when it was interrupted by a stupid boy.

"You sure got me... Do you not sleep?" asked an annoying voice that made me just want to punch him in the nose.

"What do you want?" Kawaii-kun glared at the guy as he looked in the guys direction.

"I was planning on getting you as you slept but.... Now we can just fight here. Then I'll have a higher chance of fighting Sasuke-kun..." the guy pulled up his sleeve revealing a weird metal thing on his arm.

'He must really have no real power.... he has to be helped with a contraption to fight.... What has this world come to for people not being able to fight with their own strength." Chime sneered as we faced in the direction of the guy.

"I know about your sand attacks... I wonder if it's faster than my sound..." he was getting cocky. He won't be able to get anywhere with that attitude.

"'He ' gets blood thirsty during the full moon..." Kawaii-kun said as he still kept me in his hold. Though he started to let 'him' out and was just glaring at the guy.

"Wh-what is this? What are you?" the guy looked as if he was facing death himself, well in reality he was if he was facing my Kawaii-kun.

"He's dead...... Kawaii-kun can we go to sleep now...?" I mumbled drowsy and in need of sleep.

Kawaii-kun turns my way and slowly the sand retreats back to his gourd leaving my Kawaii-kun in his normal self. He comes towards me and picks me up just like a princess and jumps down to the window and into the room that we were sharing.

I quickly climbed into the bed and let me eyes close by themselves as I felt Kawaii-kun lay down next to me and hold me tight.

I was dreaming. I knew that I was dreaming because I was remembering when we were given the mission.

"The sand will join the sound... and war with the leaf... This is a super- A rank mission, understand the importance." Ba-tou said as I was being given a piggy-back ride from Kawaii-kun, who at the moment was leaning on the wall and had his arms crossed.

"But why a war now!!? It took so much time and sacrifice to create the alliance agreement......... to break that... many will die..." Temari asked angry about the mission. I personally didn't care what we were to be doing. I had no reason for wanting to be higher ranked.

Blood Is Love? (Gaara love story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now