Chapter 19

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You guys should comment me some good reads. I really need something to read at my breaks. Plus it helps my imagination going. Meaning more chapters in a faster pace.

The match between the family members has just started and to be honest it was very moving. She was trying her best to do well and show that she can be strong.

"Chi is very moved..." I mumbled as I tilted my head to the left and stare at the two family members fight. One fighting with all she has and the other only fighting as if this were nothing.

"Never go back... on your word..................Chi really likes that nindo."

I look up to where the blonde boy was cheering for the girl and see how his eyes light with a fire that I have never seen before.

"He will be one of the best ninjas Chi will ever see in her life..... Chi can see he was sad too........... just like how Chi and her Kawaii-kun were...."

The girl was hit at her sternum and was coughing up blood. Blood that I will sadly have to take from her.... It will be okay though, it will at least allow me some new techniques that might value multiple people.

'She's not giving up.................... I wonder if all Leaf ninjas will be more like that in the future?' Chime commented as the girl still continued to fight the boy.

'The next hit to the chest can possibly kill her......... will you let that happen Chi.' Jeff asked as I turned to see just that happen. She was hit in the chest and fell to the ground.

She won't be staying down for long. She wants to prove to the others that she changed. And show that she too is strong.

'HE"S GOING TO KILL HER!!' shouted both Chime and Jeff.

In a flash I was right in front of the girl and behind the sick man.

"Why do even the jonnins jump in...Oh, more special treatment for the main family... and the sand girl isn't even in the same village yet she interferes..." the boy seethed with flowing anger.

"Chi is interfering because if the opponent is too hurt and can't raise their hands to fight back..... there is no reason to continue... also you annoy US."

The boy just looked at me with clear fear in his eyes as I stared him down. Anyone that has a fair match with an opponent should understand that when your opponent doesn't have enough energy to even block a simple punch should be given enough respect as to rest and have a rematch another day. No person deserves an unfair match.

I turn around as I hear the girl fall down and see the her heart has slowed down.

'Will you really help someone that you don't even know..... how do you know that this girl wont try to take advantage of you after you have helped her....' Chime was right in questioning her but does she deserve to die because of this idiotic boy that does nothing but look down on his opponent.

'Chi will save her if she wants to save her.......... Chi will do what she wants to do.' Jeff sighed as if Chime didn't know this already.

I raise my finger and allow some of her blood to flow through her heart again. Enough to let her live a while longer.

I quickly jump up to where Kawaii-kun is and look down to see the blonde pledge to take revenge for the girl.

"Hime....... why did you help save her...." I look behind me startled at what Kawaii-kun said and see his slight glare.

He's mad that I helped save a girl that I didn't even know.

"Hime..... Are you trying to go against the village........ against me....." he growled looking more mad.

"B-but Kawaii-kun...."

"No don't talk to me you traitor..."

Everything stopped.

Nothing mattered anymore.

All that did matter was gone...

"W-wait Gaara you don't really mean tha-"

"Shut up Temari! I mean what I say and you won't change my mind!!"

Kawaii-kun was mad at me.

He hated me....

I have no reason to be here....

With that said I quickly liquefy and evaporate.

I will go where Kawaii-kun won't be mad at me anymore.

"Ooh no..... Chi-chan..........."

Temari's pov

'She left....... she really left. Gaara you idiot, can't you see how much Chi loves you and how pure her heart is.'

"Man... I've never seen those two fight before. And to think that in their first fight that Chi-hime actually left before Gaara can even fight-" Kankuro said but dropped the sentence and looked at empty space with his eyes wide.

"Temari................... Gaara hasn't fought yet....... Chi-hime isn't here to help control him........." Kankuro said with nothing but terror.

In an instant what he said came to me. Gaara hasn't fought without Chi-chan by his side, and if Chi-chan isn't there to help controlvhim........... it's going to be a bloody fight.

"Kankuro............ I'm scared..."

For the first time in my life... I was truly and most definitely afraid of my little brother.

Alright I wanted to at least put this up for you lovely Blood Cells you!!!! And also please don't go hating Gaara it's needed for this to happen. But if it'll make you feel better I'm going to make Gaara feel bad and go back to Chi. Also I LOVE HOW YOU BLOOD CELLS LOVE ME SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! I feel the love really I do! So enjoy and vote, also leave me a comment below on your thoughts of this! Good or bad I don't mind.

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