Chapter 3

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I saw a girl trip that looked familiar, but I wasn't sure why, what I did know is she wasn't from the pack but she didn't smell like a rouge, though she was still trespassing. Just as I was about to take action I did smell rouges and linked with the patrol from the pack that was nearby 'we've got rouges, hurry and get over here'. I finally spotted them, there were three, I then watched as they started to approach the girl. The pack just then arrived, 'attack those three now' I linked with them and pointed towards the three rogues, I decided I would deal with the girl myself. The girl looked frightened, so I stepped out and began approaching her when I noticed how similar we looked. The only thing that came to mind was my twin sister Abigail that was taken from me and Theo in the woods when I was six. "Abigail?" I didn't mean to but her name slipped from my mouth, questionable. Her eyes widened at the name and she began yelling, "No" I stopped and she continued before I could say anything, "Don't take me back, I can't go back, he'll kill me!" I didn't understand what she meant, what did she mean by he would kill her. She had tears running down her face, she was definitely terrified. She stood up and I could feel Theo walking up, I turned to him and he seemed to have the same thought as me that it could be my sister Abigail, or so I thought. He then frowned and muttered something, I turned to look at the girl only to see her falling and her eyes fluttering shut. "Abigail!" Me and Theo both ran for her but he caught her wrapping his arms around her.

"Mine." I froze, did he just say mine? Either that or there is something wrong with our ears. I could hear my wolf saying. So he heard it too. I looked back to the pack, "Someone get the pack doctor here now!" I ordered. "Yes, Alpha '' they all replied and two headed off while the rest restrained the rogues who are still fighting against them. I then looked back to Theo confused and began walking towards him, "Theo, you ok?" He then rubbed his head into her neck and I stopped, before I could question anything he spoke up.

"It really is Abigail, Derick." I heard Theo say as he looked up at me, "And she's my mate." I froze, not only was my sister back, but my best friend, well used to be her best friend as well, was her mate. Memories came flooding back from when she was taken. We searched high and low for her but could never find her, it tore Theo, my parents, the pack, and me apart. We continued to look but after a few years everyone began to assume she was either killed or died. There was still no evidence of that so Theo, my parents, and I held on to the belief she was still alive, and now here she is. I dropped to the ground and a few tears of happiness and relief escaped my eyes.


About a half hour later the pack doctor showed up and looked at us confused, I was glad I wasn't crying anymore. By now the rogues were restrained and taken to the prison. I stood up and straightened myself out, "She needs to be checked and treated right away," I demanded and pointed towards Abigail. The doctor walked up and tried to check on her but Theo growled and glared at him. "Theo, she has to be checked on now!" His glare shifted to me then back to the doctor, he reluctantly let the doctor check on her but watched him closely.

"She needs to be taken somewhere to rest, she's exhausted and looks malnourished." The doctor said after about five minutes. It was true, she was pale, I didn't even notice before. That's when I remembered she hit her head and seemed out of it.

"She hit her head when she was running from the rouges, do you think that will affect anything?" He looked in thought for a moment before checking her head.

"She may need to be watched closely. It could have caused a concussion, if you take her to the pack infirmary there will be a bed ready for her." He looked at Theo, then me and we both nodded. The doctor got up and walked away, leaving Theo, Abigail, and I. Theo started slowly picking Abigail up with both of his arms and looked at me. I nodded and we started heading towards the infirmary.

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