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When awoken Charlie Swan faces his new reflection. Bright red eyes replaced his brown eyes, holding his hand up to his pale face a knock interrupts his confusion. Sue Clearwater is pushed into the small room that contained her fiance. "Charlie?" She asks looking at him with similar eyes.

"What happened?" Charlie asks, his thoughts drained of what happened just days before.

Sue sighs. "We've been turned into vampires." She says in a quiet voice, but with Charlie's new supernatural hearing he's able to hear her words. "This was the fate of Bella as well, that's why she left."

Charlie looks at her in shock, before pulling her in for a tight hug. "Where's Willow?" He asks.

Jane interrupts the couple, a smirk placed on her face as the pair pull apart in fear. "She's safe Mr Swan." She informs him. "We need to give a bit of time for your transformation to take affect before you see her again."

"Where are my children?" Sue asks worriedly.

"Confused, but perfectly safe. They're with the child now." Jane explains. "With their werewolf DNA they were transformed into hybrid states."

Time is frozen for the supernatural beings trapped within the stone walls of the Volturi castle. Only the burning sensation of blood lingers as they await clearance to see Willow. In her time within the vampire ridden castle, she has stuck near the newly created hybrids. 

To her they appeared normal, their eyes remained the same unlike the vampires that glare at the sight of the child. When they are called to the throne room, Willow holds on to Leah's hand for support as they are presented in front of the vampire kings. 

Aro had a smug smile on her face. "Such beauty, your family almost represents the Cullen clan now." He comments before Charlie and Sue are led into the room following Felix.

Letting go of Leah's hand she runs over to Charlie and flings her small arms around his shoulders. A small moment of pride floods through Charlie as he bends to her level and holds her close to his cold chest. 

Aro holds his hands together happily. "Aren't you glad to have your family back together Charlie?" Aro asks, Charlie pulls back from his granddaughter who gasps in shock. He had the same set of eyes that the rest of the vampires had.

"We had a deal, now are we able to leave?" Charlie asks as his fiance walks over to her children and Fred, grasping her daughter's hand for support.

Aro sighs. "You see I don't want to let you leave, your family fits in well with my guards." He says. "If I were to let you leave I'd need to send a ranked member of my guard to accompany you, just to keep me updated in your progress." He asks.

"We'll take the blonde girl." Willow pipes up to Aro, who's content face has a moment of shock present.

Jane's cold glare remains the same, as she looks over at the child. She looked much like Bella but they were very different beings. Much different to the other child that Bella bared. "Yes..." Aro trails off looking at the young blonde. "She is a very suited protector."

Arrangements are made for Jane to accompany to Swan family back to Forks. There was a condition for Willow to be turned into a vampire on the eve of her eighteenth birthday if the family was to be set free. Once Charlie is led back to the room he had been gifted by the Volturi for his stay, the children follow them. "You know we can't stay in Forks for long." Seth mentions. "They'll notice that were not aging."

Charlie holds his head, frustrated with the result of this vacation. "We'll make it work." Sue says putting her hand on Charlie's shoulder. "Even if we have to stay in hiding on the reservation." 

"Why don't we follow the Cullen's to locations they went, I know they went north of Alaska." Leah suggests. "They wouldn't be hard to trace."

"In my time on the run, there are many places in America where we would blend in for a short while of a time." Fred says. "Until we can make a permanent plan."

Charlie nods. "We'll go back to Forks and make a plan before we go running." He says looking at his tired granddaughter. "I just want a normal upbringing for Willow."

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