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The moon stands high in the clearing, as two sisters walk side by side. The area could be seen as an escape place the Edward and Bella would disappear too, away from all civilization, where no one could interrupt their business.

"So you're sure about this?" Renesmee asks, a look of concern in her brown eyes.

Willow looks back, her own shade of brown, nodding. "I need to have closure at some point that at least one parent cared about me," Willow explains, holding out her hands for Renesmee to take.

Grabbing her hands, she closes her eyes, Willow doing the same as she feels light-headed as flashes of light appear in front of her.

A vision of her look at a missing poster of her father is displayed in front of her, the voice of Charlie echoing in the background. "This is your father, Riley Biers. He sadly went missing." He explains.

A young version of Willow looks up. She had already lost her mother as she pretended that her life was perfect with the Cullen family. "Why don't you find him?" She asks her grandfather.

With a grimace, Charlie replies. "He has a really good hiding spot." 

The scene changes, Willow decreases in age to a mere toddler as she rests in her crib. Willow looks around to see pictures plastered all over the walls of her family members, which included her father. She peers down at her sleeping form there was brief light let through from the hallway as the door was open.

The door widens to expose a dark figure walk into the room. Willow lets out a gasp as she sees the features that belonged to her father, with bright red eyes. Indicating he was a vampire. "Dad?" Willow whispers, knowing he wouldn't be able to hear her.

He looks at the sleeping frame of the infant before walking over to a shelf where a photo sits, of father and daughter in his human form. He stands there for moments trying to figure how he fits into this narrative with the child who slowly awoke from the sudden noise in her room.

Willow holds on to the rails of her bed, looking at the man in the room. "Daddy?" She asks. Riley looks back with surprise on his face, as he stashes the photo into his jacket pocket. 

"I'm sorry little one." He says before smirking and placing his finger up to his lips. Signifying for the child to remain quiet before he retreats from the Swan home.

The scene changes once more, to months before Willow saw her father the last time alive. To the day where Bella wanted to jump off the top of the cliff and end her life. Just to see Edward once more before everything turned black. She had topped her orange truck in a dirt car park before she looks over at her daughter who is curious as she tries to look over the dashboard.

"I've never liked you, but I'm not a monster who would've left you alone. I'm sorry I have to do this." Willow looks over at her mother. "I hope your father raises you right once he's found." Bella whispers. 

Another memory that Willow is shown is when she was a baby, her father cares for her in his parent's home. Coming back from high school, then college to take care of her after his classes. They would play together and he would always bring many gifts home to spoil her from his job he would work twice a week.

Then the vision changes to a much darker tone. Willow is asleep in a baby carrier as she is left beside her mother's feet as she waits at a cafe diner for her Riley to show up. She groans when he finally arrives, still dressed in his work uniform. "I'm sorry I'm late, my boss was asking me to do overtime." He says before bending down to shake Willow's hand as she sleeps.

Bella rolls her eyes. "I need you to take care of her full time." She utters out.

There is a look of shock on his face. "I thought we agreed we would co-parent," Riley says. "It's also what our parents expect since we made a mistake."

"I don't want to be reminded, I'm moving back to my mother's," Bella says, shoving a bag full of baby supplies over to Riley. "Besides she doesn't need me anymore."

There is a look of anger on Riley's face. "Of course she needs you, you're her mother!" He raises his voice. "You're meant to love and care for her."

Bella gets to her feet, ignoring the boy. "I don't love her, I regret not getting that abortion," Bella says not looking at Riley's face, Willow had opened her eyes at this point due to the noise and began crying. 

Riley goes to her aid. "Please don't say that Bella, I don't want you to miss out on her growing up." Riley pleads as he calms his daughter in his arms.

"Not my problem. I'm sick of everyone telling me I'm going to be an amazing mother to that thing I regret. I hate her!" Bella yells before the vision turns to complete blackness.

There were tears falling down Willow's face as Renesmee takes her hands out of her sister's. "Are you okay?" She asks, to which Willow replies with a nod.

"It was good to see him." She says. "Most of them were good memories but the last one." 

"He looked like he loved you a lot, even when he was a vampire," Renesmee says.

Willow nods once more. "I now understand why the photo said 'I'm sorry' on the back of it. He took it and I got it back after he was killed." Renesmee looks to the ground with grief, her father had killed Riley. "I hope he's in peace now."

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