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Charlotte Leigh Black, she was the product of the love story between a hybrid and a werewolf. Although the werewolf gene would not activate in her, she would still remain strong. She was extremely bright and was curious about the world around her.

She knew her parents both had their secrets, she never knew about the supernatural world that surrounded them in their younger years. Charlotte would describe her parents as plain, not different from the many other families in their neighborhood growing up.

The death of her mother had hit her hard, she had just turned twenty-three when she had passed. Her father wasn't the same man, he fell into a deep depression. Charlotte decided to take a semester break from her nursing studies to support her father, as both her brothers had moved out.

"You look exactly like your mother." Her father would comment, looking through an old photo album from their travels after escaping Forks.

Charlotte shrugs her shoulders, she was used to the comments growing up. She did try to difference herself from her mother and she bleached her dark hair. Although her father was able to look past the cosmetic changes his daughter makes in her appearance. "You tell me at least once a year, dad."

Embry looks down sadly, back to the happy memories that remained in the photo albums. "Did I ever tell you that I was a werewolf?" He asks causally.

Charlotte looks at her father concerned. Was he becoming delusional with grief? "Dad, there's no such things as werewolves." His daughter utters as she flips through her own photo album in front of her.

"That's where you're wrong." Her blue eyes look up, curious. Was there more to the stories her father told her growing up? Was there some truth? Her father would give a kind smile before quietly explaining the many memories he held running freely in the forests with his brothers, other wolves.

Embry only got the opportunity to tell one of his children the truth about his heritage before he fell deeper into depression. He couldn't live without the woman he loved, he sadly took his own life.

That left his children, orphans. He had his own wishes with his body after he had been found by authorities. He was cremated and instructed his children to take his ashes to La Push, a small settlement in Washington state to be spread. The trio had never heard of the location before the will had been presented in front of them.

Although they make the trip north, rain settling in as they travel in a rental car towards the reservation. Charlotte's older brother Zander had offered to drive, as he was worried his sister would fall asleep at the wheel. They had travelled from different corners of the country to be here on this one day. 

Noah sat in the backseat, music blasting through his headphones. The container that contained their father's ashes sat safety in the seat next to Noah. 

Arriving in the small reservation they are met with small houses and many Native American people going about their business. Charlotte felt out of place in this new environment, like she didn't belong due to her pale skin. Although her brother Zander was more pale than Noah, he still looked like he belonged, as he had a natural tan. "Relax." Noah would offer support by placing his hand on his sister's shoulder.

Zander parks the car in the small dirt lot, with a small path leading to the ocean. Charlotte and her brothers each put their jackets on to battle against the cool breeze in the air. They all make their way to the shoreline, where they spread their father's ashes. His first home, where he grew up in his early life.

Unbeknown to the siblings, stood Sam Uley and his friend Jared. They knew would come a time when Embry would be returned to their home, his children would finally be brought to their native lands. "I can't believe how much those kids look like Willow and Embry." Jared comments.

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