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For months Bella had made excuses on why Charlie couldn't see her, she said she had fallen ill but was going to be home soon. He was worried while she was carrying the sibling to Willow who was attending daycare on the reservation as Charlie was spending more time at Sue Clearwater's home.

"Charlie, she will be fine," Sue says serving an evening meal for her family, minus Seth who was off with the pack in the forest, protecting the land. "Why don't we talk about Willow's second birthday?" She asks.

Charlie smiles and looks at his granddaughter who is informing Leah about the doll's family she had created. "Emily offered to make a cake and we know how much Willa likes to go to the beach." 

In recent months Sue had thought of a nickname for the small girl who was making a big impact on her life since her husband's passing. "Sounds good, I'll give the Biers a call and ask if they could make it." He mentions.

Sue nods and calls her daughter to the table for dinner. Leah happily places Willow in the second-hand high chair Sue had purchased for her. With the mention of Riley's parents Leah can't help but feel sorry for them, they had lost a son and she knew what happened to him, in the end, thanks to her brother's thoughts. She would just hope that Willow would understand when she was older.

As time moves on Bella is finally transformed into a vampire with another daughter named Renesmee. The story that needed to be told was that Edward adopted her after his brother passed in a car accident, Bella was a young mother once and that didn't end on the best circumstances. 

The moment Charlie arrives, he had brought Willow with him, hoping it would cheer Bella up seeing her daughter. He carries her into the living room where his daughter is waiting after her human lessons. She had to admit for a moment their blood did smell inviting. "Are you okay?" Charlie asks his daughter while still holding Willow's hand. 

"Never better," Bella assures her father. "Healthy as a horse."

"You don't turn into an animal too?" He asks while looking at Jacob. The comment makes the room laugh. 

"She wishes she was that awesome." Jacob comments. Edward suggests giving them some privacy while Jacob picks up Willow and brings her to the next room where Alice had brought out some dolls for her to play with.

While Charlie and Bella discuss things Edward brings Renesmee into the room, breaking the hug between father and daughter. "Your niece?" Charlie asks walking over to the child. 

"Our daughter." Edward corrects as Willow walks around the corner watching the scene after getting bored playing with the toys. She looks confused at the baby held beside her mother.

"Right the adoption," Charlie says. He takes a look at his new granddaughter. "She's got your eyes, Bella." The same comment he had given when he first laid eyes on Willow the day she was born. 

That's when he realizes that this was his biological granddaughter as well. "Need to know I guess." He says putting the clues together. He looks over to see Willow standing in the hallway and calls her over. "Come meet your new sister." He says.

Willow slowly approaches the baby held in Edward's arms. Willow hugs Charlie's leg as Renesmee is staring at Willow, trying to figure her out. Edward lets out a silent laugh as he's reading his daughter's mind, as well as the confusion in Willow's mind. 

Willow gives a small wave before hiding behind Charlie. "She gets shy around new people," Charlie comments before he leaves shortly after and heads back to the reservation where Willow runs straight towards Sue's house in the open door.

"So how did it go?" Sue asked.

"She has another baby," Charlie answers taking a seat. "Willow has a sister, named Renesmee." 

Sue has shock written all over her face. "I asked if she would consider raising Willow, so Renesmee wouldn't be alone but Bella refused." He sighs, he had always hoped Bella would take responsibility for the amazing little girl that Bella was missing out on.

Sue looks over to see that Willow was excitedly playing with Seth and Leah in the next room. "You never know, she might warm up to the idea," Sue says. "Besides I bet Renesmee would get lonely and need to playdate from time to time."

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