Chapter 15

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"Alright...COUGH! COUGH!!... We will begin the next fight!" said the sickly man.

"Chi will let you get the first move! Take all the hits you want, Chi won't get mad!" Not like you could really hurt me. Even if you wanted to hurt me Chi will always come back as long as Kawaii-kun has my heart.

"Don't go rushing in and think before you do anything hasty." recommended the lady with the resemblance of me.

"HEY LADY!!!!!" I shouted getting her to stare at me with slight surprise.


Well that was a stupid response.

"If you're going to defend the boy then come fight Chi!!!!" I cheered wanting to see if this lady might want to fight me too.

"Are you really underestimating my student so much..." her voice was too calm. So calm that I was going to fall asleep at how boring it sounded.

"Hey lady!!!!!! You know what Chi thinks!!!!!!" I shouted back making her eye twitch a bit.

"If you're going to say that I am to afraid to fight you then you must be an idiot and a child."

That just ticked me off. How dare she think she knows Chi when She don't even know Chi. I wasn't even going to say that.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Chi was going to say that your voice is soooooooo boring that Chi was going to fall asleep!!!!!!" And that is when the magic moment happened. She got an irk mark on her head and was being held back by the other two kids next to her. It was sad to know that little kids have to hold her back when Chi could of just killed them.

"Are you serious right now?" interrupted a voice from my happy show that sounded like a boys voice.

I shift my head down and see the boy standing in front of me with a bemused face. He must not fight as much if he didn't just attack me when I was having my wonderful talk with the lady.

" always....................................................................serious....." I said with my face like stone.

"You really can't be the one...can you?" this boy is being very annoying with his annoying questions.

"Either you attack Chi or Chi will kill you..." I said with an annoyed face.

"Great now she's serious.... Jeez that kid must be an idiot for not going for the opening he had when Chi-hime was talking to that lady." Kan-baka said with a sigh.

"If you're anything like her I'm sure you'll beat me no problem." he said with hesitation making me even more annoyed.

"Looks like Chi is going to you then."

Once I said that I quickly ran up to him and punched him right in the face and also making him fly back hitting the wall.

Blood Is Love? (Gaara love story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now