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"Let me make it clear, the Volturi don't give second chances," Jane remarks to Sam Uley. "Now I've been patient enough with you dog, I intend to take the human and the hybrid."

While Sam's brown eyes glare at the vampire in front of him, not wanting to create a scene and tear the vampire's neck out he grabs Jane by the throat catching her off guard. Before Charlie Swan walks around the corner to tell his family that dinner was ready.

"Shit," Sam mutters before letting go of the vampire.

Charlie walks over a grim look on his face. "You wanna tell me why you're grabbing a young girl's neck?" In her appearance, Jane looked frozen at fifteen years old. The age she was created all those years ago by Aro.

Wanting to stay in character Jane holds her neck, gasping for air. Her brothers and the rest of the wolf pack retreat to the forest while Leah drags Willow back into the house. "She was threatening me." Sam answers. "Complicated wolf things."

Although Charlie didn't understand many secrets of the wolf pack, he understood enough that this wasn't a normal teenage girl. Jane's act wears off. "He didn't harm me officer, we just had a misunderstanding."

Charlie nods in approval. "Where are your parents?" Charlie asks.

Jane wanted to answer sarcastically, but remains calm with visions of her human parents flashing in her mind. "They died long ago." She says emotionless. "I know where your daughter is though Mr Swan."

That captures Charlie's attention. The late nights of trying to find leads on the case came with dead ends and nothing to go on about. "Where?" He asks the small vampire.

"She's alive, seeking refuge in Europe right now." Jane answers smugly, causing Sam to let out a loud sigh. "I would be more than happy to reunite a father to his long lost daughter."

He gives a small smile, after the sad news of the letter just months before apart of him had disappeared. He had lost hope of anything good happening in his life after that news. "My family would love to host your own, I'm sure your granddaughter would enjoy to see her mother once more."

Charlie's brown eyes look into Jane's deep red eyes. "Are you related to the Cullen's?" He asks, he was confused on why this strange girl would show up in America looking for him to tell him where his daughter is.

"Distant relations." She answers before parting ways with the human and the werewolf. Her brothers glare at her from that shadows of the forest.

"What is the meaning of this Jane?" Felix asks.

"Bittersweet revenge on the Cullen family." Jane answers as she looks back to see Willow run up to Charlie with the good news she had relayed on the young child.

"Immortal children are forbidden sister." Her twin brother reminds her.

"We need to understand hybrids more, that was why we were sent here. We need more volunteers." Jane asks hushing any further questions. 

The humans stand beside Charlie Swan's home, tears falling down their face as Charlie hugs Willow tightly. "We're going to bring Bella home." He says happily.

"Charlie they cannot be trusted." Sam reminds the chief of police.

"Then I'll take some backup to protect us on this visit." Sam nods in understanding, he was to brief the werewolves living under Charlie's care on the plan. He made a promise to Jacob before he left to protect Charlie and his own father.

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