Chapter 2

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     Sabrina's plan wasn't safe nor did it sound easy. Honestly I had no idea if it would have a slight chance of being successful either, but she insisted it would succeed as long as I put full trust into her and my abilities. It's not that I don't trust her, but sometimes it leads to worse consequences, then thinking about that, I don't see how it could get worse because I'm supposed to be killed soon. Though at the same time, I knew that I would have to be stronger when the chance came or my future will be eradicated.


'What do you suppose Sabrina' The first part is quite simple, we wait till they take us to where they plan to kill us. I could feel the blood drain from my face and I knew Sabrina could tell as well. Ok, yeah, that sounds bad, but just hear me out- I cut her off, 'That just doesn't sound bad, but a huge death wish if I've ever heard one Sabrina!' I yelled at her as I felt anxiety rise through my body, 'I thought you were planning on escaping this place, not leading us to our deaths.' Well if you would listen for a gosh darn minute maybe you would understand something for once in your life! I heard Sabrina snap back at me, I shrunk back. Ok now that you are listening, once we get out there, the guards will most likely have us restrained on the way to the spot where they kill all the people in private, upon arrival, you're gonna use our special connection to nature to get us out of here. You're more comfortable in the woods anyways. I could feel her smiling proudly, and for some reason I feel she has had this plan locked up for a long time. 'Were you expecting something like this to happen to us.' I said, frowning. Maybe... So much for having her believe in me, I sighed as I calmed down. 'So what then?' We run, and don't stop. I know, crazy amazing plan right? I could hear her sarcasm before she became serious. Look, they won't let us go so easily, so we need to get as far away as possible, maybe many states away, but we can't run into any packs. We are gonna end up as rouges, and no pack treats them kindly; we are on our own for now on. Look at it this way though, no harsh treatments, no being pushed around or used; we are gonna be free at last, and I'll be there every step of the way, we can do this. With just those last few words a spark lit inside me, I'll be happy once and for all. Or I will die, there was no other way.

~end flashback~

The guards came in maybe four hours later and looked into my cell straight at me. I gave it one last shot, "I didn't do anything, Dylan tried to-" They cut me off.

"Like we would believe you. You are a useless piece of trash, the only reason to keep you would be for your healing techniques, which is why the Alpha decided not to kill you, but we are taking you for a beating and the Alpha is the one who is going to do it." At first I was relieved to hear I wouldn't be killed, then my heart sank and the blood drained from my face. The plan was for them to take me to the woods, what would we do now that things had changed. As well as anytime the Alpha beat someone they were lucky to survive, I only knew this cause I've been through it, I was in a coma for a week. It's basically just like death, you just didn't die. He snickered seeing my reaction, "Then afterwards you get to come back to this lovely cell that will now be your home." The other guards snickered as he said that and opened the cell. I became angry and I could feel my wolf surfacing.

A growl erupted from my chest and the guard stopped for a moment with a surprised look before it just as quickly washed away. He snickered before grabbing my wrist, "Looks like the girl found her bite. Too late for that now."

Just you wait fuckass, you haven't seen nothing yet. I heard Sabrina say and I agreed with her. I don't have any idea where my confidence was coming from, though it probably all had to do with Sabrina. 'Sabrina what do we do now, we won't be killed. Maybe we shouldn't run.' There's no way in hell we are going through that beating again, we are escaping, that's final! I heard her snarl, I knew she would take over if I didn't and she was right, we can't go through that beating again, we may not survive that again. As well as we needed out, we needed better, this was not our home. They always treated us as trash when we were all supposed to be family, but they single me out. Thinking the truth hurt more than anything, will I ever find people who care?

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