Chapter 8

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Alright I want to thank chillaxx for her fanning me, and also her incouraging me. So hope you enjoy!! -Kooki

Finishing the background of my drawing I look up to see that Kawaii-kun was looking at me with curious eyes. Smiling I hold up my test showing him the back where the drawings were of our little family.

He smiled while shaking his head slightly.

"Princess is there a reason for you having your test up to show people what you wrote?" asked the mean man.

"Of course meany bald man, Chi is showing her Kawaii-kun her drawing. Chi did a pretty darwing that her Kawaii-kun loves." I said showing him the drawing I drew. He stood still and his eyes widened slightly from how I adressed him.

"You don't even know if I'm bald or not." he grumbled while glaring at the floor.

"Yeah Chi does cuz you're a meany that's glaring at the poor floor who is being nice and holding you up you meany." I puffed up my cheeks and glared slightly.

"Wha- bu- you- never mind lets just get this stupid test through with already." zoning out I decided to add a sky filled with pretty clouds and birds with a smiling sun in the corner.

"YAY CHI FINISHED HER DRAWING!!! LOOK YOU MEANY BALD MAN!!!! ISN'T IT PRETTY!!!" shouting and jumping over all the people sitting down to where the mean bald man was I shove my picture in his face.

"You-you drew a drawing of the sun smiling in the corner with cotton candy and weird unfinished buttcheeks in the sky, when the people you drew look as if it were real." his eye twitched with a sweatdrop on the side of his face he looked funny.

"She really couldn't be related to Ren-sensei, she's so childish when Ren-sensei is so serious." turning to the guy who said that I see that he had blonde hair and green eyes. Wonder who this Ren person was?

"Look princess your drawing is very beautiful but you-" sensing the incoming ninja I step back one step and see the lady with a see through shirt pin up a banner.

I looked at the lady not paying attention to her speach of something boring I look down at my drawing and decide that I needed more flowers.

"Uh you girl what are you doing on the floor?" looking up I see it was the weird stripper lady.

"Oh stripper lady Chi's drawing flowers see." shoving my drawing now in her face she gets the same look as meany bald man.

"Haha meany bald man did the same, look you two must like each other if you do similar things." she quickly blushed with bald man who was behind the banner who blushed too. Smiling I quickly take my paper back and draw the one thing in my head.

"Alright follow me!" screamed stripper lady. Standing up from my laying down position on the floor I skip to Kawaii-kun who was smirking at me.

"Hime you always find a way to make anyone think of how mentally stable you are." he smiled while hugging me.

"That's because Chi is so awesome!" I fist pumped the air with a chibi form and stars and glitter going everywhere.

"Where did you get stars and glitter?" Kawaii-kun deadpanned looking confused of how awesome I'm being.

"Chi got them from the land of the AWESOME!!" doing the superman pose in chibi form I get small twinkels in my eyes.

"Is Chi-hime doing her chibi form again?" Kankuro said looking from down the hall with Temari next to him.

"Yes, yes Chi is." throwing more glitter I change my pose to the Batman bat pose.

"Great, this is gonna last some days." muttered Kankuro walking away with Temari trying to hold in her laughter, and failing.

"Come on Hime lets get some rest so we can go to the next exam tommorrow." Gaara said holding out his hand for me to take.

"Okay Kawaii-Kun!" with that I grab his hand thredding my fingers through his. It was a perfect fit, just like it always was with my small hand and his larger one.

Hope you enjoyed it and please don't be afraid to vote and comment, because they're sadly going extinct with the little care they are getting TT_TT but yeah please vote and comment I love hearing from you guys. Even if it's criticism I end up laughing with my sister while saying some other weird things. -Kooki-

Blood Is Love? (Gaara love story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now