Chapter 11

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Sabrina's POV

Abby could tell something was off and I knew, but when she asked I couldn't tell her either. I was not allowed to reveal anything until She showed herself. Once Abigail remembered everything, I had finally been able to contact Her. She was happy to say the least to finally hear from me, apparently she had been trying to contact me for a while, the time has come. I worried though, Abby has not learned much of her powers, barely even touched them. Though I know deep down Abby will catch on quickly, she is smart, reliable, and worthy of who she truly is and will become. My hope is that Abby will not be angry with me, but I know eventually she should understand. Now all I can do is wait until She brings us back to her presence and tells Abby everything.

Once I had finally found out when She was going to show herself to Abby I turned back to the world and Abby's view. I hated the way I must have been treating Abby for her to think she is not worthy of me. She is the best person I could have ever been meant for. She was created for me as I was for her. I could hear her worries and sadness and I hated it, I hate all that we had been put through but thankfully it will be better and tonight she will know. As Abby turned in for the night I reassured her once more and waited for us to appear in the garden.

Abigail POV

Opening my eyes I look up to see the willow tree from my special place. Scrunching my eyebrows I sit up and look next to me to find no Sabrina, that is even more weird. First I am back here again after years of not being here twice now and now Sabrina is missing. In a panic I quickly get up and move past the curtains of willow branches and squinting my eyes. It is way brighter than usual which causes my eye to readjust. I looked around in hopes of finding her until I finally spotted her in the distance, but she was not alone. Beside her stood a gorgeous woman, maybe 5'10, with long flowing white hair, she was in a white dress that flowed in the wind and she seemed to be talking to Sabrina. That's when her ears perked up and Sabrina turned her head towards me, she seemed to be smiling. After that the lady looked towards Sabrina before turning her head and body towards me with a huge smile. Her Emerald eyes held a joy I have never seen before, and on the side of her right eye a gray crescent moon surrounded it. I didn't realize she was walking towards me as I studied her until I realised she was about three feet in front of me.

Her eyes shined as her melodic voice spoke, "oh my dear child, you have grown so much since I had last seen you!" With that she hugged me tightly as a mother would. After she released me I looked at her confused until it hit me.

When I was little, before I was ever taken I had come to this place in my sleep. I looked at her and remembered that as I played with Sabrina and a woman was there watching us and told me stories before I would awake again.

"You're that lady who was with me as a kid!" I pointed and then frowned. "Who exactly are you?" I looked at her accusingly and she laughed. She walked past me and moved some of the willow branches to walk inside beckoning me along and I followed.

As we sat down she spoke again, "Did I ever tell you the story of wolves and their partners?" I cocked my head to the side as I thought.

"You mean like mates? I already know about them though." I said in a kinda duh tone. Sabrina shook her head in disappointment and I could not understand what was going on. The woman laughed a little at both our actions.

"It is not her fault Sabrina" she sighed before looking at me again, "no not that, I mean like yours and Sabrina's partnership." I must have looked confused as she smiled. "Well then how about I get to it. What do you know about how you get your wolf?"

After thinking I spoke again, "well that the goddess Selena grants each of us a wolf as we are born." That was what everyone knew, we are taught that as kids so we understand our wolves better.

"Kind of yes, but no." I stopped in my thinking as she said this and waited for her to continue. "As you are manifesting in your mothers womb you appear to the goddess, as you come a wolf's spirit will awaken and bond with you. Then that spirit will begin to manifest in you as you grow older. Such as you grow in your mothers womb."

I looked at her as if she lost it but she continued to smile, as if understanding my confusion. "Yes, you have seen your wolf since you were small and able to understand things here in this place. That is because you are special, and chosen." She paused as if trying to let it settle before continuing. "What no one knows is that the Goddess herself had a wolf that was her company but was special. This wolf would one day find the person who was worthy of her and her powers for a certain destiny. The day you came along, not one wolf spirit reacted to you, but all of them. They did not awake but the goddess knew something was up, when she had come up to you along with her wolf." She looked towards Sabrina who was also looking at her. "Sabrina had spoken up saying you were the one who would save the race of werewolves. Though I am sorry I could do nothing to save or get to you after they had taken you." The woman looked down and that was when it clicked, she had said I.

I jumped up to my feet pointing. "You are the Goddess!" She nodded looking up slightly and I bowed, surprising her.

"No child, please do not bow. Are you not mad at me for what happened?" She asked as if she wanted me to be.

"No, I am not, yes it was horrible but I had Sabrina." The woman smiled before I frowned. I remember the words she had said before as it slowly settled in my confused mix brain. "What do you mean save the race?" She sighed.

"There is a prophecy from long ago, The one with powers will be born, The wolf of white no other color, Granted special by the goddess herself, A pack will be the strongest , Ruler of their kind, Connected to all by mind and soul, With a heart that all will bow, But beware the powers great and strong, For all will seek due to corruptions peak" She spoke of the prophecy in a mysterious dark way that sent chills down my back and a horrible feeling laid in the back of my mind.

"That prophecy is about you."

After she said that all I could think was one thing.


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