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Bella Cullen's body is found at sunrise. The first to discover it is Charlie Swan, small tears fall down his face as he crouches down next to the lifeless body of his daughter. Her mouth covered in dry blood that had the scent of Willow. 

Renesmee is called to the scene, Jacob holding her for support as Charlie steps back to give her a few moments to grieve for her mother. She knew she had endangered the Swan clan, but the sight of her mother dead sent her into a deep depression. Charlie had covered the body that had been ripped into two so she appeared peaceful and asleep.

"Who would do this?" Renesmee utters out between sobs.

Charlie had wiped the tears away from his face, a cold glance left on his face. "Judging by the blood on Bella's chin, Willow did this in an act of self-defense," Charlie informs his granddaughter. "We need to find her, I believe she is hurt."

Before Charlie could inform the rest of the family to track Willow down, Edward Cullen walks upon the scene. His eyes turned a deep shade of black at the sight of his wife dead. He could forget the delusions she believed in, as he loved her. This just caused the root of his fury to rise.

Charlie places his hand on his arm to stop him from walking any closer. "It was either she was stopped or you would've lost your daughter forever. She wasn't stable." He says in a cold voice. "I did warn your family against this."

"It's murder." Edward sharply replies.

"She didn't murder anyone? You let her get away with many crimes." Charlie looks concerned for his son-in-law's state of mind. 

"Bella was just going through a bad time, she lost our daughter. That was something she didn't want to happen." Edward explains before sitting next to his daughter and pushing Jacob away from the site. "Where is the other one?"

Charlie looks into the glare of Edward Cullen. "I don't need to disclose that information to you," Charlie replies before leaving the site before the rest of the Cullen family can stumble on their land to grieve. 

Charlie grips the shoulder Jacob to a clearing nearby. "I need you to go track Willow down." He instructs the boy, who himself did have a saddened look on his face. He still held small love for the woman that chose the vampire. "She is in danger right now."

"We've put ourselves into a dark spot," Jacob mentions before speeding off into the deep forests looking for the young girl who had gone missing hours before. She could've even had the opportunity to leave the country at this point. 

Willow had discarded her bloodstained clothing, with some she had required by stealing from a chain store. They were simple clothes so she could blend in with the people around her in the city. She walks down the sidewalks, her head hanging low. She felt full of guilt.

Although she had to think to herself, it was Bella or her. It was her survival instincts kicking in.

She was on her own at this point. She was thankful there was a bank account she could access in order for her to survive on her own. She knew she needed to withdraw the money so there wouldn't be a digital trace against her. 

So she spent the day withdrawing the money, ordering a hotel room while she made preparations for her next move. She didn't know if there was anyone she could trust due to her murder of her own mother. 

A passport is obtained from the small draw that always sat in the kitchen. She had just mere months valid on it, although America would accept it if she would to return. She would have to renew if she wanted to venture elsewhere in the world. 

So it was decided she would purchase a one-way ticket back to the country. 

She was able to leave the shores of New Zealand within 48 hours of Bella Cullen's death. She was able to avoid leaving a trace of her whereabouts due to stealing a car. This was a talent that Leah had taught her years before. She was thankful for her unconventional upbringing at this moment in her life.

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