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Although Sue was overcome with heartbreak, seeing her dear husband passed on from this world she had suggested to her dear friend Charlie to go home and get some rest. Charlie agrees after Sue offers to care for Willow who was happily playing with the old toys her children had played with when they were children.

Sue sighs as she sees her daughter, sitting next to her father, crying yet she was consumed in using her mobile phone to ignore the pain she was feeling. Her emotions were hectic inside her small frame. She was angry that her father was gone from this world.

"Leah, could you come and help me get some supplies from the store?" Sue asks. "Seth will stay here with the elders." To which Seth gives a small nod, before burrowing his head into the pillow.

Leah's brown eyes squint with rage. "You want me to help you get supplies? You could get it yourself." Leah mutters at her mother, who lets out a sigh. She still had duties to feed the extra guests she had in her house.

There is a breakout of an argument between mother and daughter, tensions rasing in the room before hell was released. Leah leaps from the couch only to feel her body transform, her skin replaced with silver fur and the force breaks the couch that she once sat on.

Her mother looks on in horror as her daughter had turned into a wolf. There had been no record of a female werewolf in her culture. Willow had noticed an outburst of anger and seeing Leah in her wolf form, who was freaking out on the inside. "Puppy!" Willow yells out with excitement.

This distraction causes Leah's thoughts to calm down briefly, enough that she was able to transform into her human form once more. Only she rushes towards her bedroom as her clothes sat in tatters alongside the broken couch. Leah lets out a scream.

Willow sits there amazed as she had witnessed the transformation of the girl who would babysit her on the odd occasion. Sue, in horror, pulls out her mobile phone and dials Sam Uley's number. Explaining the situation, in short, Sam rushes over to the Clearwater residence to find Sue cleaning up the mess that her daughter had created and the guests had left the household.

Although Leah's transform is impossible Sam tries his best to explain through her locked door about the changes she had experienced. Leah sits on her bed pissed, out of all her luck and she was stuck forced to be apart of a wolf pack that her ex-boyfriend led. He had replaced her with her cousin she was once close to. 

Her thoughts were racing in her mind, everything was too much for her to handle. Willow was getting frustrated at all the adults missing from the room she lets out a tantrum for attention. The sound causes Leah to open her bedroom door and glare at Sam who stands there angry himself, he didn't want to be stuck putting up with Leah's stubborn attitude today. He was too busy running the pack to take down Victoria. 

Leah picks Willow up who brushes away the tears falling down her face and leans against Leah's shoulders. "I wouldn't recommend being near her," Sam suggests with his arms crossed.

"Oh go fuck yourself Sam, she's already abandoned by her own parents what harm could I do to her?" Leah asks.

"Now that you're a werewolf, you can kill her if you snap at any time." Sam lets out a sigh. 

"Just go back on home to your little perfect life and get the hell out of my house!" Leah yells.

On instinct, Sam grabs Willow from Leah's arms and pulls her outside and on cue, Leah transforms into a werewolf once more. Her rage seething as she runs off into the forest near her small home. "Puppy," Willow says sadly, she desperately wanted to pat the soft fur on the creature that had run away.

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