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"How how does it feel to be a babysitter?" The voice of William brings Willow out of her thoughts. The thoughts of her mother coming for vengeance for the kidnapping of her favourite daughter.

Willow shakes her head, disagreeing with his statement. Charlie just wanted to keep an eye on Renesmee and Jacob as they venture into the forests hunting for food for the vampire. With the threat of Bella Cullen, there was no point in letting people be alone. They had no idea of the intentions of the Cullen family.

"You're hilarious, don't you have some humans to capture?" Willow asks, noticing that William's eyes read hunger.

He gives a playful smirk upon his pale face. Willow tears her gaze away to see Renesmee and Jacob hold hands just mere meters from the other pair that stood a distance from each other in the first place. Willow was still undecided to trust the vampire.

"Charlie doesn't want anyone to be alone." Willow answers. 

The pair stand in silence, watching Renesmee and Jacob exchange romantics with each other. "You seem confused about love." William notices her confusion, or even discomfort with love.

Willow had been surrounded by a loving family for as long as she could remember. Her mother married her soul mate, Charlie had Sue, Leah had Fred and even Seth had the lone blonde vampire Jane to keep him company. 

That left her alone, watching the couple in front of her. Making her feel awkward. She had never been able to experience love for herself. "Doesn't seem like your type of thing either," Willow replies to the vampire.

There was another smirk and a chuckle. "I'm just waiting for the right one." 

"That sounds cliche," Willow says crossing her arms across her chest. "My life has been unlucky enough, I don't think fate wants me to experience it."

"You're immortal, there will be romances eventually." He answers before there are careful footsteps in the distance. Willow's head turns to a group of vampires that all possessed golden eyes, she knew these people as the Cullen Family.

With the unknown of the situation that would unfold, Jacob protectively grips Renesmee's hand as he stands alongside Willow and the vampire William. With anger coursing through her veins, her eyes turn a deep shade of red. 

Bella proudly stands beside her husband Edward, who takes the silence to read each of the minds in front of him. There is a moment of shock as Edward reads Willow's mind, her amount of anger she held towards his family was far greater than the Volturi ever had.

The leader, with blonde hair, neatly pushed out of his face, Carlise steps forward to greet the group of young supernatural. "Renesmee, we're so glad you are safe." He begins. "You need to come back with us, our enemies are hunting you." His voice is calm but you could feel the tension between the two groups.

"It astonishes me that both of Bella's daughters look like her." The voice of Rosalie mentions in the silence, as Jacob grips his hand tighter around Renesmee. "Of course we're not afraid to kill you if don't let her leave peacefully."

"Rose," Esme warns her daughter.

"No Rosalie is right, we're the ones to protect my daughter," Bella says sharply.

Willow glares at her mother. "I'm not going with you," Resnemee announces to her family. "I'm an adult now, I can make my own choices."

"I told you that girl poisoned her thoughts! She's turned against her own family!" Bella yells into the forests.

Resnemee's hand loosens from Jacob as she stands beside Willow, who was ready to attack in case the Cullen's would do the same. "No mother, it's not like that at all. I finally got to experience what normal family values are rather than just having to go on the run from the Volturi because you killed one of their highest ranked guards or always attend different high schools in different cities for some sick lie we're humans." She explains to her mother.

Edward has a proud smile on his face. He always saw his daughter as the small baby she once was and just realized how much she had matured. "We can't take her if she's not willing. She is right." Edward tries to reason with his wife.

Bella turns her gaze to his with rage. "It's taken us ten months to hunt her down and we're just leaving after saying hello?" She asks.

"You should leave, you are on our land and there would be some people that wouldn't be happy," Willow says confidently. "We'd rather not have bloodshed on our property."

"You heard the girl, she made up her mind where she would rather be," William adds, warning the family away.

"We understand, we are being hunted and we wouldn't want to disturb the peace," Carlise says retreating with small numbers of his own clan. 

"I wonder if it's too late for that abortion," Bella says stepping forward towards the group of four. 

In slow motion, Renesmee gasps as Bella grabs the collar of Willow's red jacket. Bella's eyes turn black as Willow's face remains natural within the strong grasp of her mother. "Bella!" Edward warns.

"I always wondered what sick mother would want her own bloodline dead." Willow spits on her mother's face. "A coward that always needs to prove that she is perfect, when in fact she hasn't changed from the reckless teenager she once was."

Bella's eyes fill with even more rage as Edward calmly touches his wife's shoulder. "Don't hurt her." He says calmly. The scene almost reminded him of the day that he took the life of Willow's father.

"She's too much of a coward to do anything, she'd rather you do the dirty," Willow says with a smirk.

With that Bella pushes the young girl to the ground with a harsh force that Willow slides back into a fallen tree trunk. That sets William off as Bella is distracted by being proud of her achievement and he throws Bella into a tree making her split the tree with the force.

As Willow is pushing herself off the ground, she ignores the pain from the wound on her head. She stumbles as her vision is blurry of the scene in front of her. Although she is able to make out more figures appear from the distance of the trees.

"Don't touch her again." The voice of Charlie grits from his clenched teeth as he catches a punch in the direction of Willow from Bella.

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