Chapter 13

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As we were walking I noticed that everyone was more quiet than usual which of course is a big no no.

"Chi's hungry."

This quickly stopped everyone in their walk.

"Well do you want to eat something specific Chi-chan?" asked Temari with curiousity.


"Um Chi-hime I don't think we even have the ingredients to make Macaroni and cheese." stated a very dumb Kankuro who sadly did not expect weird things to happen when in the company of THE CHI.

"Well then what is Chi holding in her hands you Kan-baka." I smirked taking out Macaroni pasta, some cheese and more cheese, ohhh and a pot. That just conveniently appeared on Chi's person.

"Wait...where... did you get those Chi-hime?" asked Kan-baka with his very special questions.

"Duuuuhhhh Kan-baka, Chi got them from behind Chi."

"But did you pack those or something?" were his next very ''bright'' question.

"Kan-baka, are you very special? Or is kan-baka just trying to act very special?" I asked making both Kawaii-kun and Temari get smirks on their faces.

"Are you making fun of me." growled kankuro with his angry face ( DX).

"No Chi is simply asking if Kan-baka is special, which Chi won't care because then Chi will have a very special Baka." I smiled tilting my head to the right slightly making Temari laugh out loud and fall to the ground.

Kankuro grumbles and walks toward a tree away from us.

"Was it something Chi said?"

"No Hime it was something Kankuro was born with, happily it was only him that got it and not me." smirked Kawaii-kun making me lose focus and drop my cheese.

BUT WHO CARED!!!!! KAWAII-KUN WAS BETTER THAN CHEESE!!!! YOU CAN MAKE CHEESE WHEN EVER YOU WANT, ALL YOU NEED IS A COW NAMED JOE AND YOU GOT YOURSLEF SOME CHEESE!!! BUT YOU CAN'T MAKE ANOTHER KAWAII-KUN!!! Wait yes you can I just need to get Kawaii-kun's baby juice ( what Temari said you will need to have a baby) and I got me a mini Kawaii-kun.

Maybe Kawaii-kun's baby juice is orange juice. Orange juice is what I drank when I was little.

I quickly grab the bottle of orange juice that I had so conveniently put in Kawaii-kun's sash and open it looking around waiting for my mini Kawaii-kun.

A few seconds passed and still no mini Kawaii-kun.

Then a brilliant idea came to me. I start to let some of the orange juice spill out of the bottle and make it shape out diffrent shapes in the dirt.

"Uuuuuhh Chi-chan what are you doing?" asked Temari.

"Do you not see that Chi is getting a baby." I stated making everyone turn to me with wide eyes.

"What do you mean you're getting a baby!!! You aren't even-" Temari quickly covered Kankuro's mouth making me think that both of them were affected at birth instead of just Kankuro.

"Um Chi-chan why do you think you're getting a baby?" sweat dropped Temari still covering Kankuro's mouth.

"Because Te-nee said that if Chi gets Kawaii-kun's baby juice Chi will get a mini Kawaii-kun so Chi took Kawaii-kun's orange juice and is trying to get Chi a baby Kawaii-kun."

Temari starts to get more confused and looks at me as if I was the one to be born special or something.

"Chi-chan why do you think that orange juice is baby juice?"

"Because Chi liked to drink orange juice when Chi was a baby so Chi knows that orange juice is what babies like so Chi is being smart and using Kawaii-kun's juice to get Chi a baby." I state with confidence.

"Chi-chan you really are special." Temari sighed.

Ooooh hecky to the no!!!! Temari did not just say that I was special cuz I'm special in the special way!!

"Why dont we just head to the tower already and you can make your macaroni and cheese there Chi-hime?" bargained Kankuro who looke like he just wanted to get this over with already.

"But Chi never got her baby Kawaii-kun..." I mumbled making big puppy dog eyes that so far no one could resist.

Kankuro stepped back a step with a slight blush that looked funny on his face since he had make-up on.

"F-fine.. why don't you try at the tower to see if you can then get your freakin' baby.." mumbled a funny looking Kankuro.

"YEEESSSS!!!! Chi's going to get a baby Kawaii-kun!!!!"

~~~~~At the tower~~~~~

"So now what?" asked a very special Kankuro who was behind me and Kawaii-kun on the left of us.

"Well from what the banners say I think we have to open the scrolls at the same time." answered Temari with her awesome knowledge that beats Kankuro's easy.

Both Temari and Kankuro take a scroll and hold them out about to open them when my sadly impatient self decided to interfere and take the scroll from each of their hands.

"Chi will summon the Henry's out of the scroll!!!" I shout taking the end of each scroll in one hand and fling them out simultaneously.

With a poof there was a cloud in my face.


"Wha- Chi-hime what is it!?!" shouted Kankuro.

"Chi's...Chi's...Chi's..BLIND!!!!!!" I shout back trying to find something other than white.

"Don't be so dramatic Chi, you're just in the smoke of the summoning." sighed a voice that sounded oddly like Ba-tou.

"Aaaahhhh!!!! The voice has my Ba-tou's voice!!!!" I screamed even more afraid of this voice that took my Ba-tou's voice.

"No you idiot it's me!!!" I was smacked on the back of my head with a slap that of course only my Ba-tou would do to me.

"BA-TOU!!! IT REALLY IS YOU!!!!" I cried while glomping him from the waist since I was pretty short.

"Geez, to think I practically raised you yet you still act this way." grumbled Ba-tou while he also mindlessly patted my head out of instinct.

Blood Is Love? (Gaara love story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now