Chapter 1

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  "Abigail!" I heard my name yelled from the dining room as I was getting ready for the day. Ugh her again, can't she just leave us alone for five minutes, I heard my wolf say. I giggled and told her to leave it be and I heard her snarl in disagreement.

  "Coming!" I yelled as I raced down the stairs almost tripping a few times. I bowed my head at the woman. "Good morning April." Then I heard my wolf scold me as I felt the anger from the woman in front of me. You idiot! I heard my wolf yell as I felt a hand across my cheek.

   "How are you supposed to direct me!" I placed my hand on my cheek as my eyes water but I dared not cry or else I'll just get hit again. I looked up at the woman, she had brown hair with brown eyes that at the moment were black. I gulped.

  "I-I'm sorry, I meant mistress April, please forgive me." I bowed my head once more as I heard her say that was correct.


  Now don't get me wrong, she doesn't hold a place in the pack, she is just a normal member as well as my mom. My father died when I was ten years of age. Master Ian treated me better than Mistress April, and it only got worse after he died, I'm pretty sure it's because of his death, once you find your mate your set for life, well that's what I heard from newly found mates. I still haven't found mine, you usually find your mate at the age of 18, it's been five months since my birthing day. Though it may be difficult to find my mate due to not being able to leave home except to go to Master Alpha Fredrick's and Mistress Luna Emily's house. I hate it there, their son Dylan is the worst, he's a constant flirt and if I don't do as he pleases he makes sure I regret it. One of the worst times was when he tried to kiss me and I pushed him away and tried to run. He lied to his parents saying I hit him after he caught me planning an attack on the pack with help from rouges. It wasn't true of course, but I was locked in a cell and beat for about a week for my "ungratefulness", let's just say Sabrina, my wolf, didn't take it too well and constantly took over. She says it was to fight back, but I know it was to protect me as much as she could from the pain. She hated the pack the most, she didn't like the treatment we were given and often tried to make me runaway. I was never brave enough to run from my pack Cresent Light, this was my home, where I was born, where my mother was. Yes, I was never treated well, more like a slave, and the only time anyone was nice was when they needed my healing touch. I was taught how to use my healing powers at the age of ten. Then I secretly found out about my power at the age of 12, I wanted to tell my mother, maybe she would be happy with me for once, but Sabrina refused to let me, and now she tells me it was a good idea because now we could use it to escape. In the pack I'm only allowed to talk to people without asking Master or Mistress, and was beat if I didn't. Now it's a new day with more chores, and most likely a beating from someone because they just wanted to.


   Mistress April ended up sending me to Master Alpha Frederick for the day saying she didn't want to see me. It hurt, like always, and I also had to hold my wolf back from saying anything. Sabrina logic was if we were her child, she had no excuse to treat us like that, and most of the time I agreed. I was wallowing in my thoughts and trying to ignore Sabrina constant ranting when I bumped into someone taking me out of my thoughts, and Sabrina then began yelling at me for not paying attention before I looked up and she stopped abruptly. Oh great, just who I wanted to see today, what lie do you think he will tell his parents today. Sabrina huffed before I quickly apologized and tried to move on as quickly as possible before my arm was grabbed and I was pulled back roughly. "I'm really sorry Master Dylan, please forgive me!" I quickly bowed my head.

   I heard him laugh before responding and I looked up to see an evil grin on his face, "Don't think you're getting off that easy little slave." I gulped and my wolf began to get angry, we knew this wasn't going to end well. Not with Dylan anyways, my wolf was insisting I run.

  "I-I really h-have to go Master Dylan." I bowed my head once and tried to leave but he only gripped my arm harder and took his other hand to lift my chin up for me to look at him.

  "I love it when you call me Master, how about we do something fun." his evil grin only grew and I could feel Sabrina trying to come out, I quickly pushed her back.

  "I really have to go, I'm supposed to be at your parents house, so please release me." I knew I needed to hurry, I don't feel like being punished today by the Alpha for being late... again.

  His grip tightened even more and I was sure my blood circulation was being cut off. I squinted in pain and felt tears threatening to escape my eyes. Get away from him before I take control! Sabrina began yelling at me, but I quickly told her that would only get us in more trouble. I was then taken out of my thoughts when I heard a growl, only to look up and realize it was Dylan. "You will do as I say or you will regret it." I then felt a traitorous tear escape my eyes. He only smirked at me before dragging me towards the woods. He then slammed me against a tree and placed his hands on both sides of my head. That was the moment I couldn't hold Sabrina back and she took over throwing Dylan away and racing to our destination of the Alpha's house.

  I could hear him close behind as I reached the house only to find three of the packs fighters outside in a fighting stance. I stopped to try and catch my breath before speaking, "Is something wrong, did anyone get hurt?"

  "You would hope for that wouldn't you." The guard who spoke stepped forward and motioned the others forward, then grabbed and restrained me before he spoke again. "We have been informed that you were trying to attack the Alpha family, this is a crime punishable by death. Take her to the cells!"

   The guards instantly started dragging me along as I tried to fight back. "That's not true! I would never do such a thing!" Just then I saw Dylan smirking from the woods at me while rubbing his arm. 'I told you so' He said through a private link. 'But if you submit to me I can stop this right now' My eyes widened in surprise when I realized.

  I will be killed because of not doing as he pleased.

   I was thrown into a cell soon after I gave up fighting. Tears were streaming down my face and I curled up into a tight ball. 'Ready to give in to my demands, little slave' I heard Dylan link me I blocked him out and put my head on my knees, blocking him out probably wasn't the best thing to do, but I didn't want to here from the arrogant little woah, woah, woah you're supposed to be the innocent one remember. I sighed 'I don't feel so innocent, I'm in prison about to be killed!' I scolded Sabrina, she only puffed in return. It was silent for a few minutes and I could tell Sabrina was mad from the whole situation, because the silence was ruined from her ranting... again.

  He has no right to treat you that way, that little horny brat gets on my nerves, one day I'm gonna show him and this pack we aren't just some slave to be used then beat for not doing exactly as they pleased. 'Sabrina please, not now' How can you be so calm! They have treated us as a tool since we were small. They only use us, they hate us! They probably only keep us alive for our healing touch that we possess. I knew she was probably right, but I wanted to think I at least wanted a little. Look Abigail, I know you want to feel wanted and loved, the only way that's gonna happen is if our mate magically walked in at this moment, and you know that won't happen. We need to run. I thought about it for a second, 'Maybe you're right, what do you suppose Sabrina.' At that I heard her purr, she has been waiting for this moment.

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