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Awaking in her newly transformed self, Willow is able to pick up the vibrations of the world around her. Looking to her right in mere milliseconds she needs a worried Leah, with an expressionless Jane sat beside her. "You okay kiddo?" Leah asks.

Not needing to breathe, Willow was used to the momentum in her human form before she speaks. "I don't feel too different from before," Willow answers honestly. "I just want to get everything over with."

Long before the doors are thrown open, Aro clasping his hands together in delight. "Isn't it amazing you have self-control, much like your mother. Must be the strong Swan DNA you carry." He says amused. "You have taken the transformation well my dear."

Willow just offers a nod in return. "Jane have the agreements set for the Swans to return to their coven," Aro instructs. "I do hope there are no distractions with the return." 

Leaving the room Leah breathes a sigh of relief before Jane goes to follow his movements. "Wait!" Willow calls from behind her. "Can we make one stop to Forks?" 

She felt as though she had to make one last visit. Jane turns around to take a glance at Leah's confused face. "You know where the fight happened, with my father?" Leah nods in reply. "That's where I want to go, I have to say goodbye to that final chapter in my life."

"We can't cross into the La Push territory, which borders not far from there, that was the agreement we made before we left." Leah reminds her. "If we're taking Jane that will cause complications."

"I'll go alone, you guys just stay put," Willow says. "This is something I have been needing to do for a long time." Now that she understood the story of the loss of her father due to the choices her mother made, she wanted to set peace with the spirits that may linger in that area. 

Returning to Forks in the shadows of the night, Willow sets out into the misty forest with the instructions clear from Leah who transformed into her wolf form encase any trouble came about. She stayed behind with Jane, who once more became the family watcher. 

Able to use her supernatural gifts she makes it to empty field, the clouds had lifted away so the full moon could be seen above her. Many years had passed since that fateful day where the Cullen family had to kill innocent vampires that we're manipulated into a life they did not choose. 

Hearing a twig snap in the shadows of the trees, Willow's instincts kick in and she looks in the direction of the noise. Only to reveal a pale woman who sported dark clothing. It was a familiar face Willow had forgotten long ago, only the traces left were the photographs Charlie held on to. "What are you doing here?" The voice asks in the distance. "This is my family's land."

Willow brushes the loose curls from her braid and takes a step closer to the vampire in the distance. "I'm sorry I wasn't aware," Willow says bowing her head in shame. 

During the time of Bella Cullen's transformation, she had shed many thoughts of her former life as a human. That included the daughter she brought into the world. "What are you doing here?" Bella demands.

"I was just visiting a grave." Willow replies, the anger the Bella had frightened the young hybrid. "Why are you back in Forks?"

"I came to make sure my family was safe." She replies, another body joining her side. Willow recognises the tan boy that stood next to her mother, Jacob Black. He remained the same form she had remembered but his eyes were red even in the night light. 

"Bella, she's like me," Jacob says in a small voice. 

"What did you do to him?" Willow asks looking at the boy who had a pained look in his face.

"That's none of your business-" Bella is cut off by Jacob running at an inhuman speed by Jacob who grabs her arms and locks them tight. "Jake!"

"Please, help me I can't help myself around my family. I want to kill them." He pleads the young girl.

"Calm down." She tries to calm him, she had forgotten that tonight fell on a full moon. However, she didn't feel the need to feed. Confused she looks into Jacob's bright red eyes with her own brown eyes and in seconds his eyes fade back to the familiar dark brown. 

Jacob lets go of Willow and apologises for his actions. "It's okay, my siblings were like you once." She replies with the awkward encounter. 

That's when Bella grabs the girl by her neck and pushes Willow into a tree trunk harshly. "Who are you? Did the Volturi send you?" Bella demands.

"Don't you remember me, mother?" Willow gasps between breaths.

Bella's eyes go wide with shock. 

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