Chapter 15

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Abigail POV

I melted at the touch of our lips. It was as if fireworks erupted through my body, and it felt amazing. Nothing in my entire life compared to this feeling. It made me happy and Serena as well. Before I knew it we were pulling apart gasping for air.

After catching my breath my eyes went wide with realization, we just kissed. Theo and I just kissed! I turned around, fanning my face slightly as heat rose and settled on my face. No doubt about it, I was beet red. I did not want to face Theo, I don't know if my brain could take it nor my heart. I was overexerted in happiness. As I began to breathe and calm myself down I felt the lingering presence of Theo behind me still, he hadn't moved at all. I slightly turned my head to see him and he had his hand to his lips and was smiling. That meant it was good right? Not bad? Oh gosh what if I'm a bad kisser! I looked away in a bit of a panic frenzy. I mean he definitely was not but what about me! I have never kissed anyone so I don't know how to kiss! Wait, has he kissed anyone before? My panic diminished as it was replaced with my slumped shoulders and saddened emotion. The atmosphere changed as I began to ponder on the question.

"Abby? Is something wrong? Was that too far?" Theo's voice had a slight fear in it as my eyes widened. I turned around and reached for his hands quickly grabbing them.

"No! No, you did not do anything wrong!" I blushed a little more as I said this and took a deep breath and looked down. "Have- Have you ever, maybe, um... kissed anyone before?" My voice lingered in the end, but I was still surprised in myself for being brave enough to ask, but I feared the answer. My hands slightly squeezed his as he stilled at my question. I sighed and let go of his hands as he didn't say anything. "I feared so..." I began to walk past him as tears started to form, I don't know why this affects me so much but it does. I was beginning to head back into the woods when he grabbed me and pulled me back around to face him. Startled, I looked back into his eyes as a few tears started down my face. His eyes held a sincerity I was not expecting , he gave me a look that I didn't understand as he began to speak.

"That's what saddened you?" He asked me and I frowned as my eyes pricked. I nodded my head in response. "Abby I have never kissed anyone in my life until just now!" He exclaimed as he wiped my tears and my face eased from the frown. He then continued on, "The day I discovered what a mate was I vowed to myself that I would never kiss anyone until I found them. They would be my first kiss and my one true love, my world. I would wait for however long I had to. I would stand by their side and help them in any way. I would be the mate they needed. I will be the mate you need Abs."

My eyes watered with more tears, but this time the tears were of pure joy. I never knew how much a mate truly cared or what they were like. I never knew how much they could mean until now. I am so thankful to Selena for having him. I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled my head in his chest as he held me. "I'll be the same for you as well Theo. Well, I will try." I was happy that my mate was someone good from my past and hopes he hasn't changed much.

After a while of talking and holding each other by the water we headed back to the house hand in hand and smiling ear to ear. It was noon now and as we entered the house I saw mom lecturing dad and Derik. They both looked mad, sad, and irritated all at once, I giggled at the sight of this.

"- so you are not allowed to keep them separated." That was when I realized what mom was talking about and began to turn around to leave, this is embarrassing. Mom then turned around with a smile, "hello my little love birds." I stopped my escape and turned with a smile back with embarrassment written across my face, "hi mom." That's when a thought hit me that needed to be discussed as well as change the subject as well as many other things.

"Um... can you sit on the couch, everyone actually, please?" Everyone faced me as I looked down and wrung my hands together but they took a seat anyway. "I have to tell you all something that is going to change the future of werewolves." I took a breath before looking up and facing them and the truth. "The goddess Selena visited me last night. I am part of a prophecy that is going to fix our society." There I said it loud and blunt, get it out the way. The room went silent and this time I had absolutely no idea how things would turn out. Hopefully they turn out well and we solve all these issues with ease, but something tells me it will not be as easy as I wish.

After a few moments of silence I clasp my hands together. "Well, I'm hungry." With that I then headed to the kitchen to fill my stomach with much needed nourishment.

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