Chapter 26

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Abigail POV

     I reach the open area Selena was in and she points to her side. "Grow a tree."

     I look at her dumbfounded, "I am sorry, did you just say to grow a tree?" She nods and I look to the side she pointed. I frown, I have only grown vines from vines that were there already. I can not just create something out of nothing. So what am I supposed to do?

     "You are right." I look up, startled, and frustrated at the thought that I feel like I have no privacy in my head. She gave a slight apology before continuing with the lesson at hand, proving my point. "You can not make something out of nothing, and that will go to all elements. I am glad I do not have to teach that part, thought I would have to explain why you can not make something out of nothing. Looks like I get to go a step ahead."

     "Wait, maybe not, what do you mean for all elements?" I stepped forward with my hand out and she gave me a widened expression. I understand the earth, but how can I create fire or water?

     "Well looks like you caught on quick, I will tell you this but then we focus on one element at a time." I nodded at her words, Sabrina's proudness could be felt from miles away. However, questions filled my mind. Though it looks like this will all be one step at a time. "Every element is a part of nature, including fire." She raised her hands and water began creeping up and out of the ground around us. Swirling her hand the water dropped and wind picked up blowing our hair and clothes to the west or what I am guessing to be west. "Water is always somewhere, even in the ground, air is all around us." She lowered her hands as I nod in understanding, "Earth is typically below us, even as seeds." A flower sprouted up from the ground. "And fire", her hand slightly closed before opening with a flame, "is different parts together and you will ignite it. Do you understand?" That one is interesting and slightly confusing, but I know we will get to it later.

     I nodded, "the elements are around us but we use it to form it?"

     She tilted her head slightly side to side, "basically yes, or for earth we help move things faster or bend, well yeah form it, shape it." She sat criss crossed on the ground. "Now that we got that out the way, what do you feel? Well feel beneath you?"

     I looked down at my feet frowning, "I feel the grass?"

     There was silence before she sighed. "Further, mentally not literally"

     I took a deep breath, and listened, reaching out mentally like I did when I ran. I closed my eyes searching. The ground had voices, new ones, old ones. Different types of things, warm and cold ones. Some things had a louder and bigger presence. Some of them seemed closed and ready to be free and expand. "I feel... life and... I don't really know how to explain."

     "Like the beginning of something?"

     I opened my eyes and looked to Selenas emerald ones. "Yeah, the beginning of life, some that are ending as well."

     "Good, now hone into one, something that will become big, a seed of a tree, and grow it. Give it power to grow."

     I gave a tight smile with a nod. "Possibly the ones that seem ready to pop?" She nodded at me. Closing my eyes I searched and found a seed that seemed the biggest. 'Grow.' Then waited. I slightly opened one eye to see if anything happened, but there was no change at all and Selena was frowning.

     "I said power, not tell it. You have to feed it, you will feel it. Try placing your hand out, or remember times you have done it before but on a bigger scale."

     I sighed and placed my hand out, eyes closed. 'Okay, I have to feel it, give it power. Like usual' I found the seed again and imagined it growing a force feeding it. I felt a sensation crawling over my skin down my arm, I have felt it before but this time it felt more draining. As if energy was leaving me to the seed. It felt as if it was growing and when I opened my eyes after a minute I looked to see a tree was growing. Though I was getting tired.

     "Good, that was it, did you feel it?"

     I nodded.

     "We are going to do that a few more times, but you do not have to give it an overflowing amount of energy like you did."

     I scrunch my face, one from the fact I am going to be tired, two questioning what she said. "I control the flow?"

     "Yes you can and you will learn how over time and practice. Though in the world out there it may feel slightly different, you lose more energy here since some is used to keep you here, so you tire faster. Remember how you used it before, for example when you ran."

     I nod but then think about what she said. "This isn't a dream?" I look at her confused, was this place not a dream state as I originally thought?

     Selena paused and looked at Sabrina who covered her head as if saying 'don't look at me'. She sighed and looked back to me, "This is a realm where I can meet with you, it is no dream, which is why you will feel the effects when you wake up. As time goes by slower here you also get much more practice. However things are not set and stone here besides the willow tree and field. It is as if your soul is in two places at once, it would drain you immensely if you were awake which is why we meet when you sleep. "

     "So I don't actually sleep."

     Selena looked to the side sheepishly, "You get a few hours..."

     "This is why I am tired when I wake up from this place isn't it."

     She shrugged her shoulders with an innocent smile and I frowned with a sigh, this was going to be a rough time.

     "Alright now do this 50 more times!" Cheering, she threw her hands up.

     I am going to die.

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