Chapter 27 Last Chapter

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I was put down to the ground were I felt that we were surrounded by trees. Also I noticed that there was some dude in front of us, but really from what I noticed of his blood flow was that he had a very technique.

'You got that right.... then again there are a lot of guys that aren't normal and have weird techniques.' Chime said as I had a thoughtful look on my face.

'Does Ba-tou have some awesome technique too??' I thought as I turned around to see the blood outline of the bushy boy.

"BUSHY BOY!!!!! " I shouted as I ran to him and had my face right near his. He started to get really creeped out that made me want to just keep my face close to his more. But I had better things to do like being near my Kawaii-kun.

I notice the dude shoot out his phalanges at Kawaii-kun making me slightly interested of his kekkei genkai. As the bones fell to the grass I picked them and started to juggle them, which was only a fail since I couldn't juggle for anything.

'Yeah even though you're a ninja you can't juggle!~' laughed Jeff making me slightly embarrassed about what he said. Then again I'm too awesome to be embarrassed so I just decided to twirl in place.

"You're too hasty... when you fought me before.... you had more speed and edge to your moves..." Kawaii-kun said as he looked back to where the bushy boy was still sat on the grass. I notice that the dude was just standing there listening.

"Hey lady!!!!~" I shouted as the dude turned towards me with a slight disturbance to his blood flow. Well I wouldn't really know what his face looked like since I have to wear my awesome blind fold thing but if I had to imagine his face it would look really girly and have some McDonalds arch eyebrows. ~You know just copying that sh*t like ba-ra-pa-pa-pa I'm loving it.~

"I'm not a lady..." his voice was really weird too.... Hehe he still a lady. I twirled in multiple circles from clockwise to counter clockwise. Why I don't really know why but I had a feeling of doing it at that moment.

"HEEEEEYYYY LAAAADDYYYYYYYY~~~~~" I sang out as I kept twirling making me look awesome with my hair flying after me.

I can tell that the dude was getting a bit mad at my doings but do I care......................


"I'm telling you I'm not a lady... so enough with your ridiculous views of me..." it said as I stopped twirling and facing him with a blank face.

"Chi has no views....................................... Chi can't see you blob......." I smiled as I started to laugh out of no where.

"Just like how it was heard, Ketsueki Chi, a girl that has gone mad..." he said as I looked at him then at the sky. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Chi isn't mad you blob! Chi is a monster!!!" I smiled as I twirled back to were both Kawaii-kun and the bushy boy were. As I was waking I fell to the ground.

I shoot my hands around and feel something weird pass by my hands. I instantly grab the weird thing as pull only to get a shout.

' Huh who knew this thing had a mouth.' I thought as Chime and Jeff both laughed in the background. Which only made me want to know why they were laughing in the first place.

"Please let my hair go!!!" shouted the voice making me think even more while still pulling the thing making more shouts and cries come out from the thing.

'The thing must not like you touching it Chi, why don't you try and condition it to like you.~' Jeff said with a giggle coming from him every few seconds.

"Hime you're pulling on his hair...." I stopped as I made my other hand run over a face that I wasn't too familiar with until I felt two bushy brows.

Blood Is Love? (Gaara love story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now