Chapter 26

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Alright my awesome Blood cells I would like to tell you all that I have now updated!!! So please enjoy!!! Also I am very sorry for not updating sooner.

We were making our way to the Suna when I was suddenly jolted awake.

'We should inform them that we're still here...... if they don't know that we're here then we'll stay here until they notice that we aren't with them.' Chime said as she sounded slightly angry.

'Chi should tell them, I don't like to be so confined for long.' Jeff said also sounding mad.

I understand why they are mad. We're being confined to one place with neither of the three being able to get loose and have a breather. Though what could I do until Kawaii-kun or the others notice that I'm still inside.

'SHOUT!!! NOW!!!! I WANT TO GET OUT NOW!!!!!!!' shouted both Chime and Jeff. They were giving me a headache.

Sighing I look through Kawai-kun's eyes to see that we have just made it back to Suna and Kawaii-kun was laying down on his bed. I take in a calming breath and let it out.

'Kawaii-kun.......' I uttered as it came out as a small whisper. I knew that I startled him as he slightly jumped from my voice.

"Hime...................... why didn't you tell me that you wanted to come out.............. I would of let you out sooner if you just told me...." Kawaii-kun said as he started to sit up from his bed since he was still recovering from all of the damage that he had sustained while I was healing my heart.

'Kawaii-kun don't let Chi out unless you have Chi's blindfold....' I said as I knew that I was making him worry on why needed my blindfold when I never really used it before.

"Hime what's wrong?!! Are you hurt!?!" Kawaii-kun quickly asked as he started to rummage around to and my blindfold. It was slightly funny seeing him throw things around the room and falling over the things he already threw on the ground.

'Chi just needs her blindfold is all..........' I say as I let myself fall silent and just listen to Jeff and Chime whine about wanting to be released already.

'Why are you making us wait to be free!! Can't you see that the more we're in here we'll lose our minds!!!!! And that's more than we lost already!!!!!!!!!' shouted Chime as I could feel her banging inside my head.

Sighing I just wait still inside Kawaii-kun's body and see that he found the blindfold and was getting ready to make the hand signs to release me. I close my eyes as I feel myself leave Kawaii-kun's body and out to the real world.

I can feel that Kawaii-kun was in front of me wanting to make me explain why he had to find my old blind fold. Especially since I haven't used it since around two years ago. I hold my hand out waiting for Kawaii-kun to hand me the blind fold which he did making me feel the soft material of the cloth.

When I finally tied the cloth to my eyes I let out a breath and relax my muscles as I stood in front of my Kawaii-kun. I smiled and told him all that had happened while I was in his body and why I now need a blind fold.


"KAWAAAAAIIIIIIII-KUNUUUUUUUUUNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ " I glomp Kawaii-kun as I wail and cry making him lose his balance and fall on the ground with me on top. It was probably a few hours until I was letting out little sniffles every second and Kawaii-kun was patting my head trying to get me to calm down.

I had my head on Kawaii-kun's chest and I could feel his heart beat calm me down even more. I wasn't sure when it happened but I ended up falling asleep.

"Hime....... You need to wake up....... or else you won't be able to eat dinner...." I was being shaken a bit making me roll over wanting to go back to sleep since I only slept about 5 seconds at the most.

Blood Is Love? (Gaara love story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now