Chapter 21

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Abigail POV

We pulled up to what I assume was a restaurant. It was quite fancy and stylish.

The black exterior with red lining screamed that at me. Theo came over to my door and let me out. He then held his arm out for me to grasp and I did willingly. We met up with my parents and Derik at the front.

"So, what do you think Abs?" Derik asked me as he held out his hands towards the entrance. The doors swung to let a couple out.

"I love it, but couldn't we just have partied at home?" I tilted my head. It would have made the most sense.

Theo shook his head and my mother spoke up, "nope, you have been locked up in the pack grounds for a while, it's time to get out. Even when you were little you never had a chance to leave the grounds."

I smiled at her as I sighed. We began walking in and I could smell the delicious aroma of food and was sold. Theo chuckled and gave me a knowing look. I proceeded to roll my eyes. I was so captured in the smell of food mixed with Theo's scent I didn't realize we were already at our table. I didn't even notice our host, but saw it was a guy as he left and told us our waitress would be with us soon.

It was a rectangle table, Theo and I on one side, the rest of the family on the other.

"This place smells terrific!" I opened the conversation so there was no awkward silence.

"Right! I have high hopes for this place!" Derik and I joined the conversation about the potential greatness of the food while Theo laughed and rested his arm across my shoulders.

"Hello there, my name is Leanne, and I will be your waitress today." A voice broke up Derik and my conversation and I looked up to see a typical looking blonde-haired woman with brown eyes. She was probably around 5'5 in height and looked like someone who flaunted their body. This gave me a bad feeling and I held Sabrina down as I shook my head. She is human, she is weak, and there is no point because you can tell by Theo's arm on me, we are together. I smiled as I tuned in.

"Abby, what would you like?" I looked to Theo who had a questioning glint in his eyes, asking if I was ok.

"Oh, sorry, I would like... um... sprite?" She wrote it down then looked back up to Theo with a smile. I did not like this.

"And you Hun?" Theo responded with the same order as me. Sabrina was on the edge as the waitress lingered. I placed a kiss on Theo's cheek and rested my head on his shoulders, she finally left.

"Sweetheart, are you ok?" I looked to my mom across the table who looked concerned as well. Now that I look everyone looks concerned except Derik, he wore a smirk.

Confused, I nodded and continued on looking at the menu, ribs looked the most promising and I was excited. I look up to see the blonde headed our way again and groan, she was making me slightly angry. Theo kissed the top of my head in a reassuring way as she arrived.

She set our drinks down and handed Theo his as she skimmed her hand on his arms. "Wow you have muscle." She then proceeded to giggle. I look at her glaring.

"I know right, he is so great I am so lucky to have him all to myself." I ended it with a smile at her and she did not look fazed but continued on with a flirtatious gesture.

"I am afraid you are making my girlfriend uncomfortable so please stop." She sighed as she looked at me scanning me up and down and smirked as she left saying she forgot her pad.

Grabbing my fork to hold on to something I did not realize what was happening until Theo covered my hand and whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine.

"It is ok, I am yours and no one else. Breathe you don't want anyone seeing your strength." He proceeded to take the fork from my hand as he kissed the side of my head, and I realized I had bent it, my bad.

Theo calmly bent the fork back and set it on the table as he continued to hold on to my hand.

That woman needs to back off. 'I know Sabrina, just calm down, you heard Theo.' She grumbled at me, and I looked up to Derik smirking still and I glared.



"Well, it is obviously something you won't quit smirking at me."

He proceeded to laugh and wave it off. I was about to get up and say something when I sensed the lingering scent again. I spotted the waitress in the corner of my eye, wait did she undo some of her top buttons?

"Sorry about that, I just get so caught up sometimes. So, before I take your orders, I would like to point out some of our specials." Then she proceeded to bend down and angled in front of Theo.

That's it.

Derik POV

I laugh, seeing Abigail get so worked up over the waitress was amusing and I could tell her wolf was upset as well. I see her look up and I turn to see the waitress. I wonder how long until she causes my sister to snap. Constantly Abby's eyes go black and normal, I could tell she was fighting her wolf. Leanne gets to our table finally with her pad to take our orders, I then notice. She opened her top with two buttons, well this would not take long, too bad. I sigh, I really wanted a nice dinner with my sister.

She bends down enough to show Theo the menu but purposely puts her chest out to show her size on display. I glance at my mom and father to see them mentally sighing they knew this would end badly as well. Just as Abby catches this her eyes go black.

Shit, this might get bad.

The next thing I see is her flying over Theo swinging at the same time. Abby gets a good punch on the girl sending her straight down, maybe out cold. Theo catches Abigail throwing her over his shoulder and leaves the waitress on the ground. Fighting Abby to calm down as he came to realize this was causing a scene. He throws me back a glance of 'I will take her home and deal with this.' I nod with a laugh as he carries her out the door kicking and screaming, she wants to keep going. Though all of us knew if she did there would be only one live person left.

As the doors shut behind them, Abigail flipping off the waitress, I looked to my parents and the three of us busted out laughing. She was never a calm kid; figures she still had her fighting spirit. I am so happy I finally got my sister back.

Now to deal with an upcoming angry manager.

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