Chapter 9

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Abigail POV

I woke up screaming, that was a nightmare more than a memory. I started furiously wiping my tears before I felt someone hold me and it startled me. I began to fight them until they spoke up, "Abby, Abby honey calm down it me, it's ok now, everything is fine." Theo, it was Theo but he sounded broken as if he was crying.

After I became calm I pushed him back to look up and around. He had been crying, it was obvious from the stains of tears, but it was not just him. My brother was there too, they both seemed relieved to a point and before I could ask anything about their sadness, the doctor ran in.

"Oh thank goodness, you are actually awake. I myself was beginning to get scared you would never wake up." Then he smiled happily at me, while I continued to be confused. "How are you feeling?" And that was when I finally realized. The feeling of the pain, it wasn't there.

"I- I actually feel fine." I grabbed my head and began smiling, "It doesn't hurt!" I said excitedly. I began to try to get up but Theo stopped me from going too fast. Then I remembered what the doctor said. "Why did you fear I wouldn't wake up?"

Derik was the one to answer, "Abby, you have been asleep for five days. No one knew what was going on." I was shocked to say the least, I was asleep for five days!! The tension in the room was great, but there was another problem. I am still exhausted!

"Well then it was not enough," I yawned as the room just seemed to drop, I tried to release some tension. After about a minute Theo spoke up, yep that backfired.

"You are seriously making a joke out of this!" Theo was now in my face and not happy to say the least. "Abigail, we thought you were dying! That we lost you again and for sure this time!" He started to tear up again and my heart hurt for what I had said. He was right, he thought he was losing his mate and Derik thought he was losing his sister.

I pulled Theo into my neck, I saw others do this to calm their mate, he wrapped his arms around me and I smiled at Derik, "Look I am awake now and not leaving, you are stuck with me losers." After they let what I sink in, Theo jumped back and looked at Derik, then both back to me with the biggest grins. That was what I used to call them often before the day I was taken.

"You remember!? Or is it just a memory thing?" I nod and tell them I remembered everything and with that I was tackled and hugged off the hospital bed onto the floor as we all three cheered and laughed. While the doctor looked like he would have a stroke from their actions, I was definitely a whole lot better now. I refuse to let anyone interfere with this happiness again. Best of all I am happy my mate turned out to be Theo, when we were little I had the hugest crush on him. What can I say, he looked good back then but even better now.

The Day Before

Theo POV

She was still asleep and Derik and I were beginning to panic. The doctor walked in with a sad expression, he has been taking blood samples but nothing was showing, just less poison in her system each day. He shook his head as he looked from Derik to me, then Abby, "Still nothing Alpha." I frowned as anger rose through my body.

"What do you mean nothing!" I stood up mad. "She has been out for four days! You said this was not supposed to happen, so what is going on!" I knew my eyes were black as I marched towards the doctor, he was terrified. Then I felt Derik's hand on my shoulder.

"It is hard for the both of us, I know she is your mate, but she is my twin sister. The best we could do is stay calm, at least there are no negative signs." He was right, and I know it's hard for him. He is surprisingly calm and that is more terrifying than anything. I nod and sit back down watching her, trying not to break down again as the doctor left. She was not getting worse but there was no sign of her getting better either. I have been wanting her back since the day she was taken. Ever since we were kids I had a connection to her, I wanted to protect her and be part of her life. I want to hold her, kiss her, and for her to look at me with the smile I knew. At least now I know why, but once again I fear she will be taken from me and this time there is nothing I can do but watch.

Derik POV

I knew he was angry, especially by the look in his eyes, they were pitch black. He was usually calm but his wolf was much more on edge due to meeting his mate and watching her suffer for over a month. As he stormed towards the doc I quickly got up and grabbed his shoulder. If there was a chance she could hear anything and being who she was, feel the atmosphere I knew it would not help. After getting him to sit down I dismissed the doctor. I looked back to see tears forming in Theo's eyes and I quickly looked away feeling the same.

I missed her so much, I do not want to lose her again. But at the moment all anyone knows is absolutely nothing, it's stressful. My Beta is covering my work for now due to me not being able to do anything. The same for Theo, he sent his Beta home a few days ago to catch up on work and she was hesitant but left after he promised to keep her up to date. My parents, well Abby and my parents are worried sick, I haven't let them see her, I told them it is best to wait. They did not like that very much, but understood, I believe they did not want to see her in this state either, last time they saw her she was shining from excitement to finally run in wolf form. Now she is laying in the hospital bed while someone is there to watch making sure nothing happens to her and she passes. Though the situation is bad, I have a feeling everything will be fine.

I looked back at her, her face was less contorted then the day she first fell asleep. She seemed to be getting better, but I wanted to see her eyes open. I want her to remember me, the pack, our family, our memories. With that I sat back down, she will be awake soon. I know it, and I have to believe it, for at least heart sake.

Back to Present

We were all at the dining table chatting as our parents walked in, I looked over to Abby as I watched her straighten up and look at the company that had arrived. Everyone stopped and watched the three as they saw each other for the first time in years.

Abigail POV

I felt someone enter, someone familiar as I straightened up. I turned around to face my parents, my real parents. The ones I had been taken from so long ago, I felt myself tear up as I looked at them. They looked so much older now, as if they had grown forty years. I knew why, but I was not going to stay on that topic, it was my fault.

I slowly stood up, my eyes not leaving theirs, "Mama... Papa..." thats all I could get out as I felt tears well up. It was my mother who started crying first as she rushed to hug me, my father right behind her. I wrapped my arms around them as I wept. It was so comforting, it felt like how it did in my memories but this one full of much more emotion and tears.

"It really is you, oh thank Selena it really is you" I heard my mother weep. I looked up as we separated and my dad wiped my tears as he looked happily at me, "I am so happy you are back my child, we have missed you so much." I nodded as I smiled and looked around, my brother was smiling with tears in his eyes and Theo looked at me happily. I looked back to my parents, "I am so happy to be back as well, and to remember everything, I am so sorry you guys all had to suffer." I looked down, I knew it had to be hard, the look on all their faces, the happiness that radiated off of them. I knew that my absence tore them apart, by the way they reacted as soon as they saw me. Especially Theo and Derik who seem to relax as soon as they see me as if they had dreamed I had come back. I felt angry that anyone could do that, that pack had tricked me, no wonder they never truly cared for me. I was just a pawn, a slave, someone they could torture and hate. I felt a hand around my hand which I had just now realized was balled up. I look up to see Theo.

"Do not blame yourself, it was not your fault, none of it." He looked so sincere and hurt by what I thought, before I got to respond my father spoke.

"Theo is right dear, none of it was your fault, you were just a child." I looked at him as he gave me a small smile. Then he looked at my hand and his eyebrows seemed to have scrunched slightly. I looked down realizing I was still in Theos grasp, I took my hand placing it behind my back and blushing. 'Dang it, how is he gonna react, is he going to yell?' So you do care how he would react to our mate. I could feel heat rising up my neck. Knew you would want to be with him. 'Shut it Sabrina!' I bit back, but she was right. He had me wrapped around his finger, but a part of me went back to my past memories. We were pretty inseparable, plus I did have that huge crush. By now my face had to be red. I looked up to see my fathers face and awaited his reaction.

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