Chapter 7

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 Abigail POV

It's been a week and my head feels like it's on fire. My new friends are always around but I can't stand to be around others right now. Basically food trays get dropped off and they run, well Sabrina runs them off. I barely get any sleep or breaks from pain, which I use to eat and do my business. Overall a horrible week, sometimes I think these memories are not worth it, then I remember things like me and Derick playing tag in our front yard as our parents talk to some of the pack members, those memories make it worth it.

I scream once again and grip the sheets of the bed as another wave of a million nails stabbed my skull. Theo, again, runs in and is at my side, he grabs my hand and rubs it, probably trying to soothe me. It looks like he hasn't slept a wink lately, probably being worried about me. The bags under his eyes are deep and his eyes look tired. I squeezed my eyes shut, in all honesty, him being here does help slightly. He is also the only person Sabrina doesn't run off. As the pain settles to an amount I can bare, I look up at him.

"You should really get some sleep." My voice sounds strained. He grabbed a glass of water from the food tray on the table as he shook his head.

"I can't, not while you're hurting." He looked sad, he probably hates himself for not being able to do anything. He leaned the glass over while leaning me up slightly so I could drink some. It was very refreshing to say the least.

I smiled at him to thank him, I really didn't feel like speaking and he understood. He laid me back down and set the glass down. He got up to leave but before doing so, he planted a kiss on my forehead. I watched him leave before darkness took over for once to let me rest.

Theo POV

I was angry, not at my mate, but at myself and that stupid weak pack Crescent Light, if only we knew, we could have done something. I plopped down on the chair in the living room fisting my hands. Before visiting her I had just got off the phone from checking up on the pack and to let them know I was ok as well. The only people to know I had found my mate in my pack are my parents, they were happy I found my mate and relieved to know Abigail was finally back home. I rubbed out the crease between my brows, I was tired but I wanted to be up for Abigail. I heard someone enter the room and turned to see my Beta Hallie. "Can I help you?" I probably sounded more gruff and ruder than I usually am. She bowed in submission before speaking.

"I thought you should get some rest. I'll stay up and watch Abigail and let you know if anything happens, you need to rest Theo." She said it with worry in her eyes and I could tell lately that others are worried. After wrestling with whether to stay or sleep I remembered Abby being worried as well, so I took up on her offer and rested for the night downstairs.


I woke up the next morning to the sun being half way in the sky, it was midday and I feel as though my body still needs more rest but I get up anyway. There is no telling how Abby is gonna react when she wakes up if she has not already. Getting up I stretch with a yawn and start towards the stairs as I hear yelling. I cringe feeling bad for my Beta, I forgot about Sabrina's reaction to everyone but me in the room. I head upstairs to relieve Hallie when I hear "I swear to Selena if you do not get out I will personally end you!" That wasn't Abby meaning that Sabrina is out and angry. You are in deep shit now Theo. I sigh, I know my wolf is right and I was the one who allowed her to watch over her, and being the new Luna I know Hallie is not gonna leave without someone else watching her. Everyone is always protective of their Alpha and Luna even if they do not want it, especially if they are ill. Abby is ill and vulnerable, no pack member would leave her on her own, especially since they know that she will be my treasure, the one who can calm me.

I reach the door as it gets swung open by a scared looking Hallie and a snarling Abby, wait probably Sabrina. "I am so glad you are awake, she has been demanding you for a while now but I couldn't get through with the link." She bowed and I smiled.

"You're fine Hallie, thank you for watching over her." I say with sincerity, I really am happy that she already protects her Luna even if it's not official yet. I move out the way for Hallie to head out as she links me to let me know she would help anytime, it was for the sake of Abby and I. That is when I realized that Abby was growling. I look at my mate who is anything but pleased. I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her which seems to help a bit as I feel her ease some and snuggle her head in my neck. It was great till I felt her flinch again, I knew what it was, her head was pounding again. "Rest my love." I could have sworn she buried her head further in my shoulder, if that was possible. I pull her back to see her cheeks flushed. I smirk, did she like that name? I will have to use it more then. Then she frowned and her eyes took a slight anger.

"You talked to her first." She stated and that's when I knew she was pissed.

Abigail POV

I was pissed, and I am pretty sure it has a lot to do with the bond. I woke up to Theo's Beta in the room and Sabrina was not having it, to top it all off she would not even go get Theo when I asked saying she couldn't link him and she continued to watch over me. She made me sound like I was weak. For now she is not on my good side, not till I see her with her mate and away from mine. Yes I admit it, Theo has grown on me and last night I remember a moment when we schemed together against Derik which ended with scolding but it was fun.

Finally Theo walks in as I am in the middle of trying to get Hallie out, he looks over to me then starts talking to Hallie, that draws the line. If I knew I could get out of bed with getting dizzy I would have torn Hallie apart. A growl erupted from my throat as I watched the scene then her leave. Theo looked at me, which caused me to stop. He then came and wrapped his arms around me which felt great and I began to feel calm until my head began hurting. And Theo could tell. "Rest my love."

I could feel my cheeks heat up with the name. I buried my head further in his neck and he pushed my back to look then I remembered what he did and became angry. "You talked to her first." I glared at him, cause not only was I angry, it upset me to a degree. Why would he do that, does he like her more? Is he disappointed that I'm his mate? I could feel my anger fall as the sadness rose, and tears began to form in my eyes.

As if he could read my mind, "She has a mate you know." He hesitated when telling me. "You do not have to fear anything, she is like my sister, nothing more." He wiped the treacherous tear and pulled me in close. It felt great to hear him say that, but something hurt still. A small boy's voice came through, the voice that related to Theo from my memories "We will always be together, us three no one can ever tear our friendship..... Abby!" My head began to pound. "Let her go!" The struggle in his voice was sad, they were yelling.

"-Bby, Abigail!" I was being shook. I look up to see a scared look on Theo's face. I wanted to lay down and my head was killing me on top of that I was hungry.

"Sorry, just some memories," I sighed and held my head. "I'm hungry" it came out as a sort of whine and he rubbed my back.

"As well as in pain, I'll link someone for some food and then after you should rest some more." And with that I nodded because I knew this was just a start of today's pain and the worst is yet to come.

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