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Part 6: Flames

"You must remember that there is always a good and evil side." The voice of Billy Black echoes in Willow's mind as she mindlessly walking through the forest with Embry. "You will make the right choice when the time comes for the next danger, not everything with remain at peace in your lifetime."

 She enjoyed the warmth from the werewolf as they went from exchanging hands to him pulling the girl to his side to keep her warm as they were both soaked from the rain above. The trees weren't doing a brilliant job at protecting them from the rain.

The forest was darker compared to her home. It kept the pair hidden from any other wolves that happen to be nearby on patrol. "Where are we going?" Willow asks, her voice almost getting drowned out of the heavy rainfall.

Embry flashes another smile as they had been walking for close to two hours, out of the boundary of La Push. The pair happen to stumble upon the meadow that Bella would escape to with Edward early in their relationship. Now it was sheltered by darkness, but the grass was long enough that Willow couldn't see her shoes. "Well, this seems like a pretty decent place to hide a body." Willow jokes looking at the werewolf chuckle with laughter.

"Come here." Embry motions the girls she had pulled away to look around her surroundings more clearly. Although her vision was poor due to the rainfall and fog that covered the meadow. 

Embry pulls the girl close to his chest to keep her warm against the night air. They embrace each other for a short while as the rain eases up around them. Although it didn't make a difference as both were completely drenched. 

Willow pulls back a small distance from the werewolf to look into his kind brown eyes. Although they appeared almost black under the night sky. "You know, kissing you all those years ago, let me almost appear like a lovesick teenager again," Embry notes as he brushes his spare hand against Willow's pale cheek. 

"That's kind of you to say, I suppose I'm meant to like older guys since I'm stuck seventeen forever," Willow says sadly, looking away from their gaze and back at her shoes. "Or I'm suppose to be fated to be forever alone-"

The girl is cut off with Embry placing his warm lips against hers. Ignoring the previous moments of doubts and fear with the situation at hand for the death of Bella, Willow choices to enjoy this moment as she pulls the werewolf closer by wrapping her hands around his neck.

The kiss deepens from a small exchange of touch to a passionate moment as the rain falls around the pair. Although Embry pulls back to catch his breath, although Willow is left breathless from the kiss.

He laughs as he watches Willow struggle to get her breathing back to normal. Her heart thumps loudly against her chest. "I don't know what it would feel like to have an imprint but that kiss felt pretty damn powerful." He flashes the girl a kind smile. "You deserve a lifetime of happiness and romance."

Willow remains silent for a few moments as she collects her thoughts. "Maybe, while I'm seeking asylum here, you could show me what that means." She suggests to the older boy.

"No jokes about me being old enough to be your father, this time." He says, cringing at the thought of Willow making that joke when they first kissed years before in a similar situation to the present moment. 

Willow cringes at the same memory that Emby had mentioned. When she recalled it back to Leah she had spread it around the family as something to make everyone laugh. They had known the pair to be close, as Embry had lost many of his friends due to their imprints or finally moving on from the pack.

Charlie didn't want to separate the pair when they would hang out, as Willow had already lost enough people for a lifetime and more. "But I'd be more than happy to." He says.

Perhaps years before he never caught the imprint for the young child that would be left on their lands so Bella could spend time with Edward. Or the moment that Charlie would bring her to Jacob's father's house when they would hang out outside of their patrol duties. He knew he had to protect the girl from orders that Sam called the moment Bella left town and left the Swan family vulnerable to the supernatural. 

Maybe there was more to fate for the pair embracing each other, ignoring the darkness turning to light around them. Maybe they were lost souls looking for company due to the reasons that destiny had given them, no one should be alone right?

In the distance, the pair can hear the distance howl of a wolf. "Damn it." Embry curses. "Duty calls."

He would never be the boy to leave the girl defenseless in the early hours of the morning. He transforms into his wolf form, Willow riding on top before he sprints off to the house that belonged to Sam. 

Looking back at the wolf, Willow gives a small wave before retreating back to the small house, Emily waiting inside with a hot drink waiting for her. "It's like you never left, falling back into old habits." She mentions noticing the girl was soaked.

Willow shrugs, giving her a smile and taking the hot drink. "I've put some spare clean clothes on the bed in the guest room for you." She explains as she gets back to the task of making Sam's breakfast before he went off to work for the day outside of the reservation.

He joins the females in the kitchen, noticing Willow completely drenched. "You know there are other ways not to drown in the rain when you run alongside wolves." He mentions. "A raincoat."

Embrassessed, Willow looks at the ground below her feet. "But I need you to stay on the rez, I'll ask Embry for an update to see if any vampires have discovered you're here." He mentioned before farewelling his wife and leaving in his truck.

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