Chapter 10

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Alright if you all would kindly read that I have somewhat rewriten some parts of the previous chapters. So enjoy!

I was in heaven. My Kawaii-kun had just asked me to marry him, to stay by his side. Nothing could ever ruin this.

"Kawaii-kun will be Chi's husband." I mumbled in utter bliss.

"Yes I will be my Hime's husband, and my Hime will be my wife." Kawaii-kun said removing his face from in between my neck and shoulder to smile at me with happiness.

"So tell me Hime would you want to be my wife and be the mother of our children?" Kawaii-kun asked even though he knew the answer of his question.

"Chi will always marry her Kawaii-kun, no matter how many times her Kawaii-kun asked Chi to marry him , Chi will always say yes to her Kawaii-kun." With this Kawaii-kun looked as if he was on the happiest cloud to ever be on.

"That's the answer that any man would want to here from the love of his life." I was turning red just by what he said. I was his love of his life.

"Kawaii-kun, you love Chi no matter what happens in the future?" I couldn't help it, If he ended up changing his feelings one day in the future I would die just by it.

"My feelings wouldn't ever change no matter how many years passed my feelings will always stay and grow more and more that the only person that could possibly kill me would be you, Hime."

"Hey! What are you guys doing all cuddled up like that when we got to sign these papers and get our scroll for the second exam." Kankuro intercepted our moment of love with his stupid talk of something that didn't matter to me at the moment except for Kawaii-kun.

"Well Kan-baka, Kawaii-kun and Chi were talking about how when we get back to Suna we are going to get married and have babies that look just like Kawaii-kun." I say wrapping my arms tighter around Kawaii-kun's neck.

"Well we got to----- DID YOU JUST SAY MARRY!!!!!!! AND LITTLE GAARA BABIES!!!!!!????????" screamed Kankuro getting everyone's attention.

"Yes, yes Chi did. Because Chi will marry her Kawaii-kun and have mini Kawaii-kun babies." I stated while making a happy face.

'Chi will have her happy ending with her Kawaii-kun.' I smiled and sighed.

Blood Is Love? (Gaara love story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now