Chapter 1*

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Chi's pov (Gaara:5 Chi:3)

Living alone was the last thing a little girl should do. I was in Suna walking in the streets trying to find a suitable home where no one would try and find me.

It all started when we the Ketsueki clan invited the Uchihas for the arrangments for a future wedding of the youngest son of the head Uchiha branch and me, but instead they came and killed my clan and parents. They were killed for their blood, and power.

You see our blood is a rare kind of blood, we are able to use or blood and kill people with it. Not only is our blood a weapon but our blood is so strong that it can bring back the dead. Our blood is so wanted in the world that they killed my clan for it. I'm the last Ketsueki, and not only that but I'm a crazed blood lusting princess killer.

I may not look it but in battle or at the sight of blood I become a blood crazed monster. A bloody monster, princess of the Ketsueki clan and their ultimate weapon.

But enough about me, since I have strange purple hair the villagers look at me with shock/scared looks. All I really want in this village is a home, a place to go at the end of the day where I can sleep cozy and warm then wake up the next day.

I was walking at the park wanting to at least find a friend but all the kids just ran away from me. I kept walking until I found a boy about 2 years older than me making him about 5, crying. I hated when anyone cries, it pained my heart really.

I quickly ran up to him as fast as my small little legs would let me. I got close enough that I was about 1 foot away trying to see his face.

"Don't cry, it's gonna be okay! Wanna play with Chi?" I asked the boy who quickly looked at me.

He looked up and nodded his head with a smile on his face, " is... Subaku no Gaara, what's your name?" I smiled and looked him straight in his beautiful seafoam eyes.

"Chi's name is Ketsueki Chi, let's play tag!" Laughing I poked him and ran away.

Turning my head to look at him I can see he was a bit shocked but quickly ran after me.

After about a few minutes of us running around I felt something climbing up on my body. Looking down I see that it's sand, the sand was soon covering me and was crushing me slightly. I slightly panicked not expecting it but calming my breathing I see that it's Gaara.

"No, I'm sorry please don't be scared...I'm sorry!" He panicked, I smile and used a jutsu making me liquify into blood allowing me to slip out of his sand.

"Chi, no I....killed her..." I turn myself back to my solid form and appear behind him giggling, making him turn around startled.

"Don't be silly Kawaii-kun Chi's not gona die." I giggle but soon stop. Gaara was hugging me, he was shivering a bit making me think he was cold in the desert.

"Please don't leave me again" he mumbled into my hair making me look up at him in wonder. 

He had tears in his eyes and was hiccupping every few seconds. I soon started to cry with him.

"Waah- why are you crying Chi-chan?" Gaara asked shocked at my crying face.

"Because...Kawaii-kun is...crying, and Chi...doesn't want...Kawaii-kun to Chi is crying with Kawaii-kun." I said between cries.

Then I heard the most cutest laugh ever, Gaara was laughing and smiling. I pouted "It's not nice to laugh Kawaii-kun" I puffed out my cheeks and looked at the ground. He smiled and poked my cheek making me let out a puff of air.

"Chi-chan why do you call me Kawaii-kun?" I giggled again, letting out the remainder of the air in my puffed up cheeks.

"Because Chi thinks that Kawaii-kun is Kawaii!!" I ran around Gaara making him turn in a circle.

Blood Is Love? (Gaara love story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now