Chapter 12

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We were now at the gate entrance waiting for the door to open so that we could go in already and finish the second part of the exam.

"Man, how much longer do we have to wait until they'll let us in already?" grumbled Kankuro with a very annoyed face.

"Shut up Kankuro, you know that we're all itching to just this over with." sighed Temari looking bored and wanting to just go home and sleep.

"Well at least we're going to finish this off quick with Chi-hime and Gaara with us, no one will even want to go against us once they see the duo at work." Kankuro said with a smirk on his face saying nothing but mischief.

"Kawaii-kun can Chi go to sleep until we have to fight?" I pouted not liking the wait of just having to go into a forest.

Kawaii-kun looked at me then picked me up like a princess. Which just made me feel more loved than ever by him.

"Alright just get some sleep." Kawaii-kunsaid smiling softly at me with the most caring eyes I have ever seen.

"Gaaahh!! So KAWAIII!!!!" shouted Temari making anyone near us to turn and see what was going on.

"Temari!!! Great you just made everyone look at us like we're crazy or something!" screamed Kankuro getting even more attention from the other participants.

"Well I can't help it if those two are just so cute together!" seethed Temari back at Kankuro making both of them face off into a glaring contest.

"Kawaii-kun are we going to let Te-nee and Kan-baka to argue?" I looked up at Kawaii-kun wanting to see if he would break it up again like he usually does.

"Yes, let them kill each other if they want to. That way we won't have to deal with them anymore." grumbed Kawaii-kun getting angry that they would be childish enough to argue at an exam.

"Alright you all can enter the forest now." said the leaf ninja that was to open our gate, which was now open.

"Alright, Temari, Kankuro, lets go." Kawaii-kun ordered getting both of is siblings attention and to quiet down and enter the forest behind us.

"Hime get some rest and I'll wake you up if we have to fight." whispered Kawaii-kun in my ear makng my face red.

"Okay Kawaii-kun."

And with that I enter a sleep that was filled with nothing but my Kawaii-kun.


While I was dreaming of my Kawaii-kun and I in an oasis I feel chakra coming towards us.

I open one eye and see that three ninjas are infront of us and they looked weird.

"You'll die." said a stitchy guy with bad clothing style.

"Enough talking.... let's do it... old man from the hidden rain." said Kawaii-kun calmly.

I wasn't really listening to what Kankuro was saying because this scratchy guy was looking at Kawaii-kun in the eyes. But I was brought back when Kawaii-kun spoke again.

"It doesn't matter. Those who meet my eyes... who aren't my Hime... must die..." said Kawaii-kun with the most deadly voice that I have ever heard from him so far in the exam.

Then the rain ninja thought to be dumb enough to getting into a stance to fight my Kawaii-kun. He threw his umbrellas into the air where the kinda floated a bit, going against the awesome thing ever invented, gravity.

"DIE BRAT!!!!" shouted the rain nin making hand signs.

Needles flew out of the umbrellas making it look like rain. But they were all coming towards Kawaii-kun and me.

The rain nin was boasting how amazing (not) his jutsu was and how he was so cool (lame) he was. But because of his idiotic ego he didn't notice the sand coming out of Kawaii-kun's gord and my slightly watery look.

After the attack Kawaii-kun was still holding me and his sand was protecting us.

"Is that it..?" commented Kawaii-kun with his cool attitude and awesome poe with me still in my princess position and one eye open.

The guy was shocked (of course with my Kawaii-kun and his awesomness with my awesomeness combined make the Awesomeness more awesome making it total awesome of the awesome.) , so he decided to try and hit us again. Which of course failed.

"A rain of needles eh? Then I guess I'll... ...MAKE IT RAIN BLOOD FOR MY HIME." said Kawaii-kun with bloo-lust completely ooze from him. Whic I didn't mind because no matter what I will always love my Kawaii-kun.

But Kawaii-kun's attacks had to wait because Kankuro decided to explain to the scratchy guy how Kawaii-kun's sand works.

Looking around I notice that there be people in those bushes being creeper's or stalker's or should I say Cralker's. Yeah cralker's sounds about right, ooooh and they had a puppy! I always wanted a puppy!

"SHUT UP!!!" shouted the scratchy nin while hecharged towards us. So me knowing that my Kawaii-kun neds to use his hands, sadly jump down from my awesome princess pose and stand next to my Kawaii-kun while he does his hand signs for his sand coffin

The sand quickly starts to wrap around the scratchy nin's body until he can't move. Which of course the scratchy man had to say it when I said it in my head.

"Jinx, scratchy man owes me his blood now!" I cheered making everyone but Kawaii-kun, look at me disturbed.

Temari started saying something about the sand which I ignored since I was to busy looking at the scratchy man sadistically, and blood-crazed.

"Shut up, I can cover your mouth and kill you, but... that's just too pitiful..." said Kawaii-kun while raising his arm up bringing the scratchy man in the air as well.

Kawaii-kun grabs one of the scratchy man's umbrellas and opens it to cover himself from the awaiting blood rain.

Then at an instant Kawaii-kun closes his hand into a fist making the sand crush his body and make his blood rain down on both me and Kawaii-kun. Though I was out in the open getting covered in the man's blood making me completely red.

I was becoming more and more blood crazed with each blood drop that I couldn't tell if I was even standing anymore.

I wasn't paying attention to what anone was saying until I notice that two other people were about to die as well.

I quickly run to be infront of the two male's, or what looked like male's at the moment and wait for the blood that immideatly ended up splashing onto me.

I was smiling.

I knew that I was smiling but I was pretty sure hat my smile was noting but filled with a crazed blood-lust.

I didn't know who was behind me anymore. I didn't know who I wasn't allowed to kill anymore.

All I knew was that I wanted more blood.

So that's what I did I ran to the forest without anyone noticing and head to bodies that were filled with blood.

Gara's pov

"Pft... this is why I hate brats... wait where is Chi-hime?!" Kankuro said making me stop from my walk and look around not seeing my Hime anywhere.

"Damn... she probably left while you two where fighting, lets try seeing if we can..." Temari was quickly cut off by rustling in bushes neer the clearing we were in.

"Kawaii-kun..." just hearing her call out to me only makes my heart beat as if this is the first time I'm seeing her again.

I make my way to my Hime and hug her to me. Feeling her heart beat so fast right next to my own, making me feel as if nothing was better at this moment than her in my arms.

Blood Is Love? (Gaara love story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now