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Willow crosses her arms as she watches on, while her family explains the plan to her sister. Who sits at the table gripping Jacob's hand across the table, she could see the fear in her brown eyes.

Tears fall down Renesmee's face before she shoves the chair behind her, getting to her feet and rushing out the door. Locking eyes with Willow as she passes by before disappearing into the forest. 

Sighing Willow follows the direction that Renesmee had traveled. Moments later she sees the young hybrid girl fall to her feet crying. Keeping a distance she gives the space that her sister needed to process the words she had been given. "How can you stand there and let your family fight our mother?" She screams in the direction of Willow. "I get she wasn't the nicest to you, but you should speak out against it!"

Willow looks up at Renesmee, her brown eyes flickering from brown to red. A sign of rage within her veins. "She deserves mother of the fucken year!" Willow steps forward to the other girl who takes a step back in fear. "I'm sure she was a perfect mother to you, I spent too much time trying to get any sort of love from her. She only cared about becoming a vampire and marrying your father, you were just a package deal."

"I never forgot you," Renesmee says quickly, trying to change the subject. "I have memories of when we were younger of us playing together."

"Renesmee, I don't know you. You are a stranger to me, even if we have half of the same DNA." Willow reasons with the Cullen girl. "We're too different to get along and be best friends."

A stranger vampire claps in the distance in the small clearing of trees. Willow locks eyes with the strange vampire she had encountered just weeks ago. "How precious, sisters." He says amused. "What's family without a little drama?"

Willow knew what to do in the situation of a strange vampire that had ventured on her family's property. That was a fight.

"Go back to the house!" Willow yells as she walks in front of the Cullen girl, only for her to disobey her order and stand beside her sister, putting up her own fists in front of her.

"I'm not here to fight ladies," William says holding up his hands in surrender.

"Then piss off," Willow argues, only for a smirk in return before he flees into the darkness of the forest. "You should get back to the house."

Renesmee gives a glare to the girl that was born before her. "I'm sick of being the girl everyone protects when there is danger." She argues. "I'm not our mother."

Willow decides a fight with the Cullen girl isn't worth the effort. They would just go around in circles arguing about their different perspectives growing up. Willow believed Bella was the devil yet Renesmee knows her mother is her protector. 

"She forgot about you," Renesmee calls out to her sister. "She's forgotten all traces of your existence."

"That's music to my ears," Willow says before Renesmee runs and grabs Willow's hand, putting her powers into use.

Willow's mind turns blank from her anger as she's shown different memories in her head.

Starting with a range of different memories of a much younger self of Renesmee sitting in front of a Christmas tree and Willow sits beside her as they play with their gifts together. The vision fades into the two girls enjoying the snow in the front yard.

The memory fades to darkness before she hears the sound of a piano playing in the background and she sees Renesmee playing alongside Edward before Bella walks into the living room, a saddened look on her face. "We have to leave Forks," she says curtly. "It's become too dangerous for our family." 

Renesmee looks at her parents before putting her hands next to her side. "Are we taking Willow?" She asks before Edwards looks at his wife. 

"No," Bella says quickly. "She has her family here."

"We're her family!" Renesmee raises her voice at her family before Edward calmly places his hand on her shoulder. "You always explain how much you love me but I'm not even allowed to have my sister come to stay because you don't like her."

"I never said that," Bella says, a slight expression of hurt on her face. "Please just go to your room and start packing some clothes for the trip."

Huffing Renesmee gets to her feet and walks in the direction of her room, hiding behind the wall to listen in the conversation between her parents. "You know the Volturi might come looking for any leverage to get back at us, that includes killing Charlie and Willow."

"Carlise has promised their protection," Bella says. "I just know if we leave now then why would they need to come looking for revenge here."

"Don't you think it will be hard for Charlie to raise your daughter alone?" Edward asks.

"She has her other grandparents," Bella replies with no emotion.

"So she's just going to lose both parents?" Edward asks touching a nerve inside Bella.

"I really should've listened to everyone else and adopted her out the day she was born. I never wanted that mistake, but Riley insisted I keep her for his happiness. I thought I wouldn't have to see her again-"

The memory is cut short as a single tear falls down Willow's face.

"She said she hated you before I was caught eavesdropping," Renesmee explains. "I never saw you as the enemy though."

"This doesn't change anything, it just clears up more questions I had growing up," Willow says stepping backwards from the Cullen girl. "Bella Swan is a cold-hearted woman, she should've just aborted me rather than go through the pain of bringing me into the world."

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