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It came as a shock that after being ignored by Jacob Black for weeks on end, she was able to figure out the secret. He was a werewolf and apart of a wolf pack that protected the lands of Forks, she informed them why the redheaded vampire named Victoria kept crossing their land. She was after revenge against Bella.

After Jacob had dropped her off at home Bella goes inside and sits on her bed, staying up the entire night, her thoughts pondering about the chance of Victoria killing her new friends.

Although tired she drags herself to school, watching her peers around her while she hopes that Edward would come to rescue her from the danger. She felt alone since Jacob was hunting Victoria and her father was hunting Jacob after a report she made about seeing giant wolves in the forest in search of her meadow. Bella thought there was nothing left in her heart. 

Since everyone was busy she was left to pick up her daughter from daycare, before placing her in her crib. She ignores her protests and screams as she retreats back to her room to make a plan, a plan to kill herself as there was no way she could carry on without Edward in her life. She had reached her breaking point, her depression had won over her thoughts to continue with life, she just needed to see one last glimpse of Edward before she perished. 

Grabbing her car keys from her desk, she looks over in the spare bedroom next to hers that had been made into Willow's tempory bedroom and ponders about leaving her behind, but shakes that thought out of her mind and picks up her daughter. 

Willow's tears stop as she's carried down the stairs to the bright orange truck that sat outside the small home. Bella buckles Willow into her car seat and starts her truck, heading west towards La Push. More specifically the large cliffs she had seen the wolf pack jump off months beforehand.

She parks her truck in a small gravel path, looking over at her daughter, she places a dummy in her mouth and pulls a blanket over her as the temperate was dropping fast. "I've never liked you, but I'm not a monster who would've left you alone. I'm sorry I have to do this." She explains to Willow who just looks at her with her brown eyes. "I hope you grow up to have a fantastic life, someone will find you," Bella mentions before exiting her vehicle to make her way into the dirt path in the forest. 

She doesn't lock the truck, someone needed to get Willow out when she is found.

As Bella walks along the path, she is unaware of the wolves currently chasing Victoria towards the same area she was heading. She was too consumed thinking about memories she had shared with Edward and the positive memories she had with her family growing up. 

Dropping to the surface of the water Bella is captured in the waves, causing her to hit her head against the rocks. Her blurry vision captures Edward floating above her, a small smile forms on her face. The flashes of red in the distance triggers fear in her but she is peaceful and content with seeing Edward as she's pulled deeper into the water her vision turning black.

Before long she is in the arms of Jacob Black who had dived into the water to save her. Pulling her out of the water he brings her back onto to beach giving her CPR to bring the water out of her lungs. 

She opens her eyes to see a worried Jacob. "What the hell were you thinking?" he asks after the relief was worn off, his friend was alive. 

Thinking of an excuse instead of sounding suicidal. "I just needed to see something." She says, her breathing still hurting her lungs.

Sam's voice calls out in the distance, holding Willow in his arms as he's pointing in the direction of Harry's home. "Get her home! I'm gonna go help out at Harry's place." He then runs into the distance, Willow watching the trees fly by.

Jacob explains what had happened to Harry Clearwater. He had died due to a heart attack caused by Victoria. Sam enters the small home to see the Clearwater family gathered around Harry's body that was displayed in the living room. Charlie still wore his work uniform as he stands off to the side, tears still falling down his face. "Het chief." Sam greets handing over his granddaughter who gives a large grin her pacifier falling out of her mouth. Sam catches it before it hits the wooden floor.

Charlie has a confused look on his face. "Bella was hanging out at the beach and Jake's taking her home. I offered to bring Willow over so she could have some space with the news." Sam says handing the pink pacifier over to Charlie's spare hand.

"Thank you Sam." Charlie says placing a kiss on Willow's head. He was glad his family was safe.

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