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There is a look of shock and disbelief as her eyes focus on the vivid red of eyes that once belonged to her father. "D...dad?" She asks, unsure if this was the same man that raised her for all those years, the once kindhearted man that cared about the Forks community. 

He no longer wore the thick mustache, instead, it was a short beard along his chin and his pale skin compared to Bella's. There was no mistake this was the same man that once loved Bella though. 

Charlie pushes Bella's arm back down towards her side, standing protectively in front of Willow. "Bella, I'm going to have to tell you to kindly fuck off." He says calmly, although there was a side to him he wanted to hurt his daughter. As time went on he grew to hate the girl as he understood more of the story as to why she always went after Edward.

Bella steps back in shock as Edward wanted to diffuse the tension in the situation and steps forth, breaking eye contact between father and daughter. Before he could speak any words, Charlie held him up by his neck, having him dangle in the air a few inches. "Now, Ed. Piss off, otherwise, you will be sorry." 

Charlie pushes his body to the ground like he was a rag doll. Edward lands on his back in the dirt. There were more harsh things he wanted to say to Edward, but he just wanted the Cullen family off his land before their own enemies found their safehaven. "Charlie?" Carlise asks, a big distance from the small altercation. 

"That's my name, don't wear it out." He mockingly says to the Cullens. "We don't have any business for you lot here." 

"Dad, please-" Bella is cut off from her pleas to her father.

"Don't call me that, it was a long time since you were the Bella I knew." He says, causing tears to fall down Bella's pale face. "If I had've known what was going on, I would've done a lot more to protect you." 

Jane helps steady Willow, the blood pouring from her head had stained her hair. She also suffered from the Swan family curse of being a blood singer. The scent drove vampires crazy, it was something that stuck even after her change into a hybrid. 

Alice had to venture away with Jaspar, as he still couldn't control his thirst. "Get her out of here," Charlie yells to Jane, who nods her head and sprints away. Jacob, Renesmee, and Seth follow in the direction back to their house.

Sue, Charlie, and William remained. "You work with the Volturi?" Edward asks, he had gotten to his feet once more, unfazed from the hit he got from Charlie. 

"We made a deal, we stick to the rules and we can spend the rest of our existence in peace," Charlie says bitterly. "I really wouldn't want to keep sticking around here, you really are pissing me off." 

The Cullen's don't move from their stances. "I am capable to kill you all now," Charlie warns. "I completely understand why Renesmee wants to stay with us, you all just want to fight everyone to get what you want."

The words hit Bella like a knife into her heart. "We would never hurt her," Esme says calmly.

"Yet you allow one of your own to attack her own daughter like it's nothing?" Charlie asks confused. "I get it, Bella, the biggest regret, and that girl was better off being left in my care once you disappeared. I'll make sure your other daughter is taken care of too." 

He turns to walk away. "Maybe I never gave her a chance-" Bella is cut off once more, Charlie was sick of being pissed around from his daughter.

"It was too late when you left her on Riley's doorstep in the rain. You have not an ounce in your body for love for that child. I'm glad she is nothing like you." Charlie says angrily. "Don't even blame that boy either, it takes two to create a child, if you hadn't have killed him he would be here."

"He was going to kill Bella," Edward says shortly.

"Frankly the past has nothing to do with our current situation," Sue speaks up. "If we were to count that amount of mistakes Bella made that endangered us all, we'd be here for a decade."

"I'm not leaving without my daughter," Bella screams into the forest clearing.

"This time, you're not getting what you want," Charlie says with a sigh. "Stay clear and if I catch you on my property again, I won't be afraid to hurt any of you." He warns before retreating to his home.

William disappears higher into the forest, getting a distance from the sweet scent filling his lungs. Sue follows suit with Charlie. That left the Cullen family to be left in shock.

They weren't taking Renesmee home and members of Bella's human family, believed to be dead was transformed into a vampire. "Bells are you alright?" Edward asks taking his wife's hand as she continues to stand there stuck in shock.

"No." She answers looking into the treeline where her family has disappeared to.

"Don't think about it Bella," Emmett warns. "I don't feel like a fight today, we wanted to keep things peaceful."

Bella pushes Edward away from her. "I am the one that can protect her, not them." She says.

"If you go, you're walking into your own murder scene," Rosalie adds to the conversation.

"That's a risk I'm willing to take, I'm going to save more than just my daughter. My father needs me." Bella says in a delusional state. 

Edward lets out a sigh as he watches Bella disappear into the trees.

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