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Few weeks pass, Willow can finally venture out of the small home that belonged to the aging Billy Black. He spent his time conversing with his son and friends during their stay at La Push.

Willow takes the opportunity to speak to her half-sister, as she usually spent her time avoiding much interaction with other people. She was still mourning the loss of both of her parents, it weighed heavy on her, Willow wanted to make sure that she was alright.

The pair walk towards the beach, Renesmee walking slowly along as Willow was still using the crutches due to her injured foot. It would be a matter of weeks before the cast would be taken off. Renesmee worried for her sister, whose healing abilities had seemed to rapidly slow down since her torture.

They sit next to each other on a log, enjoying the scene of the waves crashing against the shore. Willow enjoyed the warmth of the sun against her skin. "So here we are, two orphan sisters left to fend for themselves in the big wide world." Renesmee begins the conversation on a negative note.

"We still have each other." Willow mentions, placing the crutches next to her as she stretches out her legs.

Renesmee agrees but lets out a long sigh. "I missed the days when my parents were happy and didn't have any pleasure with making enemies, I just really want to know what changed." She says to her sister. "Now I won't get the opportunity to understand."

"Maybe in the beginning they thought they were protecting you, especially making the change for Jacob, they made that choice for you. Then once they got a taste of the bad side they hell down the rabbit hole." Willow suggests.

Hearing these words, Renesmee can make some sense, perhaps this was the reason why her parents have changed. Although she knew they loved getting revenge on their enemies and Willow fell as the target after she had killed her mother. Her sister had forgiven her for her actions and she was angry at her father for the choice he made to hurt her. "You know, you don't smell like you did before." Renesmee mentions casually. 

Willow shrugs her shoulders. Some of her family members had noticed small changes since her torture. She wasn't totally aware of what happened during her stay in that dark cave. She only knew she reappeared in Forks with switched wrists and a fractured foot. As well as other various bruises that had begun to fade on her pale body.

"You don't think there is a chance that you've turned human again?" Renesmee asks her sister, causing Willow's mind to think of the possibility. Her thoughts were still fogged and she couldn't remember much but laughter that echoed in her nightmares.

"Perhaps, I haven't been able to test my strength due to this." She points to the white cast that covered her foot. She still got aches whenever she would move her leg, she knew she was healing much slower than other injuries in the past. "Maybe I was granted a second chance to have a normal life."

Renesmee nods. "Those thoughts you had about your father, maybe upon the brink of death you were brought back for a second chance at life." She offers. She had wanted from the complicated past of her sister that she was able to have some sort of good in her life.

With the research done as Willow recovered from her injuries, her wound fades to scars and her foot has escaped its prison of the cast. Although she was instructed to keep a brace on her foot as it was still not one hundred percent, she was now free to walk normally.

The Swan clan concluded that Edward had managed to rid of any trace of supernatural DNA in Willow. She had returned to her former state of being human, her heart beating life back into her small body. This meant Willow had a choice to finally experience a normal life. Although there was a downside to this decision. Her family all happened to be supernatural. 

One evening, Charlie asks to speak with his granddaughter. They take a short stroll into the nearby trail that backed off Billy's property. "So what did you want to talk about Charlie?" Willow asks as they walk along in the darkness.

Charlie lets out a short breath. "I think it's time you spread your wings and make something for yourself in this world." He begins. "You've proved you're able to travel to different countries alone, so I believe it's time you finally move on from the past. Being in Forks isn't helping the memories."

Willow nods in understanding. She loved her family very much, she just didn't want to leave them. She didn't feel ready. "Is this your way of kicking me out of the house?" Willow asks as a joke to lighten the sad mood in the air.

That causes Charlie to let out some laughter. "In a way, yes. You should be out there enjoying the world not having to pretend your family are normal." He says, looking down at his granddaughter with a smile. She reminded him a lot of Bella when she was younger, in the time when everything wasn't about Edward Cullen. But her personality and kindness came more from her father.

"So I have permission to smoke drugs?" Willow asks, causing Charlie to revert back to his training as a police officer.

"Abousletly not Willow!" He almost begins a lecture. "Anything else but drugs and excessive alcohol." 

"I promise I'll try my best." She says, almost feeling like there was a farewell on the horizon and she would finally part ways from her blended family so she was about to start her own chapter in her life. "I'll still be able to see you right?" Willow asks her grandfather.

"I'd never leave you Willow, I'll always be there whenever you'd need me." He assures the girl. "That's my promise to you." There is a genuine smile as Charlie pulls his granddaughter in for a hug. They embrace each other for a long while under the darkness. Willow didn't want to pull away, she didn't want the innocence of her childhood to vanish completely. As her family is the only people she had ever known.

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