Chapter 10

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Abigail POV

    "I see that you guys are truly mates after all." He chuckled, HE CHUCKLED. Arent fathers supposed to be big and bad and against this?! My mother giggled slightly as she saw my red face and look of confusion. "You did like him as a kid, and you guys were always together whenever you could be." I. Wanted. To. Scream. "Mooooooom really, that was a secret shared with a lip sealed promise" I whined quietly.
    "You liked me when we were kids?" My eyes widened as Theo asked me this and I refused to answer or look at him as I pouted. He obviously just heard what my mother said, he is just trying to tease me. I can hear it in his voice, the bastard.
That is when Derik snickered and I glared at him, he smirked then looked in thought as he spoke. "Do not worry sis, I thought it was funny cause while he was teasing you, I remember a secret he told me as a kid which was that-" Theo had flown over the table and tackled him to the ground covering his mouth. "Don't you dare Derik!" He had all but yelled. The two startling wrestling as usual, they definitely did not change much.
That he liked you. Derik linked me, I laughed and turned red. We had both liked each other cause we were mates and did not even realize it. Everyone stared at me. "Sorry, oh and Theo" I smirked as he looked up to me. "Derik linked me the rest." His face blazed as he stared at Derik. This upset me some as I thought of a way to get back at them. Then an idea popped in my head as I looked at my dad. He already knew, because we used to tease them about how close they were. I fake teared up, "Dad, I think my mate is gay and Derik is seducing him." It was not just because I wanted to tease them, but I also wanted Theo touching- eh, I mean near me not on my brother. Honestly I really wanted him there with me, so it was not all fake. My dad walked over to me and held me patting me. "I am so sorry dear we will just have to kill them both, that sounds good?" I nodded.
"We are not gay!" They synchronized and yelled. I could not help but laugh, typically I could hold it longer, but it really had been so long. I smiled again as I watched them separate and looked angry as Theo walked over to me, placing his head on my shoulder as he glared down Derik. My parents held each other lovingly looking at all of us. I was back and the family was whole, plus my mate. But on top of it all I had a real family who really cared. I hugged my best friend/mate and he held me in return. Everything was going to get better, at least I hoped. It would take time to catch up with all the changes and be part of the pack again, but I could do it because this is my home. My real home. As well as instead of any awkward tension it was as if I never left home, I was never taken away. But instead we were having a normal day and that alone made me happy. 

    At the end of the day we all went to our separate rooms, we all got to catch up more. As well as watch a movie in the living room. Mom and dad sat on one couch as Derick, Theo, and I were on the other. We all had a great time and I felt content but something still felt weird. Like there was something I still need to be told, and Sabrina was jumpy but would not tell me why. When the movie had ended though and we went up stairs dad made sure to tell Theo and I no room sharing or sneaking into the others room or else. Though mother smacked the back of his head telling him he can not separate mates, even if I was his little girl. Though Theo still walked me to my room and we got to say goodnight, he still looked slightly concerned but seemed to shake it off. I wonder if he could tell I was feeling off myself.
    I sat by the window and looked out for a while, I knew the pack would be looking for me. They would not want to let their pet go and it worried me if I would ever run into them. They were always people set on if something is theirs, no one can have it. All I could think about were the horrible things. The beatings, the lectures, keeping me in check, being restricted, using me. I was a slave and never realized it. I wanted to curl up in a ball as everything came upon me. I felt bad for never listening to Sabrina, she was right and I was scared. I feel bad she was paired with a scardy cat like me, she deserved better. She should be able to be with someone who could let her out, run, and be free. Why would the goddess give her someone who did nothing but restrained her. She had every right to make those comments about being stuck with me, I was useless to her. She needed better. You are free now child, we were meant to be together, the goddess did not choose. I blinked from being startled as well as how sincere she sounded, 'Honestly thought you fell asleep or something' No, just in thought. After that she went back to being silent and I sighed as curiosity hit me. I wonder what she meant by the goddess did not choose. I scanned the tree line watching for any signs of intruders even though I knew people were on guard watching to keep everyone safe. I made a mental note to make sure I check out the training grounds as well to get some training in. I needed to get stronger and I was a fast learner. I should probably talk with Theo and Derik about it first though, I groaned, they were probably going to try to stop me. I will have to think of a way to make them let me, I don't have any blackmail either. I sighed, well I could always use the excuse that I am scared because of what happened before. I'll think about it in the morning and ask them at some point after I check out the grounds and take a run. I stretched as I looked about my room, it was hard to think I could just forget things like my family, friends, and this pack. Questions piled up since I remembered everything. Why me, because I was an Alpha's child? Did they want to use me against my family? Did they really just want an alpha child slave? Why? After looking out and seeing the moon high I sighed and headed to my bed. As I curled up and was almost asleep I heard Sabrina whisper
Tonight you will meet her, and everything will be revealed.

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