Chapter 9

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Okay since the vote comment is gettting some care I decided since it isn't going extinct I'll write another chapter so enjoy my people that read this.

Chi's pov

We were going to the forest of death from what Kawaii-kun told me.

'If you would just pay attention you would've known.' frowning I look up as if I were trying to look at my forehead.

"Meany voice always has to be mean to me."

"Chi-hime it always amazes me how you can't become friends with your own mind." Kankuro chuckled.

"It's not Chi's fault Chi's mind always wants to kill and be mean."

'You got that right, but I would never kill those that are your friends, your friends are mine as well and that means your Kawaii-kun~ is mine as well.' now that pissed me off more.

"Don't you dare touch my Kawaii-kun! Kawaii-kun is Chi's and only Chi's you meany!" that of course got the attention of everyone.

"Hime you don't have to fight with your mind, I love you both." sighing i couldn't help but also hear the sigh of that mind of mine.

"Don't you dare fall in love with my Kawaii-kun you blob!" I seethed. 'I can love him all I want, what are you going to do to stop me.'

Gritting my teeth I was ready to dig my hand in my head to take out my brain.

"Hime wouldn't it be better that you both loved me?" looking at Kawaii-kun I see that he had a slight pout making me stop anything I was about to do.

"If your brain loves me as much as you do, then that means that you'll only love me and not someone else." surprised I look at him. He was right, if my brain loved someone else then I would have some feelings for some human that wouldn't be Kawaiikun.

"You're right Kawaii-kun." quickly jumping to him I hug him from around the neck and dangle.

"Chi always loves her Kawaii-kun because Chi only belongs to her Kawaii-kun."

"Just as how I only belong to my Hime." Kawaii-kun said wrapping his arms around my waist to keep me close to him.

"Kawaii-kun, Chi doesn't want to ever leave her Kawaii-kun." I mumbled into his neck.

"Then Hime after this exam, wen we get home why don't we do something special." Kawaii-kun said wit a hidden message in his voice that I didn't know what he was talking about.

"What are we going to do Kawaii-kun?"

"Hime why don't we make it so that you won't have to ever leave my side. Why don't you marry me." Kawaii-kun said burying his face in between my neck and shoulder, trying to make sure that no one lse can here him but me.

"Kawaii-kun... did Kawaii-kun just ask Chi to... to marry Kawaii-kun?" I mumbled not knowing what was going around me.

After all who would care what was happening when you were just asked to be married.

So I just finished editing and goin back to fix things and am now going to continue with the story. So what would you do if Gaara asked you to marry him. To stay by his side and have a family with him.



I would be in heaven!!!.

Blood Is Love? (Gaara love story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now