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There were brief moments where people would question the young girl traveling to an international country without any luggage, nor was she dressed for the chilling weather of Washington. 

A kind lady approaches the girl as she sits at a cafe table, flipping through her passport out of boredom. She had taken a moment to sit in silence to figure out her next move. The lady carried a jacket, although thin for the weather, she wanted to offer it to the young girl. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I noticed you look a little chilly." She offers the black coat to the young teenager.

Although confused about the interaction, she graciously accepts the jacket. She wasn't shaking with the temperature, it was her anxiety. "Thank you." She says with a small smile and puts the jacket on her slim frame. 

The lady smiles back before returning to her own business. Willow gets up from her seat and makes her way in the search of some transport, she decided on a bus. It was cheap and she would be able to travel far from her current location. 

Walking upon the stand she notices that the only bus route happening for the rest of the afternoon was to Forks. The former home of her family. "Can I help you?" A man with a thick American accent asks the young girl.

"Yes. One ticket for the next bus." She says slipping the correct fare over to the man. He nods before passing a piece of paper to fill out her information.

Sighing she takes the pen offered and fills out the basic information that was required for her ticket. She writes her name as Willa Biers. She hoped no one would make a connection of the name with her.

Handing the page back, the man nods before handing over a ticket.

Willow thanks the man before looking through the small shops that the airport had. She picked herself up a cheap cellphone and some credit, enjoying the free WIFI to set up the device and search for some music to make her thoughts stop racing. 

She returns to the outside of the airport when the bus was set to leave. Heading for the final destinations of Forks, Washington. She hands the bus driver the ticket before finding a free seat. Although the bus was quite empty since it was a destination not for tourists.

She settles in for the three-hour trip, listening to music. She drowns out the thoughts of the murder. She drowns out the thought of how upset her family would be feeling right now. They would've figured out it was her that killed Bella.

Upon arriving in the small town that was surrounded by forests. She thanks the bus driver before stepping foot in her old hometown. Where she was brought into the world. Still, the music blasts through her headphones as she wanders the streets of the township.

Many people in this town minded their own business as she ventures into shops, passing the time. While she walks through a small vegetable shop, hunger takes over her body as she looks at the assortments of fruit. "Willow?" A male voice asks from her right side.

She slowly looks in the direction of the voice to see Sam Uley. The former werewolf Alpha of the nearby La Push community. "What are you doing here?" He asks in disbelief. 

Willow keeps her mouth shut, but the upset expression takes over her face as she rushes over to the man that had aged since the vampires left the community. She flings her arms around his tanned body as she lets the tears fall. "I made a big mistake." She says in a quiet voice.

Shock is replaced with concern, as he forgets the task of shopping for the ingredients needed for tonight's council meeting. He could ignore his wife's anger for a night while he figures out why the young hybrid girl had returned to Forks. All alone.

He leads the girl to his truck before driving them both to the La Push township. It looked the same since the day she had left. He arrives at his house to see his wife standing there, her pregnant stomach on show as Willow exits the truck. "Willow Swan, I was wondering when you'd return home." She says with a sweet smile before a frown at her husband as there were no shopping bags in his hands.

"Go along inside Willow." He instructs the run girl who nods while he stands outside the door with his wife. Her arms crossed against his chest. "I'm sorry," He begins. "I think something's happened to the Swan's."

Emily understood the words. There was no way Charlie would just let a young teenager return to the lands that they left for their protection. Escpailly travel halfway across the world alone. "You're returning to the store later." She playful punches her husband's shoulder before following him inside their small home.

Willow was sat at the table as she looks around the room. She had a lot of good memories in this home growing up. She would spend most afternoons being babysat by Emily when Leah was on patrol. "So what happened?" Sam asks as Emily offers the girl a small snack and a glass of water.

Willow happily accepts the food before explaining the details. "I killed Bella." She explains simply. "I freaked out due to the lack of thought when I ripped her in half, I didn't know if my family would be mad." She babbles in a fast pace.

"I know the Cullen family will be hunting me down by now. I thought I could hide somewhere in America since it's big and people disappear all the time." She says recounting the shows she had seen of people her age going missing all the time to start new lives.

"So you came home?" Sam asks, crossing his arms across his chest.

Willow nods before sipping her water. "I wasn't thinking clearly, it was the only bus anywhere from the airport." She says before sighing. "I'm sorry I've made you in danger."

"Don't get up," Sam instructs, knowing that she would've gone out that door not to return. "You're safer here, I doubt your family would be angry with you. We know Bella's true feelings towards you."

"It was self-defense I swear!" Willow says, her voice raised with surrender in her tone. "She was going to kill me."

"I believe you," Emily says. "Things have changed since they left. We all know something like this would happen eventually. You can stay here, it's still your home."

Willow gives a kind smile to the woman that wore her scars with pride. "I'll get you a set of clean clothing." She offers before walking down the hallway. Leaving the Alpha with the hybrid.

"There's someone that would be thrilled to see you," Sam says before his wife returned with a stack of clothing. "But it can wait until later. You need to relax."

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