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In the time it took Renesmee to fit herself back into the family, Willow had run to the outskirts of the forest. Needing distance from the new vampire on their land. Seth had been sent after Willow to make sure she was alright, although he stayed in the shadows to give her the distance to think in peace.

Although her supernatural senses allow her to feel Seth's presence before he had even arrived. "You know you can come out of the trees Seth," Willow says angrily. "You just have to remember I don't need a babysitter!"

Seth had transformed back into his human form, steps out from the treeline. "Jane scouted the southern line, there's been a vampire lurking nearby." Seth pipes up casually leaning against a tree. "Want to talk about it?"

Willow looks into his brown eyes, that always had a sense of calm. "How can she just waltz back here and ruin everything!" She yells throwing her hands up in frustration. "I get it! She's the perfect little vampire child my mother had to replace the mistake she created beforehand."

Seth shakes his head, disagreeing with her statement. "Bella risked her life to bring Renesmee into the world." He explains casually. "I saw Bella die before she was turned, it was not a pretty sight. Think about it logically, if your mother really regretted you she wouldn't have had you in the first place."

That was a statement no one had made before. It was something Willow hadn't thought about. "Sure, she regrets having you really young, as a kid herself but she made a huge sacrifice by birthing you." 

"Is this meant to make me feel sorry for my mother?" Willow asks confused.

Seth shakes his head. "Just remember there is more to the story." 

Willow just nods in reply. They remain silent for moments more before chatting about different subjects to ease her mind.

Back in the cabin, Renesmee sits opposite Sue, as she answers her own set of questions. "So where is your daughter?" She asks, Sue looks at her with her dull red eyes.

Sue sighs. "She finally decided to make her own path by going on with her new husband and travelling the world." She answers shortly. "It was about time she was taken off babysitting duties."

Charlie walks into the house, Jane hot on his trail. Her eyes widen at the sight of the Cullen girl in their hideout. "Well, Aro will be pleased to find out that she lives." She says with a smirk present on her pale face.

Charlie halts Jane from speaking further. "We need to hide Renesmee, there's a deranged vampire lurking the woods looking for his next meal." He refers to her human scent that lingered in the air.

Charlie himself was hungry for human blood, as hunting was a rare occasion so the family could remain hidden without raising the alarm to humans. 

"What about my sister? She's human too." Renesmee says quietly.

Sue shakes her head. "She's a hybrid, something we hear your mother has figured out by turning Jacob into one." She explains to the young Cullen girl.

Renesmee felt slight shock with the situation, no more did she need to go along with her adult family to protect those close to them that couldn't protect herself. It was now she was the damsel in distress, waiting for her prince to save her. 

"So what's this about me being a deranged vampire?" A familiar voice surprises the family. They all turn to see Jacob Black standing there leaning against the doorframe.

"Jake!" Renesmee shouts before throwing herself in his arms.

She pulls away to see his eyes were a dark red, he was hungry. 

Charlie pulls her back and pushes Jacob outside, catching him off guard and he falls to the ground. "What the hell?!" Renesmee yells louder. 

"It's not the human side we have to protect, it's the vampire side," Charlie explains to the girl. "We're immune to his desire due to our experience with them." He refers to a long time they have spent together and their own vampire scent was protected from other hybrids.

"Jake, there are few vampires around here," Sue says. "You need to calm down, let the wolf side take over." She bends to his level and looks in his eyes while they fade back the usual dark brown with a deep breath.

"Never thought I'd see the day that there was still someone from the rez around here." Jake manages to break a small smile with his joke. "Let alone the adults around me as vampires."

"It means I can look this good for centuries." Seth pipes up, walking towards Jacob to pull him up to his feet.

Willow stays a small distance from the group. She looks at the whole situation around her. "Who sent you?" She asks.

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