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Willow is forcefully taken to a small cottage in the woods that had belonged to Bella and Edward before they had fled town almost two decades ago. Bella pushes her down into a plush chair that had a lot of dust thrown into the air from the motion, causing Willow to cough. 

"I don't remember having another daughter," Bella says, muttering her thoughts out loud. She paces back and forth within the living room. "How did you know what was wrong with Jacob?"

"I'm a hybrid, just like you've done to him but he's had no training on how to control his thirst for vampires," Willow explains. "You probably don't remember me because vampires forget a lot of their human thoughts through time." 

"See Bella, I told you not much has changed," Jacob says walking into the room, breaking the tension. "I'm still the same werewolf who killed vampires for fun."

Bella rolls his eyes at his sudden cheery mood. "But it's unsafe to have you around Nessie." Bella reminds him, causing his smile to fall. "Who's your father?" Bella's attention turns back to Willow.

"Riley Biers, your actions killed him," Willow says bitterly. "But why are you letting him suffer?" 

Regarding the state of Jacob, who had no self-control in his current condition. "He was getting too old for my daughter," Bella says shrugging. "We thought about turning him into a vampire to stop his aging." 

"You can't just change a werewolf, his genes are still racing through his veins. What were they created to do in the early days?" Willow asks sarcastically. "To kill vampires, so now they are programmed to do what their instincts tell them too."

"How do you know so much?" Jacob asks crossing his arms across his chest.

"My family are 80% hybrids, with time you'll learn to control it and turn your diet to animal blood," Willow explains. "It doesn't just happen automatically, although your human diet should remain the same without the full moon."

Jacob understood the words the girl was speaking clearly. "Why can't he turn into a wolf anymore?" Bella asks.

"I'm not sure, every change is different. We had two werewolves that are still able to transform and vampires who retained more humanlike features. It is unknown of what you'll get from the transformation." Will says.

That statement hurt, he had missed the days of roaming the forest with Nessie in his wolf form. He felt more control rather than the mess of his current state. There are footsteps coming from outside of the cottage before Jane storms into the room, her famous smirk plastered on her face.

"My, my it has been a long time Bella." Jane greets. "The Volturi still haven't forgiven what you did those few short years ago."

Bella glares at the blonde vampire. "What are you doing here?" Bella demands using her powers to keep her from using her own against her.

"Protecting the girl you have kidnapped," Jane answers bored.

Bella lets out a laugh. "Since when did you become a babysitter?"

"Since she's more trusted than you, going around playing around with supernatural business no one understands. You're putting yourself in danger by being back here." Willow warns getting out of the seat to stand next to Jane. 

"You've just made yourself an enemy against my family," Bella warns.

"Half of them took care of me when you couldn't be bothered, because Edward was the most perfect thing in your world at that time," Willow says. "If only you had spent all these years reflecting on your actions perhaps you could've saved a lot of lives, including Charlie's."

Bella's eyes widen for a small moment. Will interpret the look on her face. "He's alive and well, safe now that he's away from you." 

Bella's anger returns and she's about to lunge at the girl before Leah leaps in the way of the attack through the window. Glass is shattered throughout the room. Leah growls at the vampire. "Never thought I'd see the day Leah protects a vampire." 

"If you weren't so selfish, she wouldn't have had to be the one to raise me." Willow challenges. "So just go home to Edward, he'll make everything perfect for you along with the rest of his perfect family."

Bella admits defeat and heads towards the south exit of the small aging home. "Come on Jake!" Bella calls from the door.

Jacob lingers in the room, shell-shocked to see his friend still in the former form. "Leah...I-" Jacob stutters before following Bella's direction. 

"I think we have to leave before trouble follows us." Jane reminds the girls.

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