Chapter 6

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Theo POV

I went to Derick's office thinking he would be there, as soon as I reached the door I just walked in and found a fuming Alpha. I couldn't blame him, I was angry as well, this whole time a pack of low lives had my childhood friend and mate. The memories of her being captured tried to run through my head but I quickly pushed them away. I looked at Derick to see him glaring at me.

"Knocking exists for a reason you know." Derick was not happy, yeah, maybe I should have knocked but I know he would have told me to scat.

"Yeah, but you wouldn't have let me in." I simply said as I crossed my arms and casually took the seat in front of his desk. He huffed in reply. "Look, I know you're angry, I am as well, but we can't be like this around Abby. I can tell she is struggling trusting us at the moment and she has been through so-" I was quickly cut off from him slamming his hands on the table standing up.

"You don't think I know!" He ran a hand through his hair. "We looked for her for so long, and finally everyone just gave up, they thought she was either dead or being taken care of since we couldn't track her or smell her blood anywhere! Now we found out she has been treated horrible by a small pack that we could have taken on!" He sat down with a sigh, "But considering they know of her healing powers, they must know of the prophecy, they won't be just letting her go, they are going to come for her."

"And when they do we will be ready to attack, no one is taking my mate." I could feel my wolf growl, he was just as angry and not willing to let her out of our grasp. I wasn't happy about the idea of her being chased.

"Theo calm down, there is no way I'm letting my sister go... not again." I could hear Derick whisper the end, I know he was just as upset. I sighed and took a deep breath as he continued. "I guess we should come up with a plan to keep her safe." I just nodded in agreement and we talked.

Abigail POV

I woke up panicked when I didn't recognize the room I was in, I quickly looked around for an exit before remembering the whole situation. I was in Theo's room, I looked out the window to see nightfall had taken over. It felt weird, being concerned about or even cared about. They searched for me and I don't even remember them, it sucks I wish I had all my memories now, and as if on cue, my head got a slight throb. I wonder what our mate is up to. Sabrina purred, I grumbled, 'I swear if you only keep thinking about our mate I'm shutting you out for good and won't let you run for a week!' She fake gasped, you wouldn't! Then she laughed..., ugh I hate how she is always right, she knows I love to take runs. Then I heard a knock on the door throwing me out of my thoughts, they are here aren't they. I knew freedom wouldn't last long, "come in!" I quickly got up and bowed my head before the door opened. I heard someone walking in before they stopped abruptly and gasped.

"Are you ok, oh to Selena I hope you are, or the Alpha will kill me." I then felt a hand on my shoulder before I looked up to see a man abou 5'10 with black hair. "Oh thank the goddess you are ok, You are right?" I nodded but was confused. We aren't in the pack anymore. Oh right, I stood up straighter before the male removed his hand and continued. "Great, oh and my name is Ethan, I'm the beta of the Lunar Knights. I came to take you downstairs for dinner."

My stomach growled. I look up in embarrassment, "Well I guess I didn't know I was hungry till now." This seemed to get a laugh out of the Beta before he led me out the room where I saw a woman about 5'8 with dark brown hair who smiled at me.

"Hello, my name is Hallie, I'm Alpha Theo's beta of the Crescent Moon pack." She said with a smile but I was all but smiles, a growl erupted from the back of my throat as I smelled my mate's familiar pine forest scent and both the betas surrounding me eyes opened wide as they stared at me and backed up. I felt jealous of this woman and didn't even know why. Because she is the second in command of our mate! She must be close to him, meaning she is way too close to my mate! 'Our mate thank you very much!' My eyes widened for a split second before I shook it off glaring at Hallie again. Seems like you have accepted him~ 'Oh shut it Sabrina' "Alpha!" I heard Hallie yell worried before two people came running up the stairs.

"What's wrong-" Theo looked at me as I was death glaring at Hallie, while she was wide eyed and scared, he reacted immediately. He ran over to me bringing me into a hug and he held me as he spoke, "Just calm down Abby, you don't have to worry." I growled again.

"I can smell you on her!" I quickly said, but more of my wolf was saying it as I tried to push away. I was angry and he was just pushing it aside. He then chuckled as he let go and pulled my chin up to look at him.

"Because she is my Beta. There's nothing going on, but your jealous side is kinda cute." He winked at me as he smirked. My eyes widened, as I blushed. I frowned and looked away, yeah I should've realized that but he didn't have to say the last part. Plus he and her was still close at times, I couldn't stomach it.

"Right, sorry." I was still angry, I was not comfortable with my mate's scent on anyone else, especially a female. Then my stomach growled and I looked up sheepishly. "I think I'm hungry."

Him and Derick both just laughed, "I think we can tell, it's great to see that part of you is still there, this time you're not allowed near my plate." I looked at Derick confused, "You used to always be hungry, you ate like a pig and somehow never gained a pound, you also always stole my food." He frowned as he pointed a finger at me accusingly.

Theo laughed even more, "Yeah I remember that I also remember when Derick left to get something one time and left his plate while my pack was visiting and you ended up eating all of his food. When he came back he was so angry and you just blew it off like nothing happened before running as you teased him about how good it was." He laughed some more before wiping a tear from his face. I frowned and looked down. He grabbed my hands causing me to look up, "What's wrong?"

I sighed, "Those memories sound so great, I just wish I could remember like yall." Him and Derick both smiled.

"You will eventually Abby." Then we all heard two people coughing to get our attention, I looked to see the two Betas still there, whoops, I kinda forgot about them.

"Oh right, sorry about that, I just was angry smelling him on you Beta Hallie" I replied, maybe she will keep some distance knowing he is my mate.

I heard her giggle slightly nervous, "It's ok Luna, I would have been mad if I smelled my mate on another female, so it's understandable, and it's just Hallie, no need to be formal."

I smiled, "Then just call my Abigail, I'm no Luna." At least she understood from my point of view. Maybe we can be friends after all.

Theo grabbed my hand and I looked up at him, "you will be eventually." It hit me like a bowling ball to the face, I'm a mate to an Alpha, I started to panic. As if sensing the panic Theo smiled at me, "It's ok, you'll be a great Luna." I nodded hoping he was right, but I pushed that aside for another time before I smiled looking at everyone who I hoped I could call family in the future.

"Let's go eat! I'm starving and my head is killing me, no more jibber jabber until we get food!" I yelled running down the stairs. I'm actually being allowed to eat, no one will stop me! Wait, I then realized I had no idea where I was going and stopped. I then heard Theo and Derick laugh behind me.

"This way." Derick playfully bowed and pointed as he laughed. We all headed to the kitchen where I could see food already sitting on the table. I was hesitant at first but Theo pulled me over and seated me then took the seat next to me. Everyone else took their seats before Derick raised his glass, "To the return of my dear sister Abigail!" Then the other three repeated. If this was a dream, I definitely didn't want to wake up. Especially with this amazing smell of food as well. Little did I know this happy and fun time would go on pause for a few weeks.

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