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The wolf pack are in high alert as bloodsuckers roam the forests of Forks once more, these ones dangerous from the former tenants of the Cullen home. They endanger the humans who go about their normal dull lives.

Jane's bright red eyes are full of excitement as her brothers finish feeding on unlucky humans in the next county over. She has a wicked smile as she savors the memory of torching the Cullen home to ashes, it was the first punishment against the family that betrayed the Volturi once more.

"Sister, are instructions in place to locate the Cullen clan yet?" Her twin brother Alec asks pushing the empty human void to the forest ground as he brushes off the dirt on his robe. 

Her pale lips form in a thin line, the smirk disappearing from her face. "Perhaps we should send a message to the Cullen family." She informs her brothers as she turns back to the gloomy town they had ventured out.

Her brothers follow her towards a small white house, Jane can smell the sweet scent of human blood inside, similar to Bella Swan's own when she was human. "We've just fed Jane," Felix says casually as they look on in the windows of a young girl running through the house excitedly. 

"Do you not trust me Felix?" Jane asks, her head not turning her gaze at the white cottage as a police cruiser park in the driveway and Charlie Swan is seen walking towards the house. "Bella Swan used to live here."

Alec sets his eyes on the young child who greets her grandfather before pulling on her coat to play in the backyard after being stuck inside all day due to the rain. Her eyes resemble Bella Swan's in her former self. "You know newborn children are reckless, not to mention illegal." He wasn't sure about his sister's plan.

Jane takes a step forward from the shadows of the forest, a wicked smile on her pale face. "Hello." She sweetly greets Willow, who drops her bike on to the grass below her feet from being frightened by the sudden greeting.

Her brown eyes inspect the visitor's red eyes. "Hello." She replies in a small voice. "I'm not supposed to talk to strangers."

"Well I'm not a stranger, you see I'm an old friend of Bella's." She says getting to her knees to be eye level with Willow.

There is a hint of hope in Willow's eyes. "You knew my mum?" Willow asks, the question confusing Jane. She had only known of one child belonging to the Cullen's. 

Jane regains her calm composure. "Yes, she is a lovely girl," Jane says with a smile. "I could take you to see her."

Willow gasps. "She's alive? But the police said she was dead, along with my step-dad." Jane's eyebrow raises amused.

"What's your name child?" Jane asks.

"Willow Swan." Willow's eyes drop to the ground, many thoughts were running through her mind. One is why a beautiful woman was telling her that her mother was alive and had lied to her family.

"My name is Jane, it's nice to meet you." Jane holds out her hand, which Willow shakes realizing how cold the woman is, that is until Leah runs outside growling causing Jane's brothers to stand behind Jane.

Jane takes a step back as Leah grabs Willow away from the vampire. "Don't touch her!" Leah screams, Seth running outside leaping into his wolf form growling.

"My, my Bella really did teach her dogs to protect the ones she left behind," Jane comments looking at the wolf and Leah holding Willow close to her chest, protecting her from the stench of the vampire.

"Leah she said my mum's still alive," Willow says smiling, confused at the situation. "She knows where she is."

Leah looks down at Willow, a pained smile on her face. "Honey, you need to stay away from these people, they're dangerous."

Moments later Sam stands in front of Willow and Leah in his human form, the wolves joining Seth's side. "You need to leave," Sam warns.

"Why? I'm just giving the girl what she really wants." Jane explains.

"We let you have your revenge on the Cullen's, but you need to move on they left town long ago." Sam snarls at the vampires. "You're on our land." 

Jane doesn't look bothered at the dogs in front of her. "I know you want revenge on them too, as far as I know, they've kidnapped your dog," Jane says, trying to get a reaction from the wolves.

"Jacob made his choice, now make yours before I rip you to shreds." She towers over the smaller vampire.

"Shouldn't you get your hybrid to do that?" Jane asks, catching Sam off guard. "We are well aware of him, in fact I remember him from long ago in Seattle." 

"He changed, you won't go near him," Sam says glaring.

"My master just wants to meet him, we haven't had a case in well over a thousand years in exchange for the information for your dog." Jane offers.

"No thanks, Leah take Willow inside." Leah picks up the young girl before Jane interrupts.

"He would also be interested in meeting Bella's other offspring, we still have a deal with the Cullens if they wish to keep their existence and that child falls under that category."

"No, so move along," Sam says.

"I'm not going anywhere until I have the hybrid and the girl," Jane smirks. "If not I will involve the humans inside." A small giggle falls out of her lips.

Sam takes a small glimpse at the white house behind him. "Hell no."

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